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What's your thoughts about ICO?

ICO had been booming since last year, however more than 80% of them are scams. Currently, South Korea, China and India "ban" ICO, therefore do you still think that ICO should be the way for crypto related project to get funded?

ICO, like any other instruments, are just a means to raise funds or build publicity on the side of the issuer, as well as an investment opportunity on the side of the investor.

There are tons of compliance and regulation when it comes to IPO and Series Funding. ICO represents an "easier" to raise funds via cryptocurrency since technically the blockchain is borderless. There are scams on both sides of the argument. Only that perhaps because of decades of enforcement and regulation, non-ICO fund raising scams are way less simple than most ICO scams.

Take Theranos for example. Despite all the regulations and compliance issues that Elizabeth Holmes and her lawyers managed to overcome, It still ends up being revealed as a "Billion dollar scam". So the assumption that legal compliance translates to no-scam is dangerous. 

In many countries, people are locked out of investment opportunities because they lack the network or capital to do so. In the US, you literally are locked out of Series Funding investments if you aren't a millionaire (accredited investor) because SEC is "concerned that poor people can't make sound investments" (extreme paraphrasing here). The rich gets ample opportunities t get richer while the poor are legally banned to do the same thing.

ICO was envisioned to be a way to solve the capital rent in the investment industry. Startups can get funding opportunity from a larger pool of investors while people can invest any amount possible without government intervention and potentially get as much  percentage returns as millionaires. Ideally a win-win.

Reality isnt so beautiful though. The compliance and regulations were there in the first place to protect investors from scams and bad faith. Without the regulations, it's the Wild West. Anyone is free to do what they want and the only protection to the investors are their own wits.

It's too early to say whether anything good will come out of ICO, But over the past 10 years, the highest performing investments are all undisputedly ICOs. 


This is the sort of scenarios where the free market literally comes to play. Good investments makes overnight millionaires while bad investments leaves the investors with nothing. No one is there to interfere regardless if things went north or south. There's a funny saying where "the most you can lose is 100%, but there are no limits to the gains", obviously not a good advise. though it does shed light to what's going on in the ICO space.

On Whether ICO is the only way. Heck no.

We as Steemians are literally either seeing or participating in another crypto-alternatives to fund raising. recently (as of time of writing) just gotten a delegation of 400+k Steem Power. The sort of opportunities that comes with such a delegation is massive. And I can't state all the advantages of using delegation as a form of investment and fund raising mechanism as compared to direct capital investment.

And then there is crypto microloans, or even smart contract itself, where the possibilities are literally endless. Imagine a type of funding round that incorporates FOMO type smart contract in place of Series funding. Where people and firms can "place their bets" on each funding rounds where the funds gets unlocked only when the smart contract requirement is met. Would it work? I have no idea, but it shows what can be done.

What cryptocurrency is doing to finance is akin to how the internet changed the way we learn, or what automobiles did to transportation, or how farming changed the way humans look for food. Sounds grandiose as heck, but I am confident it's what we're seeing.

ICO has irreversibly changed how people look at the idea of fund raising. There will always be scams, and the scams will only get smarter. But the possibility of placing your money even if in minuscule amount as a show of faith and the ability to fund ones company without the restrictions of border is something that we cannot turn away from. it would serve the governments better not to outright ban such a powerful tool. Even doing so in itself might have political ramifications which is an entire different conversation.

An ICO is a horribly inefficient method for raising capital.  (I also believe most run afoul of U.S. securities laws, even if the SEC has not been aggressive at enforcement.)

In conventional venture capital, as bad as it may be in many ways, money invested is usually proportional to company progress.  A company gets a little investment to start-- a few million dollars, usually, or even less.  Then when it has success building a product or finding product-market fit, it can raise more money--- maybe tens of millions.  Finally, when the company is growing quickly and has proved its value, it can raise hundreds of millions in an IPO, or from large private equity investors.

ICOs almost uniformly squash all these tranches together. The founders get all the money up front. (And why wouldn't they?) They raise entirely on promise, not on results.  So if the idea doesn't work, or the token doesn't find an market, there has been enormous waste, compared to incremental funding.

There are other flaws, but I think this is the key one: fundraising happens all at once, without any proof of product-market fit.

(I wrote a more in-depth analysis of Filecoin on Steemit previously:

At this time, ICO is no longer as good as the old days, more and more emerging ICOs have made many projects fail, resulting in scams, big losses for investors and bounty hunters, prices not in line with expectations. Choosing a project that really works is very difficult at this time.

True, around 80% of them are scams and the only promises given by the ICO is via whitepaper which is not back by anything, which in this case the dev can just take money and run away.

ICO is a proven and effective method for kickstarting crypto projects, provided the product is in demand and the team that works on it is good. There are several similarities between the concept of Initial Public Offering and ICO. However, there are several key differences.

There are many possible benefits by participating in the ICO. What is clear is: You help companies launch their products. There is also an opportunity to make profit selling ICO tokens after you buy them. the main purpose of each ICO participant is to help fund a project that they think is interesting. However, there is an additional opportunity to benefit in the process.

You must remember that not all are guaranteed to be profitable. If the ICO campaign may fail and in one case, all contributions will be returned to the sender. Even if successful, there is a possibility that the developer cannot send the final product and the token price will never rise. This is the risk that all ICO participants must take into account when they decide to contribute to any campaign.

It's true that ICO manages to fund so much money, which might be like a honeypot for a lot of scams. I hope that the cryptocurrency culture will change then it would be a healthier growth overall for blockchain project.

ICO stands for Initial Coin Offering which means a start-up or team that is looking to run their project / project and use the ICO method to get funding (crowdfunding), by participating in ico by sending funds through the payment method specify that we will get tokens from the project.

Through the ICO method many advantages can be obtained:

Projects that are being planned can be quickly implemented and tried whether or not the project is successful

Can encourage the development / advancement of technology through ideas born of new start-ups that appear throughout the world

this year a number of companies and startups raised US $ 1.4 billion via ICO. The ICO itself is fundraising to build applications related to Blockchain and its implementation such as bitcoin, smart contracts, and smart ledgers.

Through this ICO World Tour forum, Blocktech aims to help the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency industries in Indonesia reach global standards, "Steven said in a statement on Wednesday (1/11/2017).

At the event Blocktech introduced Sebastian Quinn Watson from Blockchain Global Limited as a strategic partner with a number of partners from Indonesia, Australia, Canada and South Korea. Until now, Sebastian and the team managed to collect more than US $ 310 million in the sale of ICO tokens this year.

For information, Bitcoin and other currencies are built on technology called Blockchain. However, not many people know that Blockchain technology can be used for other uses, such as building a decentralized database.

On the same occasion, Hope Liu as CEO of Exchimchaim Singapore presented the function of the Blockchain used by his company to develop the supply chain industry.

Blockchain is also used Gregory Van Den Berg, CEO of MiCai in Beijing to facilitate compliance with regulations in the field of wealth management.

it's a trustbreaker but its been growing for years , before i got back on social networking i spent more time on steam to kill time that needed to die, a shameless way of making money on unfinished products with disclaimers that give you no guarantee whatsoever you're ever going to get anything

i didnt know they banned it there but as much as i'm against any kind of regulation by the government to "protect the people from itself" it might not be a bad idea for once

ofcourse, nothing should be just black & white, maybe they could consider an office to "apply" for ICO, where it can be revised to see if it has any chance at all or if it's just selling hot air to take the money and run.

and that, ofcourse brings it back to bureaucracy, unless they outsource it , in which case you get the same problem because private sector sharks will sell out to give licenses to those who pay

humans ....

I just want to change one thing, which is to eliminate bid-bots, because with the existence of bid-bots, good quality articles also have no meaning.

That's what I would instantly also.

First Thing I'd change is the way the reputation system works, it is not a fair system at all.

Next thing I'd change would be the flagging option, alot of whales can abuse their power and flag someone just because they do not like the person.

The fact that hard working planktons and minnows suffer by begging for upvotes because no one wants to read a post unless it's a post by their friends.

If I could change 3 things on steemit. It will be:

1) Stopping the use of bid bots. Bid bots have taken the steemit system and most quality posts are being undervalue with worthless or less valued posts on the trending page

2) The flagging system. On steemit a user with greater SP and reputation can decided to flag another user for no just cause, this is so disheartening. I will love to develop a system where a complaint is to be made and cross check before flagging a user.

3) I will define implement a law of one's earnings will be base on the number of comments he do gives because most users on steemit just make posts without bothering to check on other users blog.

get rid of downvoting and steamcleaners (should get rid of half the useless bots too)

[edit] i do that all the time so i dont really count on musing as "income" seeing as they play short ball mostly, and probably even more now they have the clout, ... if i did that my answers would be trimmed but, i felt like explaining this :

consider that happening : no more negative weight on votes : 

assuming its already punishment enough if you spend 6 or 7 hours or some people DAYS on a post and you get barely anything

knowing very well you can simply mute whoever you dont wanna see

consider this : what would all those bots running around on blacklists have left to do ? All those enlightened people who crusade in the name of holy content building those lists and "enforcing" them , what would happen to them if they couldnt ? They would have to stop and create THEIR OWN CONTENT INSTEAD OF LISTS OF THATS NOT HOW ITS DONE

if nothing else i think it would be a great social experiment to try, even if only for a "test" fork

(LOL @ nazicleaners, what would you do if you had to come up with your own stuff?)

(sorry, i had to ... quite sure the voting round for these is  gone anyway, and if i sit around all day typing hoping for a few to hit i'll never have a foundation to stand on and don't get me wrong, i think musing is by far the best thing here since the day i got on to steemit)

right then ... carry on ... nothing to see here

get corporations to have advertising accounts to buy steemit

a free DM-system as an overlay of sorts , doesnt even have to be on the blockchain , any cryptonnaire witness can run it, with validated and approved senders (who have active services that have been checked by the provider) which allows only messages from those you select after you subscribed to them, checking up on all the feeds of stuff i use is  A REAL timesink, i dont have the clout or resources to do that or i would have already

Like, if I had magic? If I don't actually have to come up with methods for them it would be:

1. Replace the curation system with a system that does what it was supposed to in the whitepaper: encourage users to discover undervalued content. What curation currently does is encourage users to be the first to vote on content everyone already knows will be valued, which is not really useful in any way.

2. Replace the flagging system with one that doesn't take upvoting power and is based on a user's experience and standing within the platform. Essentially distribute policing power based on who has been here contributing the longest, rather than purely on stake, and don't have it limit those users' ability to reward.

3. Cause Steem Inc. to see the value of curation and retention entrepreneurship in the same way that they see the value of dApps. dApps are important, but building and empowering the user base is also important.

I would love it if the problem of people spamming and hacking other peoples account can be controlled

I'm completely against bid bots because with the help of bid bots you can increase your reputation easily and everyone can push their less quality post on trending page. Todays it's impossible to see someone's post on trending page without using bid bots


Question posted on [musings]( was :

If you could change three things in how Steemit works what would those be?


