
I am a recent android convert. The reason is very simple - for me what I use is defined by what I can have and not what I want.

I will argue that iOS has been a really awesome companion for last four years but there were occasions where I struggled with the lack of free apps, On the other hand I found that there is no dearth of free apps on android. So my latest Samsung Galaxy might not be as easy to use as my iPhone but I have a much larger variety of apps to select from.

Once you get used with android you'll see how much of a difference it makes in customization.

Yeah, you are right about that. This is my second month using android and I can already notice the great amount of adjustments I can make to my specifications. Quite great actually! I should have mentioned that in my answer as well :-)

I'd choose the android over iPhone everyday. For me, it's not all about the luxury or the trending thing but if the device can meet my need.

I've always loved to be able to do extra things with my device. I mean those things that ordinary users cannot do.

For example,in the days when Symbian was king, I could modify my phone (Nokia E63 then) to boot up with windows 7 sound, I could edit the themes beyond what the original developers had imagined and lots more. I like that kind of flexibility. Android, to an extent, gives us that kind of freedom.

Sadly, I can't say the same with ios. It's rigid and one can only do as it was designed. I'd become bored all too soon.

I've never used an iPhone and prolly, I never will. Well, not with my money.

My pick is forever android phone. Because it's cheaper than iPhone with same performance even better. Android is more costumezible. It's freedom for adventurers. You can download anything from the internet unlike ios. If the app which you're looking isn't available on Play Market you can find apk version of the app easily from the web.