
Many of the influences that could cause a relationship failed I will give one example of couples who no longer have sex will feel distant and even really keep away from each other because there is no emotional bonds are strengthened in between the two. If you've put it this way, do not consider trivial because it would be bad if the marriage took place at life in a long time
It's one of the example I mentioned above many other causes such as economic problems of personality is not the same

Science of happy marriage

What is the reason that the marital life of some couples remains the same as after the years of marriage? Some couples get separated after some time of marriage but for some couples, they become bonds of births.

A marriage is based on "belief" and "commitment". To be attracted to the person of the opposite sex is in our genes, but to control your emotions depends on genetics and other factors, and this is also the science of successful marriage.

Some men and women can cheat their partner, but some couples are able to keep the "physical attraction of the opposite sex" limited. What happens to this? To find the answer to this question, many researchers are researching their own ways. The answer to this question is linked to genetics and biology from psychology and there is a need to undertake intensive study on this.

The results of research done so far show that some people are naturally conscious of 'attraction'. But with this, the brain can be trained for this too.

According to the news of the New York Times, John Lidon of McGill University conducted a survey on this topic. Through the survey it was known that the effect of "momentary adverse attraction" on the lives of ideal couples is affected.

Some committed married men and women were selected for this survey and they were shown photos of people of the opposite sex, and they were told to identify the beautiful persons. These people obviously chose the people who can be considered to be beautiful. A few days later these people were shown the same pictures again and the same question was asked, but this time it was said that the people selected from the photographs would also like to meet you. This time these people gave fewer points to those photographs which were earlier given more marks.

That is, the minds of these people are trained in such a way that it attracts the attractive person of the opposite sex, but as soon as they feel that because of that person their marital life can be in danger, "so much so Not a beautiful "alarm.

Well there may be many reasons. Some of the reasons which I can understand are the following:
Materialistic: We have become more materialistic now a days as compared to past.
Compromising: couples are less compromising these days
Ego: we are having more ego issues as compared to our parents
Demanding: our demands now a days are very high.
Flexibility: we have less flexibility in our relations.

I believe most marriages don't last long for two reasons:

  1. People rush into it not well-prepared, believing marriage is all fairytale like its portrayed in movies.

When the challenges come up, they are unable to cope hence, the breakup.

  1. For selfish reasons. People rush into marriage for their personal or selfish gains and not because they have genuine love for their partner.

If for any reason, the benefit they're getting disappears, it becomes almost impossible to stick around.