I would dis allow bid bots they are killing the platform. It has turned into a swamp where it is hard to find good posts in the sea of bot votes shitposts. I know people keep on saying the cost of steem is down because of Bitcoin, and yes of course it is connected; but I also believe that bidbots have eroded the worth of steem as well. Steemit has a miserly 8% retention rate. Why because who wants to use a spammy platform where you have to dig for good content and were bad behaviour is rewarded because the top whales engage I it too …


Night mode as default. Why ? Because it just looks so much better and is easier on the eyes. 


a second voting pool for old posts as there is so much good content that would deserve a second revenue pool. It could have a weekly or monthly payout cycle. 

If I am free to do what I want, that is always be in my mind but hard to find. But off course I want to do it and try to make it realize. 

First, I do want to travel around the world. To see every country that I always dream of. To learn the beauty of their country. To make friends and sisterhood from every country I visit. I know this idea to travel around the world for now is not easy since I have three kids and being a single parent. But I am sure that one day I will make it real.

Second, Since I loves singing but I do not have a courage to make people hear my voice. I usually sing in my room when my kids went to school or playing around our place. Sometimes I record my own voice with my smartphone and I play it for my own. 

Singing will be one of my therapy to get off my stress. Just like traveling, I guess. How about you?

 There are three things that I want to do if I get that freedom:

Traveling to Everywhere by My Self 

This thing is not suitable for me now because I have little daughter who always follow me wherever I go. She makes me not to think just for myself. So, I always think twice if any invitation or good information about solo traveling. 

Photo Walk in Every Day

Since I loved photography, I always need the reason to go out for a moment from my house. It just to take picture that I want. But, I am a mommy now so I need to see the best time for hunting with my friends who loved photography too.

Drinking Coffee as Much I Can

I will not get this freedom again since I have to be manager of my home sweet home. If I do not have enough time to sleep, all of my jobs will be cracked. So, I have to limit just about 3-4 cup of coffee for a week. 

How about you? 

Exactly what I am doing right now. Nothing constraints me in any way. 

when i'm free i always try to learn new things from internet. i learn about new technology like blockchain, 3Dprinting , AI, machine learning. bcz i know its future and i always try to invest myself in future that will make me earn and learn. Youtube is best place to learn everything freely and  what we needs in free time is only internet. i like to work online now days i'm also trying to learn HTML5 and java script. i know some people love to travel spend time with friends and watch movie but i'm different i like to learn about new thing which is gonna change the worlds. i like my work i hope this addiction will make me rich in future.

i will want to be king solomon with many seriously i am already doing everything i want to do,i am me,myself and i,this is the real me,i am always doing what i want to do,i am always free to do whatever i wish to do,so right now there is nothing i would do that i have not been doing already...

Probably try hacking a government's system or a bank. I have always wanted to try hacking but don't want to get into trouble. :)

I play a game called Ludo , where I make my SBD/STEEM double or triple within minutes . I love to share the discord link with everyone :

Ludo is an amazing game. You must join the discord channel to make your money more.

So how do I paste the link to join you

I would spent all of my time to learn languages. Because languages is part of my life. Besides I would travel all over the world and practice my foreign language skills.

If am free to do what I want, i'll just be here looking for questions that will make more meaning just like this from peachyladiva..

Well to answer your question I have a list of more than 5 social platforms built on the blockchain (different blockchains) that are ready to rival or are trying to compete with Steemit. I had made a post about platforms that are trying to compete with steemit or rather platforms that are doing similar thing to what steemit is doing a few months ago and since then, more social platforms have been developed. There are still many more being developed. 

Below is a list of platforms similar/closely similar to steemit.  

A content platform built on the bitcoincash blockchain where users earn monetary rewards in bitcoincash for creating and sharing content. Users can post different forms of contents e,g articles, pictures and videos.


A democratized social news platform capable of rewarding millions of content creators and curators without any centralized intermediaries. Sapien has been built for Creators, Content curators ,Developers ,Freelancers ,Media Companies. The platform is already launched and running.


A  content community platform that rewards creators, moderators and all users who add value to the Narrative platform. 85 percent of all revenue is distributed to users. The full Narrative platform will launch later this year.

U Network (UUU)

This is the platform that I think is very similar to steemit.  U-Network is a platform for publishing and valuing online content. It rewards content creators more for their work, by letting users earn money for predicting popular content, by making it easier to discover high quality content, and by allowing all users to be part of content moderation and governance decisions. 


A decentralised content-creation platform, social media network, and marketplace,
that's geared towards the more than 2.4 billion content consumers worldwide. Still under development.


A powerful social network with a decentralized ad platform and reputation system where anyone can get paid for content.

Content Neutrality Network

An innovative content ecosystem based on blockchain technology. The aim of this platform is to break the barrier between content communities, revolutionizes revenue share, and decentralizes user acquisition and incentive program, creating a more open, efficient and trustworthy content era. 


Reos is a decentralized content platform that will help maximize earnings for content creators through the tokenization of digital content.


This the world's first decentralized knowledge base built on the ethereum blockchain. Users submit articles and are rewarded with lunyr tokens.

There are many content blockchain platforms ready to compete with Steem although Steem is still King. Lets wait and see how Steemit will hold this top position or whether it will be overtaken by other new platforms in the blockchain space. It's only a matter of time :)


am i wrong or do they all look like "writers-only" ... there seems to be a strange notion of what content means .. .but if it helps to get steemcleaners out of here i'm down with it

They are not specifically meant for writers only. Some of them (most of them actually) are meant for all sorts of content creation... From writing articles, making videos,creating Music, photography and many others. So you are probably somehow wrong... I didn't get your point on Steemcleaners though. Please make me understand If you don't mind :)

i dont mind, when i got just on steem they wrecked all my posts without any relevance to content or whatever for weeks, and i still dont know what i said to make that happen, all i know is it happened after an hour in steemchat, which i have never visited again , i think downvoters and blacklisters are the real problem of steemit as they have this weird notion that they hold the holy grail of what content means and they get to decide who gets something or not, it's elitist, and fascist :-)

bots that just run around on blacklists without being able to read ? people who will tell you that your content is "fit for steemit or not" ?
that's dictatorship, abuse of power or at best enlightened despotism (a bit like the EU) i think they're scum, rich scum with zero talent, if downvoting were removed those people would find nothing to do because they dont have anything in them, they could use all that clout to promote, but they use it to destroy,
they're the enemy

i hope that clarified it

Getting flagged or downvoted has always been my biggest fear on this platform. Probably also scary for everybody else who understands the damage it causes to one's reputation. Luckily for me, I have never had any downvote or flagging from steemcleaners but I have had downvotes and a couple flagging from normal accounts for trying to tell the truth and at some point for posting my own original content. Perhaps some people don't really understand the main purpose of the flag and downvote button It is true that some people are here to suppress others using the massive quantity of Steem Power they have and abuse the flag feature and it's just sad that there is actually nothing that the oppressed can. Try pointing it and you are in for some more flagging. There sure is some sort of dictatorship, lack of freedom of speech and lack of equality as it should be.
Maybe that will be fixed in the near future ! We don't know just yet. Sorry had to go through a rough starting on this platform.

hahah, well, nothing good comes for free as they say, i still don't feel like censoring myself or "trying to" post only what will be accepted, if i'm not me i will burn out , if i am just me i can just do what i do anyway hahah, yea it was rough but since its something i chose to do i wont quit easily lol, if it were something i was "made to" do however i'd be sabotaging it myself from the very start. I don't know enough about how deeply rooted the negative voting weight is in the core mechanics of steemchain so i cant just go crusading about it but i'm sure it must be possible, problem is it takes x% of top witness votes and some of those are full-time crusaders lol. I think the only way is opposition and not fall for the pitfall to "repay the favour", although i did, i wrote a special script to sift through my account histories (which i keep locally, they update incrementally for maximum speed and least network stress) to check on everything from outgoing transfers to up and downvotes , after which i can filter the output files for certain accountnames and so on. After that initial onslaught i have barely gotten any , and as far as i can see i have three downvotes i cast myself, one because i fell for it, the other two on an alt account i can only assume that was a mis-click :/ but its still a stain on my record :)
its basically cutting into someone's income so i wouldnt be surprised if at later dates and higher levels lawsuits come from it, its not like blocking someone on twitter, right? you actually TAKE their money away by doing it ... there's no legal precedents since all blockchain tek is in babysteps, even BTC isnt 20 years old yet but im quite sure there will be those who sue over time, in which case, with an immutable ledger there will be a shitstorm, pardon my french, worst scenario a split like eth/etc ...

so i keep saying ->
dont flag, dont downvote ... DONT feed the trolls


yes there are some blockchain blogging platform arising lately like SCORUM and UNO these are blogging platform. scorum is only for sport post and they are also trying to start beating platform so may be they will try to competition with steemit in future. second one is UNO best thing i like in this blogging platform is they have mobile app and its so user friendly. both platform are arising lately so they needs to take time for popularity but if they make strong community then they will be biggest competitor for steemit. its not easy to competition with steemit bcz steemit is first blogging platform on blockchain and first is always take place in our mind. i have just shared two competitors may be there are some other.but steemit is my fav and i know it will be best platform in near future.

Of course there is and there will be competition. Everything which attracts a number of possible customers / investors / … has competitors and it is good like this. Without competition there is no incentive to do better and to improve something.  @sagar1259 already mentioned some competitors.

If you want to cover the topic of competition here, you'd need to define which sector you mean. Steemit as a blockchain has many functionalities and they will increase with SMTs. Several DApps are  build on Steemit, all covering different sectors and all have competitors.

E.g. Steepshot is a DApp build to share your images. Kind of instagram. There is already as competitor and with APPICS there will also be one on the Steemit blockchain. There is a big competition.

Also DTube and Dlive who are competitors for themselves, both on the Steemit blockchain (well,. at least a bit as videos and images are not stored on Steemit).

But there are also DApps with nearly no competitor from the cryptocurrency scene at the moment, at least I don't know competitors for Fundition or Utopian.

As of till now there is a few other blockchain based blogging sites but all of them are specific demographic based. For example there is, an exact copy of steemit but based on russian linguistics and the majority of its community are also russian. It has golos, a token works similarly as steem and GP similar to Steem Power.

Another one would be . Pretty similar to steemit but its content are sports driven. Both golos and scorum uses a DPOS based blockchain to validate its blocks . Other ones like mythril or uno also works with similar blockchains

Now to come to the real question, are they steems competetion? When you say steem as a boockchain based blogging platform you know that steem supports a variety of content typology where other ones are specific content driven and demographic based. For example, scorum is a sports blogging site, golos is russian, lit is photography based lifestyle blogging platform. To take them as comepetition they are but only partially. Whereas steem is a self sufficient and is whole on its own. So to me i think they are somewhat of a competition but to surpass steem they have a long way to go.

