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RE: How To Get Goosebumps? Read and Listen...

in #music7 years ago

The soundtrack is amazing and the movie is one of the best from 2016 and I had the opportunity to see it in the cinema with my brother and my mother.
Here is my old review about the movie


Yep, the movie is super and as you write in your review, not the traditional SyFy movie, and that is what I like of this one. Bringing ideas what we cannot proof scientifically at the moment in a way it is not about action at all. Didn't know the director also directed the new Blade Runner! I saw that one in the cinema, and loved it! Well, loved the original Blade Runner as well! :)

I recommend from Denis Villeneuve also the movies Prisoners (2013), Enemy (2013), Incendies (2010), Sicario (2015), Polytechnique (2009) in fact all his films almost, i didn't see Maelstrom (2000) and August 32nd on Earth (1998).

Thanks, will check all these movies; Sicario I also know and seen and liked it really much.