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RE: How To Get Goosebumps? Read and Listen...

in #music7 years ago

Yep, the movie is super and as you write in your review, not the traditional SyFy movie, and that is what I like of this one. Bringing ideas what we cannot proof scientifically at the moment in a way it is not about action at all. Didn't know the director also directed the new Blade Runner! I saw that one in the cinema, and loved it! Well, loved the original Blade Runner as well! :)


I recommend from Denis Villeneuve also the movies Prisoners (2013), Enemy (2013), Incendies (2010), Sicario (2015), Polytechnique (2009) in fact all his films almost, i didn't see Maelstrom (2000) and August 32nd on Earth (1998).

Thanks, will check all these movies; Sicario I also know and seen and liked it really much.