And another thing is Dan Larimar spoke about bringing steem 2.0 based on eos. Untill that there are no true cometition to steem as of now. Atleast thats what i think.

i tried out all networks listed below (or above by the time i post this) two actually sent me a mail

one of those has a registration process that asks me for my mothers panty size, then blocks because "i need to fill in my name" (which i did)

and the other wants me to buy tokens to post

the rest is at ICO stage and will gladly redirect you to a HOW-TO on how to buy their tokens before they have anything to show ...

also, Tron announced their masterplan might take two decades and minds also expects you to pay ETH first before you can withdraw any token at all, they wont even convert what you have for you ... so i think we're stuck with steemit for a while

i dont think we're quite there yet (or should i put this in a ten-paragraph letter to be considered an answer ;)

fyi , *dont believe the hype*

I don't think that is the case. For some reason, I also was logged out of musing. But when I tried logging in again, I had to give permissions to musing app via steemconnect again.

It may have been caused by one of the two following reasons:

1. Musing revoked all the steemconnect tokens that provide it with various levels of permission of steemit accounts.  Doing this requires users to login again because it logs them out automatically. You may have faced an issue while logging in again. 

2. Steemconnect issue. This is more likely and has happened with many other apps as well. If there is a issue with steemconnect then musing will fail to work properly. This kind of problem did happen recently with musing too! But musing is not at fault for this kind of problem because it is something that happens in steemconnect's end. This kind of issue generally dies within a day or so after the problem is fixed.

The most likely reason you had trouble logging in is Steemconnect, the service you use to connect your Steem account to other platforms, was having node issues, making it so people couldn't connect and log in.

I haven't had trouble with musing. A little bit ago I had trouble logging into steemfollower though.

I don't think that is the case. For some reason, I also was logged out of musing. But when I tried logging in again, I had to give permissions to musing app via steemconnect again.

It may have been caused by one of the two following reasons:

1. Musing revoked all the steemconnect tokens that provide it with various levels of permission of steemit accounts.  Doing this requires users to login again because it logs them out automatically. You may have faced an issue while logging in again. 

2. Steemconnect issue. This is more likely and has happened with many other apps as well. If there is a issue with steemconnect then musing will fail to work properly. This kind of problem did happen recently with musing too! But musing is not at fault for this kind of problem because it is something that happens in steemconnect's end. This kind of issue generally dies within a day or so after the problem is fixed.

How to increase any WiFi networks upload speed , Do you know any kind of tricks?

Guys few days ago I have brought a new WiFi router. And I got my WiFi connection. But I am facing a problame. When I am checking my speed with a software named (fast) I can see the download and upload speed and it's really fast but when I am going to download anything it is fast as well but the uploading time I am not getting much speed. It's too slow for uploading anything. So please suggest me any way to get much speed for upload anything.

As we know, uploading your own speed depends on the network or connection height that your router has, but it can be handled by creating your own antenna, which is using a metal spoon that is tied with copper wire to your router antenna. In addition, you need to try using VPN. as a booster of the connection.

WiFi internet networks are one of the most important developments in the evolution of wireless internet network technology. At present no one wants to feel restrained because they have to use an internet network that is connected to a LAN (Local Area Network) cable, but it is also one of the most frustrating. If you are bothered by slow internet speed or poor or bad signal reception, and other WiFi problems, here are 10 ways to speed up the speed of your Wifi internet connection at home, office, or in a public area.There are many factors that can affect your Wi-Fi speed, and unfortunately there isn't enough one trick for all situations. To get the maximum Wi-Fi connection speed, you must make sure all factors are resolved. For example, you can buy the best available router, but if it's not positioned correctly, you might still experience slow Wi-Fi speed problems. This guide will provide you with several practical ways to ensure your connection is as fast as possible, and has a low network latency and ping time (under 50 ms).

Slow Wi-Fi speeds can even make the quietest people ready to throw their routers out of the window. Imagine if you were playing a Mobile Legend Bang Bang game or watching a Youtube video and suddenly the internet connection was slow, surely making you upset. If your internet provider or ISP (Internet Service Provider) cannot help you solve the problem of slow Wi-Fi speeds, there are a number of things you can do to improve and increase your Wi-Fi speed faster.

Increasing network and upload speed by any means would most likely be illegal. This is because you would be tampering with their equipment and breaching their contract. So if you want it increased, I’d suggest calling and upgrading your plan.

you received an up vote from danlupi with voting power of 100.00%. Estimated dollar amount of $1.24

in order of appearance most likely the same as everywhere :

1)  have money

2) marry someone there

3) find a job there and they'll kick you out when that job is over

4) get a scholarship

5) live in a country that's under attack and flee

my native language is fluent sarcasm, not english, please dont let this be mis-understood : my message to the world

usually that's a question you would direct to your local canadian embassy who very likely has it on their website since its probably the most asked question they get.

google might know a bit more than musing on the subject

ohaio gosaimasssss

Enter the official immigration website of Canada here, bro, then click the section Find out if you are eligible and apply online.
Here, agan and sista will be asked to fill out questionnaires about personal life such as the date of birth, the goal of ever getting a green card or PR USA etc.), after that at the end of the questionnaire, Agan will be told the right visa choice for you and the fee.

Later there will be some follow-up questions and finally a review will appear about your answers, please read carefully because it will determine whether your visa is accepted or not.
In the final section, a reference code will appear, which you hope to record and will be entered when you register. Here the website will ask you to create a CGkey account.

You are asked to fill in the form and complete the documents. The form here is all online so you don't need to print then sign, just press the validate button. When you will submit the application, you will be asked to sign the form electronically (how to just enter the answer to the question that you have selected when creating an account). Unless there is one form if you want to make an application together with your family, there is an approval form that must be printed and signed by all family members who will make the application.

SBD is not being eliminated in Hardfork 20. It will continue to function as it has before. 

Post payouts not coming in SBD anymore is related to how much SBD exists compared to the total market cap of Steem. This will likely change as the Steem price does - either it will rise and the market cap will rise with it, or it will fall and people will start converting quantities of SBD to Steem which will reduce the supply. Either way we should eventually start seeing some payouts in SBD again.

After the HF20 carried out by steemit the issue of SBD will be eliminated and also the SBD transferred to other platforms will be possible and also used as the main currency in the exchange platform.

The Post payouts not allowing to come in SBD anymore is signigificantly related to how much SBD exists compared to the total market cap of Steem.As we know that steem has low market cap as compared with others so we can you a good price in near few months due to low supply.

This will likely change as the Steem price does - either it will rise and the market cap will rise with it, or it will fall and people will start converting quantities of SBD to Steem which will reduce the supply. People are not thinking about future they always think for today so people start converting SBD to steem which can reduce the supply of steem. Either way we should eventually start seeing some payouts in SBD for that we should have a patient and save for the future so we can see a huge spike in a bull run.

this small post by @socky should explain that

I would like to add my learnings to the chain of excellent answers above.

1. Motivate, motivate, motivate:

A leader is a person everyone looks up to. You need to completely believe in set goals and how it will benefit the organization and its employees. You might give your employees all the resources necessary to complete their duties but if you cannot create the will and enthusiasm required to engross them, the chances of generating great results decreases over the period. Money might not at all be a motivating factor for several people. Many welcome an opportunity to make a difference and create a smile/make the world an easier/safer/greener place. You need to observe your co-workers and realize their passion. Let the bird fly and fish swim and not vice versa.

2. Assign ownership and not tasks:

Let everyone be the CEO of their job. Let them make decisions. If you can allocate just enough amount of responsibilities at the right time which can actually scare someone, the chances of performing well increases. Let your employees see the bigger picture and not be restricted to smaller modules.

3. Connect:

Listen to your audience-formal/informal feedback, body language, quality of work are all incoming signals. Figure out what's good and what needs work. Set up a roadmap and channel efforts towards fixing things. Be the driver.

Other important points that are already covered in the answers above:

1. Appreciate innovation

2. Deliver on promises

3. Set an example

4. Be amongst the crowd yet stand out

5. Praise in public, reprimand in private

1. Be Fair (Arbitrating)

Being Fair means being able to determine all decisions from two existing problems. Leaders who are able to be fair will certainly be able to tactically give wise decisions to solve a problem.

2. Providing Suggestions.

A leader is required to be able to give suggestions to members of his group. Provision of suggestions is good and true useful to the results obtained at the end of a goal. The suggestion is intended to embrace all members in one unit so that coordination and cohesiveness of members in their participation in a group can be maintained.

3. Purpose (Supplying Objectives)

a leader is required to be able to support all the good things that can be a factor in achieving a group goal. A Leader is required to be able to be assertive and support all aspects that trigger the success of group goals.

4. Become a Catalyst (Catalysing)

A leader can be said as a catalyst if he is able to support all aspects of his group's progress with good ideas and actions.

5. Creating Security (Providing Security)

A leader is said to be able to create a sense of security if he is able to continue to have positive thoughts, firmly stand and be able to hold all the controls with honest, wise. The leader who is able to create a sense of security is a very reliable leader.

6. As an Organization Representative (Representing)

A true leader is a representative of an organizational unit of the group he is working on. A leader is required to be able to be an eye


Task of the Leader

The main task of a leader is:

1. Leader works with others: A leader is responsible for working with other people, one with his boss, staff, co-workers or other superiors as well as people outside the organization.

2. Leaders are responsible and accountable (akontabilitas): A leader is responsible for preparing the task of carrying out tasks, conducting evaluations, to achieve the best outcomes. Leaders are responsible for staff success without failure.

3. Leaders balance the attainment of goals and priorities: The leadership process is limited by resources, so leaders can only arrange tasks by prioritizing priorities. In an effort to achieve the objectives the leader must be able to delegate his tasks to the staff. Then the leader must be able to manage time effectively, and solve problems effectively.

4. Leaders must think analytically and conceptually: A leader must be an analytical and conceptual thinker. Furthermore, it can identify problems accurately. The leader must be able to describe all the jobs to be more clear and related to other work.

5. Manager is forcing mediators: Conflicts always occur on every team and organization. Therefore, the leader must be able to become a mediator (mediator).

6. Leaders are politicians and diplomats: A leader must be able to invite and make compromises. As a diplomat, a leader must be able to represent the team or organization.

7. Leaders make difficult decisions: A leader must be able to solve problems

Today we are confronted with the hustle and bustle of leadership. Many are very proud of their leaders, but not a few are already feeling hot. This is due to two factors, namely first, the matter of government performance that is not optimal and the second is the attitude or behavior of leaders in responding to criticism. I think we all understand that leaders are the most important part of our lives because without leadership, we will be difficult to reach the goals and objectives. At least the character and soul of leadership are in each of our souls. In the language of Islam, a hadith explains that "all of you are leaders, and you are all responsible for what he leads".

The leader will always correlate with responsibility, because that responsibility becomes the domain of power over what he leads. If then the leader cannot play or precisely play that responsibility, then the leader's credibility must be questioned. In a sense, this responsibility is the "stamp" or legitimacy of the leadership. Regardless of the outcome of the responsibility, good or bad, the important thing is that the leader has the attitude, vision, stand and commitment to that responsibility. And it is normal for the leader to be sneered in response to his treatment or his attitude to the responsibility. How hard the scorn is, the leader must be smart and strategy to react to it. It can even be used as input for work and also the spirit to improve performance.

But if, then the leader responds with reactionary, confused until it must be sourced in front of the public with a complaining tone, then the public will judge it variably. There could be sympathizers but also not a few who feel "weird" because they are judged (also) beyond the propriety and appropriateness of a leader. I don't know what to achieve when doing this, maybe building an image, imaging that this leader (now) is being slandered, swayed and not respected. And it will not be legally prosecuted, despite the completion of legal channels. So, you must feel sorry to see your leader be treated like this. how to make the leader "as if" persecuted, can win sympathy.

leaders like this certainly understand well the social-psychological conditions of the community. That is to quickly feel sorry, compassion for people who are persecuted or who are cornered. and if you feel compassion, sympathy for those who feel persecuted will appear everywhere. These symptoms can be touched and tested in the media. Maybe we still remember well, a few years ago, one of the academy contexts on private TV stations was selected through an SMS poll by viewers. So came up one of the participants in the context of singing from among the poor, marginalized people, people who did not have anything and then exaggerated by the media. As a result, win him with a high SMS acquisition. Apart from this, reality-reality shows and of course the rampant soap operas influence the mindset and character of our society. Conditions like this, make our society weak against the formation of critical power and minus the learning that can be achieved. So be our society to be patient with the situation now. But on the other hand also, they even rarely complain. When kerosene is scarce, the price of basic foods goes up, the disaster comes over and comes. They still patiently deal with it and the feeling of their mother is also taken care of.

A good leader is a true, contemporary, transparent, visionary and a pleasant person. He has a mission, a philosophy, a sacrifice, a feeling of compassion and commitment.

The passion and love of compassion for people is a reflection of leadership. It means that the qualities of becoming a leader are hidden in every person to some extent. It is a challenge to cherish these qualities. To become effective leader, 10 qualities are important. There are 10 skills needed for effective leadership ...

1. The leader, whether political, religious or social, has to face many challenges. The ability to tell their commitments is different in every person. Mostly it depends on someone's interests or unwelcome. Even then, the leader has to measure everyone with the same measuring instrument. He needs the wisest intelligence to make the right decisions at the right time.

2. Not all people are alike in society. Not every person can satisfy But the leader has to walk with everyone and do the same justice.

3. The leader is also criticized. He should not face the situation emotionally. Often leaders are surrounded by miscreants who promote their importance for personal purposes. The leader needs help from people around him to do any work. They also have to depend on them. But it should not seem like that he is locked in a fort and surrounded by helpers.

4. The greatest qualities that are expected of a true leader are the courage to raise their hand towards critics and the patience to listen to them. The true leader takes the failure and success in his door with one sentiment. Nowadays, the leaders keep trying to save themselves from criticism all the time because of their weaknesses or giving cleanses on their wrong actions. A teacher does not complain, neither does he complain nor gives cleanliness. Rather, it is ready to learn something at all times. A good leader does not plant tears on others.

5. Creating a harmony between idealism, pragmatism and far-reaching goals and short-term needs. Those leaders who depend only on idealism or who only want to stay practical, they fail without any theory.

6. Leader can not be just general or special It is necessary to establish a balance between the personal attention of the people of the society and the general attitude towards the group society and the nation.

7. The leader should have the courage to accept his weaknesses. He should understand that people are generous hearts. She will appreciate her candidness. Instead of hiding them, he will accept his weakness.

a good leader should first of all ensure to be a good follower too and what this means is that a good leader must have a listening ears to the plight of his or her followers because you are the one leading them and you need to know what they are going through in other for you to be able to lead them rightly,a good leader should be disciplined and responsible,a good leader should be able to speak the truth in any situation,a good leader should be full of integrity and good morals,a good leader must be determined and focused..

You can use Blocktrades to convert your steem over to Litecoin, Ethereum or Bitcoin and send it to your Coinbase account to cash out of to your bank account or to any service that allows you to convert crypto to fiat. You could also add a step and first transfer your steem to your Binance account and the sell it to a crypto Coinbase accepts which will net you lower fees generally if you know what you're doing. You could also convert your steem to Bitshares I believe or send to your Bitshares account and use the same techniques for lower fees.

Our earning in musing app comes to steemit profile in My wallet section. You can check you're earning in steemit comment section on your profile and if you have posted in Post to blog section in musing then you can check post at MY blogs section at

You can withdraw your steem at any exchanges like Bittrex, Binance etc or many more which steem token are currently listed. You can transfer your steem power to steem and it will take 3 months of time to convert steem power to steem as it is the power you get in the steemit account.

All this depends on the earning you earn and it will appear on MY WALLET section you can click on steem and there will be an option of transfer you can click on transfer and sell them to Blocktrade and further you can easily transfer you steem coin to any exchanges.

Musing does not have their personally token as it is working on the steem platform it gives us steem by writing answer and questions at their platform which after 7 days you can transfer to exchanges from Steemit profile section without any risk involved. uses the Steem Blockchain. So what upvotes you get from Musing will also reflect in the Steem Blockchain.

For the sake of etiquette i sometimes do upvote questions that gets my juices flowing.

But if you ask questions for the sake of getting upvotes then tbh you're doing it wrong. There's no way nice to say it. 

Personally I ask questions on Musing when I fail to find good questions that interests me. Either that or I want to start a discussion with people that knows that they're talking about with something I'm already interested in.

I honestly think that are not using Musing question asking to its full potential. 

For example, there are already 5 people who answered your question (at the time of writing). Including myself it will be 6. Perhaps more as time goes on. You now have 6 potential Steemians you can start a conversation with, build rapport, connect, and who knows, even make friends with.  Humans are biased, If I like you enough to follow your work and see your posts in my news feed, i might just click it. And when I click on a good post there a high chance i would upvote and comment on it.

But all this is lost to a person who is looking for the short term profit of asking questions to get upvote.

No, absolutely not! I think its only fair that answers get bigger a upvote than questions.

If I ask a question, than I would just be happy to see my questions answered. If am upvoted for a good question then its a bonus. If I want an upvote I'll try to come up with a good answer for other questions.

Everybody has questions but few are ever answered. I think there is a reason why answers are more deserving than questions. Sometimes it takes hours to ponder over a question, so an answer could be written. Some questions are even more information oriented and you have to look at the data from the internet to answer them and that takes considerable time and effort. 

A question that took only ten seconds to type may take hundreds of seconds to answer. If somebody invested time in coming up with a good question the there is someone who will spend even more time in coming up with a good answer.

No, I don't.

No, some people ask questions that can easily be found by doing a simple google search, or spam questions in an attempt to get upvotes. 

The people who thoughtfully answer the questions are the ones who should earn because they are putting in the time and effort to answer it and provide something useful. 

Asking a good, thought provoking questions may land you a nice upvote but I feel like the person who gives a complete answer should be the one to gain more. 

Absolutely not! Because when you ask questions you earn knowledge, useful tips from those who answered your questions which can't be replaced with money.

As for me, I see it as if the people answering the question you asked are actually helping by giving out their knowledge. Yes, they also earn by answering those questions, but at the end of the day, the person who asked the question will be at the receiving end. So, it's not all about the earning, but the fact that you got what you wanted should come first.

I don't think it's unfair but I think about the criteria for the appraiser. and the extent of the appraiser's ability to analyze an answer.

Sometimes but very rarely! 

It is worthy to note that Steem incorporates the "Proof-of-brain" concept. People contribute to the platform by sharing their knowledge, skills, talent and experiences. Whenever someone asks a question, it almost always does not require one to think and questions are mostly just one-sentence comments.

The way I see it, if @musing starts upvoting questions with significant rewards, then people would come in flocking to the platform with so many random questions. So personally, I don't think it's unfair that answers are earning a lot more compared to the questions. 

I guess only the heart knows the truth of these things and sometimes it is difficult to look into your own heart. This question actually holds a lot of credibility if looked on from that angle, 

That being said I would say that what your willing to do for the person can be a pretty good indicator of your love for them. Their obviously is no foolproof answer but their are somethings that can be kept in mind. 

If you doubt me, that is your right, my job is only to love you properly and sincerely. You don't need to ask how much I love you, just feel yourself how I treat you.

Enough to absorb how much I am willing to sacrifice for you. I'm sure you are also able to distinguish between sincere feelings of love from where the feeling of love is only mode. Just look at yourself and feel yourself, you don't need to question it.

Don't Believe in someone who just makes sweet promises for you. Because the evidence from someone who loves you is not him who only gives you sweet but fake promises. do not believe in the promises that I give you. Because what I fear is I can't fulfill it.

Not just someone who promises sweet but is not kept. But someone who claims to love you but can only say that he loves. But everything he does never shows that he loves you. He never cares and cares for you. Then compare it to my actions, which have been.

Why steemit has collapsed with

Tell me in deails why steemit collapsed with and what earning they will get from musing and also what earning musing get

Is it collabs? or collapsed? If you mean collabs, I feel that musing is a good place to ask, or a place for more simple discussions. Because as far as I know, if we just make a short question on the post in steemit, it will be categorized as spam, so with the musing, we don't need to be shy to ask questions about blockchain, cryptocurrency or steemit anymore.

It hasn’t collapsed? as far as i am concerned has not collapsed and i do not see that happening even in the future because i believe that the has a good team that are good at managing this platform rightly and they are transparent in whatever they do which makes the platform more interesting to use, is innovative and i see it growing bigger and bigger..

Logically, yes, because every time we post in musing, it will automatically enter the "my comment" tab in steemit, and the person you tag can see the data tag using several applications such as SteemPlus, in the mention section.

A lot of things don't work quite like they do on Steemit if you post on Musing, like HTML and Markdown, and also URLs don't automatically link. So logically it's in question.

Empirically, one of the two I put in the post worked, and the other didn't, which is really weird.

Hm. Well, I got a Steemworld notification to this account, but none to @tcpolymath. They both look well-formed on Steemit. We'll see if the comment works.

It did on Steemworld but not on Gina, weirdly. I suspect that as long as the mention isn't the first thing on the line it probably will work.

Yes they do. As i have explained in some of my previous answers, question and answers here in musing are contained as posts or replies to posts in steem blockchain. Now if you mention/tag someone in a post or a comment they get notification . And as musing Q&As are simple posts and comments they should get notified.

No, I don't think that. The question gets its upvotes while the answers get their upvotes also. It's definitely clear that smart questions will lead to smart answers and an increase in quality of ones experience on the platform, but the question should get its share of earnings from upvotes and that's it.

I think that this could create a situation where people will just post a ton questions and wait for others to answer so that so they could make money. I am not saying that this is necessarily a bad thing but this would allow the quality of questions to suffer as quantity would become the objective. 

Asking questions when necessary is a good thing that keeps alive but we don't want a situation where questions are being asked solely for upvotes. I really do think that this might not be good for the long term.

I also feel that those asking the questions should also try to upvote the answers that they feel deserve theory upvote. We need to keep in mind that musing upvote is not the the only one that counts. Our upvotes also matter to other people using

No i don't think that the question owner should get the percentage of upvote because from this the people will less focus on answering the question and they may prefer  to write more question and if fewer answers will come then they cannot beat and musing will not be able to achieve his dream of making the first decentralize app on steem platform.

As if this feature will come then there will be fewer chance people will only prefer to operate fewer answers and write more question and they will spend less time on musing platform as question takes only a few seconds to type and post on musing while answer takes more than 5-6 minutes to learn and give correctly the answer to the question. 

And there will be no proper answering of the question and if the percentage goes with the question owner then I think there will be more commands and more team should be build up in musing for the upvote and this may be lack of power of musing and wastage of power will be there for musing. 

It wouldn't be fair because it's easy to ask question but hard to answer them professionally.

People will start to abuse if they can get percentage from the question.

i do not think this is a very good idea especially on a platform like this and the reason is because many people will begin to ask more questions and there will be less answers simply because many people will be more focused on creating more questions and questions and we will begin to see less answers that will invalidate the purpose of this great platform

Do you drink too much?

What measures do you take to make sure you don't overdo it?

I'm going to answer this based on the assumption that the question refers to drinking alcohol, which is how it would be interpreted in America.

No; I don't drink at all.  I have never felt any urge to consume any alcoholic products, and I've been fortunate enough to not have had any peer pressure to drink alcohol.

I have a greater motivation for not drinking though -- my career depends on my ability to make the best judgments possible, and the fact is that even the smallest amount of alcohol consumption can result in one's judgement being temporarily impaired.  When I play video poker, I'm usually making a decision in 2 seconds or less as to what is the best play for that hand, out of 32 possibilities.  Making the wrong choice costs me money.  If I were to consume alcohol and play while impaired, I could pile on a lot mistakes very quickly, and the cost of those mistakes would easily be worth a lot more than the "value" of the alcoholic drink(s).

Drinking and gambling don't mix, if you care about your wallet.  Of course, there's also a lot of other activities that drinking doesn't mix well with (most notably driving).

No, With what we learned in school and stuff drinking overall is a no no for me. Not just the health concerns but the bad notion that comes with it and that it dwells in your conscience. I prefer to stay clean of it, and of course not when driving. However who knows I might still start drinking.

drinking too much could be dangerous for my health and also for my moral background so i always ensure

that i do not drink too much because drinking too much could cause some health problems which i do not want

so that is why i make sure that i do not drink too much because i believe that health is wealth....

If the sodium content decreases, then no one can maintain balance and this condition can cause swelling in the brain.

In this article will be discussed about the conditions of water poisoning.

Water poisoning or so-called water intoxication is defined as low sodium levels in the body (hyponatremia) that occurs when you drink excessive water.

Drinking enough water can help regulate body temperature, prevent constipation, remove toxins from the body.First, a healthy human kidney can filter up to 1 liter every hour. So, if you end up drinking more than that, the risk of intoxication is targeting you. And the risk will be higher for patients with chronic kidney disease or only with one kidney function.

Also, time duration is very important. For example, drink 10-20 liters in a few hours. That will obviously increase the risk of water poisoning drastically. But doing the same thing for 24 hours doesn't matter

Too much drinking water can attack the brain and endanger your life,

Intoxication is water poisoning which causes the body to lack blood sodium concentration. So that causes water to enter the cell and make a pretty dangerous effect, especially on the brain. When intoxication, water will trigger the cells of the human brain to swell, they compress the inner surface of the skull, and produces very annoying headaches, nausea, and so painful vomiting.

Other symptoms of intoxication are high blood pressure, chaotic vision, tremors, muscle weakness, and difficulty breathing. Severe intoxication can cause death. Usually occurs in soldiers or athletes who often misinterpret dehydration and intoxication.

a healthy human kidney can filter up to 1 liter every hour. So, if you end up drinking more than that, the risk of intoxication is targeting you. And the risk will be higher for patients with chronic kidney disease or only with one kidney function.

Too much drinking water can attack the brain and endanger your life,

Intoxication is water poisoning which causes the body to lack blood sodium concentration. So that causes water to enter the cell and make a pretty dangerous effect, especially on the brain. When intoxication, water will trigger the cells of the human brain to swell, they compress the inner surface of the skull, and produces very annoying headaches, nausea, and so painful vomiting.

Other symptoms of intoxication are high blood pressure, chaotic vision, tremors, muscle weakness, and difficulty breathing. Severe intoxication can cause death. Usually occurs in soldiers or athletes who often misinterpret dehydration and intoxication.

a healthy human kidney can filter up to 1 liter every hour. So, if you end up drinking more than that, the risk of intoxication is targeting you. And the risk will be higher for patients with chronic kidney disease or only with one kidney function.

No. I rarely drink alcohol. 

I don't drink but alcoholism runs in my father's side of the family so I am sure I probably would be if I did drink.

Any voting system should be run on the blockchain. Just imagine a national election using blockchain technology where every vote is recorded. Voter fraud can be made totally non-existent!

Blockchain is a relatively new concept, one that has caught a lot of attention and has been instrumential in raising a lot of money for ICOs. The obsession lies with the fact that it’s a new way of doing something that was not practiced before. Having digital ledgers with public accountability and records of transactions with a scoop of cryptography gets a lot of people excitied. There are no hierarchies and centralized figures in this system. A trustless, peer-2-peer blockchain empowers the users.

This is just the beginning and as blockchain evolves, so will the real world use-cases and applications, and voting will be one area influenced by blockchain. 

Yes american voting system should 100% run on blockchain becauss looking at the past there were some problems occuring in the real voting machine or any man can try to cheat of do anything with the voting system.
But if there is a blockchain technology then there will be less uss of machinea and it will also reduce the costing of machine and there will be a new system implemented in voting.
In blockchain technology keeps the data of even past 100 years of voting and can be in public but the real data of voting machine will be lost whenever the machine gefs failed. So there should be blockchain technology used in public voting system in america.

Yes, why not. It would definitely be a transparent one with no possibility of fraud.

When I was in my college days, I got an opportunity to read "You Can Win" book by Shiv Khera. From my very young age, I was attracted a lot towards reading quotes and listening to things that inspire me. This books was something like that. It really made a huge difference in me. 

The first and foremost quote that made a difference in my life was "Winners don't do different things but they do things differently". Before this quote came to my life. I used to think it was something wrong being different from others. The way I do things was always different from others. I had an inferior feeling that something was wrong in me. I used to continuously try changing myself and become something that was not really me. 

After reading this quote, I started feeling proud to be different from others. I never change the way I do things. Of course I take lots of positives from others but never regret for being different. Even today in spite of being different from others, I continue to feel happy and confident doing things differently. 

Thanks for asking this question. This really touched some good memories in my brain. 

Thanks for the reply.

Yes, I do and that would be Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. I love books that talk about actualizing your dream of financial freedom from humble beginnings, as this is my exact state.

Kiyosaki's book did it for me. It made me understand and come to accept that you can be and attain anything you want in life, if you can only believe and work towards it.

yeah i have read many inspirational and different genre of books but the one that i read that really touched me and change my perception about life most especially

towards investments and the habit of good finances is “rich dad poor dad”a book written by robert kiyosaki,the book made me to have a greater understanding about

how to become financially better and how to have a good investment habit which makes my future better.....

My photography revolves mainly around my daughter but when it comes to other people's work I like sports photography the best personally. Especially football, which is starting soon! Hurray. 😄

I like Wedding Photography! We all like to celebrate personal celebrations such as wedding ceremonies forever, which is always demanded by a good wedding photographer in the market.

Actually I like all kinds of photography, all the photos will look good if we get a good spot for shooting then any kind of photography will look attractive and extraordinary. wherever we go and whatever we experience, don't forget to capture it through interesting photography so that one day the photos can be remembered and even we can use them for certain purposes. For example, to make a post in steemit, it would be more beautiful if we could include an image in accordance with the contents of our posts, I think that will be a very extraordinary thing.

Landscape photography, especially beach photos and almost everything related to water. 

I like photography about fashion; ones that depict the latest or trendy styles as I am a designer and a dressmaker and get inspiration from these

Landscape does the magic for me. I am in love with any photo that has to do with nature. They give me joy

landscape photography, because from my experience, there are several important criteria in landscape photography:

1. Capable of capturing details (high resolution) and sharpness

A good system needs to have a high resolution camera (20MP + is the current standard), and ideally the sensor does not have a low pass filter / AA filter which decreases sharpness. Lens quality also affects the quality of photos.

High resolution makes it possible to print very large and when viewed from close still sharp. As an illustration, 24MP camera is perfect for printing photos with a length of 50 cm (300 dpi), if the picture quality is good, 1 meter is still very good.

2. Wide dynamic range and bit depth

Sensor technology has not been as great as the human eye in balancing contrast (the bright and dark parts), but continues to grow. 10 years ago, Average dynamic range (DR) of average digital cameras can capture 12 levels of light. Pro cameras can capture 14-15 light levels. Still not matching the human eye which is around 21 stops.

A good camera can also record RAW with at least 14 bits of bit depth without compression, or there is compression but does not degrade the quality of the photo. With high bit depth, the camera can capture richer dark colors and gradations that are richer.

3. Resilience of the camera and lens to the environment

Photographing Cool scenery often has to be in tough field conditions, such as extreme weather (rain storms, dust, snow, sea water, cold or hot weather). A good camera system must work well in these conditions, not get stuck or act weird.

By using a camera and a hard-wearing lens, when shooting we become more able to concentrate on taking pictures, not worrying that the camera and lens can be damaged.

4. Ergonomic camera design and easy to operate

A good landscape camera has a nice interface design, large buttons and dial wheels making it easy to control, especially when shooting in cold weather conditions and the photographer using gloves. The buttons should also be given enough space so that the photographer is not mistaken or presses two buttons at once without accident.

5. Lens selection and quality

Although you have found the camera with the above criteria, but also note the choice of lenses. A good system has a lens with a range of 16 to 200mm. Even better if you have a lens that is 10-14mm wider than the full frame / 35mm film format

Leica CL

The choice of the Leica SL Lens is nothing bad, everything weathersealed with a very good lens coating so that the results of the photo are contrasting and not easily dirty.

I love photography. When I first started I had some difficulties getting the pictures to look the way I imagined them, but with some practice that started getting better and better. Now I love taking pictures and carry my camera when me most everywhere. I also love learning about digital photography techniques online. I'm always trying to get better. 

That is a million dollar question, because no one can say with guarantee when price will rise. If anyone who knows the exact answer, would be a billionaire.

Exact answer to the question cannot be given however, in my personal opinion, the price is almost at the bottom and will raise again.

Crypto in general and Steem in particular has still lot of potential in it. Especially if someone is targeting it for a longer period. 

First of all decentralized technology is still new to the world. Its market penetration and adoption is still negligible.

With the passage of time as more and more people are aware of this technology, it is becoming more and more popular. 

Now even many countries has started accepting this as currency and many other are in the process of adopting.

So in future a more countries will jump into it and it will gain more trust of people. Its value will also increase.

We may not see the price hitting $8 in 2018 but I’m hopeful that it will hit $8 in 2019-2020.

According to the market survey. Cryptocurrencies are not stable but it only requires patience to stay in market. Steem is not in exception. But the answer to this question is that Steem will go back to $8 because cryptocurrency with nice platforms and natural applications will surely rise.

Definitely. Probably not this year, but in my opinion will even pass that $8 mark. 

Yes it will but it will be long

What's interesting about your town?

What do you want to tell people about your town? Is there an interesting park, restaurant, historical site ... that people should know about?

I live in a city in Indonesia, around me has lots of mountains, volcanoes, hot springs, cool air, tropical fruits, friendly people and many more.

Imagine white sand, crashing waves in the ocean combined with gentle breezes, and green trees on the coast. It's like a fantasy that makes us want to go on vacation immediately and eliminate fatigue due to daily routines.

If so, immediately start your vacation. As urban people who have heavy work demands, environmental conditions and a myriad of daily problems such as pollution and congestion, you have the right to take a moment to calm down. Because vacation is not a waste, but an important need to fully refresh yourself.

Especially if you choose natural tourism as a destination. The reason is, vacationing to the outdoors is not only fun, but also brings a series of other benefits, which you may not realize beforehand.After the mind relaxed again, various pressures due to daily routines slowly disappeared. The heart becomes happy again, and various burdens like it immediately disappear. So nature is said to have tremendous power to reduce stress.

To corroborate this conclusion, a doctor from the UK has released research from his activities to gather evidence that people tend to be happier while in the countryside, plantations, or just parks.

The reason is, the breeze in the middle of a combination of trees, rocks and rivers can cause a relaxing effect and make the mind more cool, so that the feeling of mumet or dizziness due to various daily activities or routines is muffled, and we become more focused and calm thinking afterwards.

Conversely, people who rarely come into contact with nature tend to feel depressed and anxious. So, if your fatigue has felt to lead to stress, don't delay again to invite friends or family on vacation.

If you need an anti-stress nature tourism idea, you might be able to try the center of Indonesia. Besides being located in the countryside located in the middle of the Himalayan mountains, this destination will indeed invite us to take yoga classes that cool the eyes, heart and mind. You must have forgotten it when you got there.

I live in Northern California, in the Bay Area. We have lots to see and do, from annual local festivals to perennial tourist must-sees. Over the past years we've enjoyed many; here are some of my favorites:

The Asparagus Festival in Stockton, the State Fair in Sacramento, Black Chasm Cavern in Volcano, the Russian River Blues & Jazz Festival, Chinese New Year in San Francisco, the Cherry Blossom Festival in Japantown, the Children's Playground in Golden Gate Park, Lombard Street, Apple Hill, the Exploratorium, Bodega Bay, Monterey Aquarium, the Conservatory of Flowers, the Strawberry Festival in Watsonville, the Garlic Festival in Gilroy and the Scottish Games in Livermore.

Our weather is fairly mild (compared to the East Coast).  If you long for snow, it's only a few hours away by car. If you'd rather play by the water, that's close as well. If you enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables, farmer's markets abound. There really is something for everybody, whether you enjoy being out in nature or prefer the crush of crowds in the city.

that depends on the people and the place where they are since in a city there are many places and places which are distributed in one place or another but if I had to talk about something in particular, important centers such as museums and cebtros would be recreational as amusement parks since those are the things for which a tourist is mainly interested.

Here are some interesting things in my city:

1. Acehnese women ranked second most expensive in Indonesia

Many admitted that Aceh girls were famous for their beauty. The combination of various races of the world population met in Aceh. Starting from ethnic Thionghoa, Indian, European, and Arabic.Very Clearly this unique mix makes Aceh women, famous for their unique beauty. But beauty comes with an expensive price.

What is a dowry? Marry or property given by the bridegroom (or his family) to the bride (or family of the bride) at the time of marriage.

2. Aceh Has Two Non-Object World Heritage

Sumatra's Tropical Rainforest as a non-object world heritage includes Gunung Leuser National Park which 70% of its forest area is in the province of Aceh, including it. Gunung Leuser National Park is even predicted to be one of the most important conservation areas on earth. here is the only one in the world of Rhinos, Orangutans, Elephants.

3. Most Female Heroes in the World

Two of the seven female war generals in the world recorded the names of Admiral Keumalahayati and Commander Cut Nyak Dhien. Both of them are certainly no stranger to the history of this country. In fact, the two female generals were included in the ranks of the 10 Best Female Warrior at All Time and Women Warrior in South East Asia. In Aceh and National history literature, there are at least 11 women in Aceh recorded in the trajectory of history as female heroes in this country.

4. There are 154 churches scattered throughout the province of Aceh

Aceh Still accommodates non-Muslim people. There are 154 churches in 12 regencies and cities throughout Aceh.

Not only Christians, even Buddhists, Hindus, and Confucianism has its own place of worship. This is where it is later proven that tolerance is not just a concept but a lifestyle.

5. The most sophisticated port in Indonesia in the colonial era

The Sultanate of Aceh was indeed the last conquered country in the archipelago. But that does not mean that the Dutch do not want to build Aceh as they wish. The Dutch realized that the location of Aceh was so strategic as the entrance to the Straits of Melaka.

It had very first decorated christmas tree. About 15th century

The fact that is built on the left shore of the Danube right on a hill. It's quiet, with beautiful nature, not noisy at all and easy to get around in it. 

. Heaven Coffee Shop

There is no doubt the quality of Aceh coffee, from Gayo coffee to Ulee Kareng coffee, you can find thousands of corner coffee shops anywhere in even rural cities in Aceh, even most of the coffee shops in Aceh are open 24 hours a friend of Brilio.

Depends mostly on what you classify as a "proper" Steemit mobile app.

As for smoothness, fastest, user-friendly and being slick, the Partiko Mobile App is already a proper Steem mobile app. Basically, it's quite good for browsing, commenting, upvoting posts made on the blockchain.

However, with it being a mobile app the app itself lacks some functionalities that can only be found via the web. Features such as "sending steem, delegating, changing profile info and picture" are still lacking on the Partiko app but I myself already consider it a "proper" Steem mobile app as I don't really care that much doing transactions when on mobile.

There are of course already the eSteem app which I heard can do these things.  So yeah, it's just mostly depends on what you consider as a "proper" mobile app. :)


it wouldnt run on my old phone anyway :) im not really phoneboy, id like a direct messaging system that doesnt cost 0.001 sbd , is selective, can be used only by those who agree to receive and only senders who are "validated", i made a reply somewhere outlining it @timcliff but he said it would be too much hassle lol ... i dont think i give ideas anymore, its pointless

but i could care less about a mobile app ... how are you supposed to flow text straight from your head on a phone ?

Does Steemit show the "real" you?

Do you show the real "you" on Steemit? Are you happy or sad about what you see from other people?

Honestly, it totally does! You don’t know anyone else in real life on this site for the most part, so it’s a lot easier to express yourself without caring too much. Like if my friends saw this, I would never have written what I wrote for my first post under “introduce yourself”. That being said, I think steemit is really a way just to show how you feel, have people to read it and talk back to you without having any real care of talking about yourself. It really has left me in a happy place, where I can come to 2-3 hours a day and just enjoy myself.

I would say steemit shows the real me to a extent. I believe social media does that to most people.

There's that 'freeness' it gives when you know you are on a faceless or somewhat faceless platform. It puts you at ease and you can be more of yourself.

As to being happy with the content I see on there? I would say: live and let live. I feel happy being myself and I'm sure others do too, hence their content.

It would be somewhat hypocritical of me in my opinion, to expect people to give me a pass and accept my content but to go right ahead and judge others.

We, afterall, have the right to upvote or ignore content on the platform. I may not like certain content, but I wouldn't necessarily judge the creators too strongly.

well to an extent it shows the real me because it is a platform whereby i can discuss freely about anything i want without being shy or scared and it makes me express myself freely and during my expression i will be able to show my real self to the whole world,i personally feel fulfilled whenever i am being able to show my real self to everyone..

Nice question sir because when we join first time in steemit we first write our introduction so people can know better you and also they can help you when you have a problem.

When I join steemit I had also start writing with my introduction post and I got good response from people and also I like to thanks to them who help me to make a good person .I am happy to share my thoughts to you because it was my happy movement in my life before that I was lazy in work and I get good friends from steemit.

With the help of steemit platform I can able to write a blog and also I mostly spare 2-3 hours in a day in writing nowadays I am not feeling alone in steemit because I had got a new friends whom I can communicate .

Yes, because I am acting on Steemit as I really am. I am not trying to portray myself as someone else or wear a mask. It's definitely different from Facebook and Instagram where everybody is happy all the time.

Steve Jobs : Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice.

When I hear negative feedbacks from someone this quote motivates me to keep going

"As I review the events of my past life I realize how subtle are the influences that shape our destinies." - Nikola Tesla

"Never look down on anyone" This has taught me a lot. I have learned never to look down on others no matter who they are. The important ones don't usually look important.

Mine would be:

"Do unto others as you would want done unto you. "

I love the fact that it teaches and encourages people to be humane.

my favourite motivational quote is

“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says “I'm possible”! —Audrey Hepburn.....

i love this quote so much because it motivates me to become a better person and it makes me believe that i can succeed at anything i do if i believe in myself,it is a quote that i can never forget in my life..

"Do or do not. There is no try" ~ Yoda

Not only am I a big Star Wars fan but that quote is actually quite something. It tells everyone that in order to achieve something you first NEED TO TAKE ACTION ABOUT IT and not only try or think of doing it. 

"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my cruise to always reach my destination." - Jimmy Dean

Musing is essentially rating your comments from their perspective through the use of their Upvotes. If they like your answer you'll get an upvote and the better the answer the better the upvote. However, I do see your point from the author's perspective about being able to show whether someone answered your question to your satisfaction but I'm not sure if that's something the platform intends to add or not.

Yes please! As of right now, all upvotes are decided by a team of about 5 curators who upvote posts depending on how good they thing something is. The problem with that answers are rated by one person, and if that one person doesn't understand your answer, you're SOL. Some way to have the people vote on how good an answer is would be perfect, and if the curator sees a 5/5 answer but doesn't understand why, they can leave it to another curator to review and decide that reward.

If the answer you get was helpful I don't think if it really matters anymore to rate the answer. You got the info you needed while the person offering got his upvote, if musing upvotes it. It's just a blockchain exchange of information. 

Well, it won't be a bad idea. It will be nice for those who asked questions to determine how helpful they find an answer. I think, it will also help other users

Truth be told this is not really a bad idea but with the reward system in place I don't see the need for it. It's also worth noting that "answers" being voted by the account @musing are done by human manual curators, so in itself it's already a basis as to how helpful or not the answer was. 

Also, from what I'm seeing, a lot of people are in Musing for the upvotes, if the star system would likely affect the upvote given by the @musing account then people would also most likely game that one. So I think there really is no need for it.

I seriously doubt it will ever replace the stock market because it's not even the same type of investment. Cryptocurrencies are more like a commodity and a completely different security type. I could see them working together however as part of a balanced trading portfolio to help someone diversify into different areas and through the use of future trading also as a way of hedging their positions on various ways. It could prove to be a very popular option over the next 10 years.

A lot is up in the air as of now, but before making any predictions it is important to keep a few things in  mind.

First thing is that present day crypto is aiming to become the money that people use. Which means that the important question to ask would be - ' Will crypto replace fiat money?'.

Second thing would be to remember that stock markets are just a small slice of the bigger pie. Total world debt is in excess of $200 trillion. Amounts in derivatives alone could be anywhere between $500 to $1000 trillion. Total Stock market valuation is $80-$90 trillion.

If crypto were to just receive just 1% of the total combined wealth of the world (on paper) then market cap of the cryptocurrency would be in tens of trillions of dollar.

I would only venture to say that not crypto has the worlds attention, it will now first needs to establish trust. I think the coming decade would be used for making inroads and establishing trust.

I don't think so i know some people don't agree with me but it's reality cryptocurrency market is overhyped! I'm not saying it will not cross all time high and all that profits things. From now it can be go 20x even 100x but it will never replace stock market. Because in crypto 90% project have no working product. They have only ideas and there is no use-case product are on paper only so this kind of projects are come only for money so they don't have potential to grow. That's why invest in only those coins who have working product and use-case.

Let's see what will happen in future but crypto market will give you huge profits in future they have to much potential to grow but not like that to replace stock market.

Ten years is pretty quick for such a large change but maybe 30 years would be more realistic. As blockchain technology increases in use and companies become comfortable using it in such applications as inventory tracking they might also start to replace their public shares with tokenization. Of course this also depends on how laws will develop to regulate industry and blockchain use.

I think that depends a lot on what you mean by "the crypto market." In a lot of ways equity stocks are already ownership tokens, and in terms of functionality a blockchain approach to holding and trading them would make a lot of sense. I would be surprised if, ten years from now, there wasn't some sort of method of cryptological ownership underlying the stock market. 

Does that necessarily mean it will look much like cryptocurrencies as we know them now? Probably not. We have some ownership tokens around, but mostly the well-known coins operate as something closer to currencies, and wouldn't be very useful in the context of owning part of a company. 

But remember that blockchain technology can be used by anybody, and it can do a lot of things that aren't currency. It's particularly well-suited for tokenizing things of real value and allowing people to trade them easily and simply. Which is also the purpose of the stock market, so they seem like a natural fit for each other.

Let us first recount the major points in favor of

1, Both questions and answers are rewarded from upvotes here. While on quora and other similar platforms you have very little motivation to put any real effort into your answers.

2. Quality of answers could be great if people were being rewarded for answering questions. It obviously goes without saying that people would  be interested in answering in the first place because they see the rewards that they might get for their answers. 

3. You already know the intentions of the responder to your question –  we are all here to earn something for our efforts. Thus, we have a  little less to worry about answers that are affected by endorsement of  third parties. 

4. We live in a time where asking questions from the internet is a common place habit. With time people will automatically gravitate towards the platform that they feel is free from centralization. Decentralization will lead the way in all things, including question-answer based platforms. 

I think that conclusion is obvious, I am not saying that musing will be first decentralized platform to rise above quora or yahoo answers. Musing is still at a very young age and the team is probably learning to scale the platform in a better manner.

But I will like to say that definitely has the potential to rise to top.

Today I know musing for the first time, I found it from a post on trending topic in steemit. Intrigued by this, I finally visited the website, and logged in using my steemconnect account. An amazing thing, has a simple and user friendly appearance, so that everyone can use it easily. This is a free platform, a platform that gives us comfort in asking questions and helps answer other members' questions, a fun thing.

What things should be kept in mind before choosing a furnished apartment?

Choosing a furnished apartment save you the time and stress of furnishing your apartment and interior decoration but there are somethings infact 2 major things that one must first consider before choosing a furnished apartment.

First on the table is " SAFETY ".

Having a well furnished apartment is great but if the apartment is furnished without giving priority to safety is not good. In fact living in a house where safety is neglected or frown upon is a dangerous thing to do.

One should not get carried away with the type and quality of furniture and interior decoration. The furnished apartment must not be choked full with furniture, enough space should be created in between the furniture, there should be proper ventilation and easy access to the doors and other room.

The other thing to considered is the "MAINTENANCE"

You find a great furnished house with safety arrangement in place and you will like to acquire it but do you have the means to maintained it. For the furnished apartment to maintained it appearance you will need to maintain the apartment and this cost money.

So the thing to put in mind are safety and cost of maintenance.

The key is first to understand what is being asked. It own't do you well, or the one who asked, if you just rushed to answer with the hope that you can make some money from the answer provided. Musing is about providing solutions, not so much the results. It's more like Quora.

I think if you approach Musing like you would Quora, you'd be able to answer better.

Also, I've seen a lot of people answer questions without bothering to edit their work. There's so much spelling errors that you'd wonder if a human wrote them. Write, then edit. Don't cause your reader more problems with your spellings. Do grammar checks as well. Punctuate when needed.

Lastly, I think the way your answer is structured also matters. Make it as clear as possible. Avoid jumbling everything together. Written works are more legible when they are spaced. Use paragraphs like you see I've done. It bores the eyes when words are jammed together without giving the eyes room for a break.

In all, put your heart in your answer and you will be happier for it!

Answer genuinely with your writing and heart is the best way! If you're able to attach any support or facts with your answer which is even better! 

Solving people's problem is one of the way too 

I believe that first and foremost, you need to understand the topic/question that you are trying to answer.  Try to answer to the best of your ability, and make it clear whether you are stating an opinion or basing your answer on facts, previous experience, etc.  If a question looks like it's asking for an expert-level answer, don't respond if you have no knowledge in that area.

Second, spelling and grammar are as equally important as understanding the question.  If you post a response that has a lot of typos or punctuation errors, it may cause readers to doubt how sincere you are in your response.  One or two little mistakes will probably be okay in most cases, but you should take the time to proofread every answer you write up before you post it.

First of all we should proper understand the question and the question what about asked and if you don't know the proper meaning of the question what has asked them you can't able to give answer.

If you proper knowing the question then surely you can able to write answer in proper way and answer will be proper related to question.if we want to write answer more affective then we should you most time adjective so it makes our answer effective.

If answer is related to question and you had write the answer with no grammar mistake and no tense mistake then surely you will get upvote from musing.Because musing always goes reading and then upvote so write the answer in proper manner.

We can write answer effective by making points on the questions and write one by one step.

Just write. 

Sometimes it may be wrong but just getting started and showing up will lead to improvements. It takes lots of thinking sometimes just to write a decent answer to a question. Once you get the hang of it, it becomes easy. Don't copy what you answer from an answer that has been made by others. Don't answer those questions that your not familiar with. It will be rather difficult. 

Read more and don't do it for the money but rather for the passion to get the message out instead. Polish up your English language use like the understanding of the structure and learn more words to built up your vocabulary so the reader understands your answers. Broken English or the poor command of the language leads to usual pain to read like watching a bad director crafting his boring movie which has not been properly done of due to lack of directing skills. 

Just keep practice writing. 

You can give effective answers when you pick questions you truly have an interest in and some moderate to extensive knowledge on.

Give very detailed answers to these questions and your answers are very likely to be effective and of high value.

Keep answering questions. With practice, one gets better.

Practice makes perfect.

Should there be a QOTD on Musing?

Is having a QOTD (Question of the day) a good idea?

I don't think that this would be a good idea. At least not for the time being. 

Having a question of the say is equivalent to having a 'trending' page on steemit. At this stage we need to keep the interactions here as organic as possible.

My primary objection is that "question of the day' title would encourage some people to buy votes and this could negatively effect us. These are the kickoff months for and keeping it real is should literally be the order of the day. 

I don't just think that musing is fair when it comes to giving upvotes but I also do know it does.

I joined musing about some days ago and in a day that I was a bit active I got good upvotes.

Musing is one of the fair system out there that I have seen. Just abide by the rules ask good questions about give beneficial answers.

Yeah I do think it will be a good idea. The questions that got the most striking answers and many people's comments on it can be given as questions of the day. Like as steemit do have the tag trending.

But I will love for it to be unbais with no bot manipulation like what is currently going on in steemit.

So to me it's a yay for QOTD

There's a really good general question here about how forks of existing cryptocurrencies affect the value of the primary / original chain.

Bitcoin has been forked numerous times and those forks have been forked themselves. I can think of numerous potential effects of a new fork, although determining empirically which effect dominates would not be an easy task. 

For example there could be:

(a) A negative impact caused by a drain of investment and funds from the original currency.

(b) A positive impact from increasing the credibility and awareness of the original blockchain if many other chains are founded from it. Basically a marketing impact from reaching new audiences which may find their way back to the original chain.

(c) A positive impact caused by potential improvements to the technology which could feed back into the original chain.

Looking at Steem forks, both the Golos and Scorum blockchains are based on the Steem structure and graphene technology. Yoyow is another graphene social blockchain.  The market-caps are currently Golos $7m and Yoyow $4m with Scorum raising $5m through the ICO, compared to $250m+ for Steem.

So the amount of investment drain from (a) does not appear to be huge, in particular since much of this investment could have come from their particular specialised communities (Russia, China, and Sports) rather than from investors looking at Steem.

My guess is that the positive effects of b and c from multiple adoptions of graphene technology could end up being more valuable than the investment drain. is actually a fork of the STEEM blockchain, and in my opinion a failed attempt at it. That being said, I do not think that anyone should be sweating competitor starting to pop up. It's always a good thing, it means that innovation on the field has not seized and that is a net positive.

There are talks of a STEEM 2.0 on EOS and maybe that is something that could shake up the waters a little bit, but in truth, the most important element of a cryptocurrency project is it's community. If the main bulk of the community remains engaged on STEEM or for a,b,c reason moves to another platform that would be the catalyst of "failure". Is that likely to happen? Probably not... 

Why has Musing moved the 'post to blog' tick box. Who else keeps forgetting about it up there?

I keep missing the tick box now its moved and thus posting to my feed. Musing is missing out on the publicity....or is it just me being dumb? What do you other 'musers' think please?

I also noticed it and miss it a lot. There were days I didn't feel like making direct blog posts on my page and that box came in handle.

I'm hoping musing is still experimenting with features on the site and that that feature will be brought back.

Totally agree. I want the choice as to whether I post to feed or not and if youve written a good, long reply, the tick box has disappeared off the top of the screen and is unnoticeable. It needs putting back at the end! Maybe we need to start a petition lol

When will we see a proper messaging system for steemit?

Why are we having to rely on a non-block chain way of messaging each other? I was looking towards Zappl for this, but, after returning after a six month fast from technology of all kinds, they had made zero progress in development that I could see..and it still said the same thing regarding the messaging portion of that Dapp. Is there such a thing yet and I just have not seen it?

I have an old iPad, I can't download discus, nor do I wish too actually. A platform without a messaging system to call its own, is rather diminished don't you think?

E-GO 2018

Well messaging system for steemit or musing won't gonna be a good thing I think. Because steemit is a blogging platform where people show there writing creativity. Not only writing but also photography, videos by dlive or dtube. And here in musing what we are doing is asking questions and answering. Both musing and steemit has upvoting system and also have comment section. All these are public and this is maintaining the transparency of these platform. People are working honestly. Though some people have dishonesty with upvoting but they are unable to brag in public cause there is no private system. For this reason good and quality content are getting upvoted and authors are having proper respect. I get a lot of upvote request in facebook messenger 

"Please Upvote my post in Steemit. Here is the link"

This is not only from native people but also from a lot of foreigners also cause I have joined a few Steemit related group in facebook. I think messaging system in Steemit and Musing will not be good thing to bring on. Yeah messaging is a great way to contact with each other but I've seen a lot of blogs those have no messaging system. 

Actually mixed feeling working in me. Messaging system is very good for everyone but it's also a source of spamming and disturbing people privately. 

I think they attempted this in Germany after Worldwar 1. It didn't work out extremely well…

Continuously 1923, 5 years after the Incomparable War, to purchase a solitary portion of bread in Germany would have taken a toll you 200,000 million Imprints. To place that into point of view, individuals didn't bear wallets back then, they dragged around bags loaded with money just to purchase a solitary thing. There are accounts of individuals leaving their bags unattended just to return and find that their cash was allowed to sit unbothered while their bags were stolen. It got so awful that in the end individuals used to need to leave fill in when they recieved their wages just with the goal that they could stand to purchase nourishment before the cost went up once more.

German hyperinflation since the finish of WW1

As should be obvious, printing monstrous measures of cash would cause only agony for a country's kin as hyperinflation spirals wild. Printing more cash would just outcome in a to a great degree debased, useless money, leaving essentially everybody in a more terrible circumstance than they were previously.

Here are some youthful trillionaires playing with their naturally printed useless Imprints.

Them's some fat stacks…

It is smarter to answer this inquiry with an assistance of an extremely basic case.

In this way, we should take 5 individuals, 1 being the maker of merchandise, and the other 4, purchasers. Presently every one of the 4 buyers have 25 bucks with them, and in this manner, the maker keeps the cost of his item at, say, 25 bucks too, so every individual can purchase his item and there is harmony in the request and supply powers.

Presently, we should envision if the measure of cash with the 4 customers increments, and everybody has 100 bucks now. Every one of them will have the capacity to purchase 4 units of the maker's item. In any case, the maker can just create an aggregate of 4 units of the item, on account of assets, monetary obliges, and so forth. Along these lines, in this situation, the maker will begin offering his item at 100 bucks (in light of the fact that right off the bat, he just has 4 items with him, and furthermore, his shoppers have 100 bucks with them, and with it, an expanded interest for the item) so again the 4 purchasers may just purchase 1 unit of his item and the market again comes into a balance.

Here, not all that much. The request continued as before, the creation, and additionally the supply. Be that as it may, just the value level swelled.

What's more, this is precisely what happens if boundless money will be printed. The supply of the items can't increment, yet with increment in cash in the market, the request will shoot up, and accordingly, hyperinflation would happen, on the grounds that the supply would continue as before. Along these lines, if the supply stays steady, however the request builds, the cost of the ware increments to bring the market into balance.

The ideal case of the end result for an economy assuming increasingly money is printed, is that of Zimbabwe. At a state of time, 3 eggs in Zimbabwe cost roughly $100 Billion Dollars![1]

Zimbabwe banknotes going from 10 dollars to 100 billion dollars printed inside a one-year time frame. The size of the cash scalars connotes the degree of the hyperinflation.

Since individuals had billions of dollars with them, to achieve harmony, the cost of items soar, along these lines, coming about into hyperinflation.

This is the entire fundamental procedure of swelling, and when occurring at such a greatness, it results into hyperinflation. Accordingly, printing more cash may help the Legislatures in the plain short run, be that as it may, it would be a total calamity over the long haul.

In a money driven set up, where all products and ventures are executed utilizing rupee, it might look as though printing more cash holds the way to illuminating monetary difficulties. Yet, that isn't the situation dependably and we will perceive how. To answer the inquiry above, what we have to illuminate is as governments, what is the end target they are attempting to accomplish. Notwithstanding minor contrasts in sentiments, most financial specialists will concur that it is to help development limit in the economy while guaranteeing productive business openings that eventually prompts a maintained ascent in the way of life of the subjects for a substantial extent of the economy, if not all.

Presently, let us dissect if printing more cash tends to any of the above issue. To give an adapted case here, if the economy just delivers 100 pencils and say cash supply is multiplied without expanding beneficial limit of creating pencils, at that point the costs of pencils will basically twofold without profiting any of the related goals of the legislature.

Truth be told, more than stipulated printing of money prompts expansion which has its own arrangement of sick consequences for the economy. At the start, it might appear to be improbable that monetary ills like swelling can influence political and social existence of a nation.

A little truth check demonstrates that spiraling swelling filled by unchecked money printing assumed a noteworthy part in demolition of economies like Zimbabwe, Argentina, and so on.

Organizations are frequently careful about making extensive interests in a swelling hit macroeconomic atmosphere and they are regularly in the post of value solidness before they resolve to significant venture choices.

A swelling level that is interminably rising is additionally symptomatic of supply bottlenecks in the economy. Heightening onion costs in India regularly result because of accumulating by agents in the nation.

Additionally, leasers get poorer amid times of expansion which makes them less excited about giving money to financing, that thus hampers development prospects in the economy.

A standout amongst the most essential outcomes of expansion is that it has differential impact on different sections of the economy. Despite the fact that costs might ascend for an expansive piece of items in the market, compensation for all sections may not keep a proportional pace. This is particularly valid for callings in the lower rung of the activity range like representatives, chaotic specialists, and so on.. In this manner, families at the base of monetary pyramid endure more because of inflationary impacts. Which is the reason, expansion is viewed as one of the principal challenges that legislatures are relied upon to handle.

That unchecked swelling can imperil an economy is a well established reality. Be that as it may, as we will see some time later, a solid, low and stable rate of swelling in the economy demonstrates light winning interest conditions. The test for national bank is to make sense of this ideal level and increment cash supply as needs be

A nation controling its own particular cash can actually print boundless measures of cash. Some all around recorded illustrations are there like..Zimbabwe.

National banks are not doing it on the grounds that the extension of the cash supply has genuine monetary impacts… the ones you don't need.

Cash generally speaking is a product utilized as a medium of trade upheld by nothing more tha its authorization by governments as the legitimate delicate.

In the event that the cash base can be endlessly extended, the amount of existing products and ventures it can buy isn't as versatile. It implies that more cash coming into the economy does not make everyone more extravagant, it just kicks the costs of everything higher. Uncontrolled cash printing just weakens the estimation of the money which in the long run winds up useless.

That is the reason governments are not printing cash with no constraint or control.

It really can until the point when it hits breaking points of regular assets, HR or aptitudes. It is just obliged by expansion that happens after one of the cutoff points is hit. Nothing forestalls aptitudes to be enhanced by free cash spent on instructing individuals at no cost to govt. Cash is an abundent asset, not under any condition rare. Free cash is zero-taken a toll.

It is important to keep

financial shortfall - net imports = net private investment funds

positive, which compels imports in exchanging with different nations. Net imports are in outside cash and this sets constrains on what amount can be acquired. On the off chance that an excessive amount of is obtained, it turns into a delay the economy in view of obligation benefit. In the most pessimistic scenario, remote residential speculation and shared benefits is the exit plan.

The least demanding method for expanding Gross domestic product is through Widespread Fundamental Wage to all nationals, man , lady and tyke by a sum that amplifies Gross domestic product recognized by early work lack. The manner in which it works is as per the following:

Gross domestic product = financial shortfall + K* ( monetary deficiency tax)+ net fares; K = 4, observationally for USA, presumably for all cash makers.

On the off chance that an expansion of monetary shortages is by UBI,

deltaGDP = 5* UBI, a deal by the monetary multiplier of zero cost cash, a boundless rate of return!

I don't know why this isn' t clear to financial analysts!

I don't know, but rather my teacher once said that any legislature can print cash just up to the degree of characteristic assets it has. anyway these days gold is utilized as the pointer of normal assets. on the off chance that a nation issues boundless measure of cash, without a doubt its economy will blast, however only for a less time. this is on the grounds that there will be overabundance of interest by its kin than the accessible assets. furthermore, when the assets will decrease costs will rise like anything, prompting destitution, joblessness, abuse and financial gloom. this is only an extremely concise photo of the situation.

A nation ends up rich by delivering merchandise and enterprises. Cash is simply a methods for purchasing those products and enterprises.

So assume a nation duplicates the supply of cash by printing heaps of it. On the off chance that the measure of products and enterprises continues as before, the cost of everything will twofold, as twofold the cash will be accessible to purchase a similar measure of merchandise and ventures. Subsequently, no one will be in an ideal situation.

In light of a comparative rationale, the estimation of such cash will split in connection to the monetary standards of different nations.

Subsequently, a nation can never wind up rich basically by printing and conveying cash. It can just enhance financially by delivering more products and enterprises.

"Why" reason the country does not print large amounts of money

Money is indeed a very important need for many people. Even though people say money cannot be taken to death, but without human money, nothing can be done.

Poverty is everywhere. Almost all developing countries in the world experience this one problem. Poverty has become a homework for each country to be resolved. Poverty in a country is always synonymous with money, people are said to be poor when the person does not have a certain amount of money. Then why does the government or country not print as much money as possible and then distribute it to the poor? It feels like the problem is over.

Why does a country not print as much money as possible?

If you read the news about accumulating state debt and a very large poverty rate, it might occur to us "what if Indonesia prints money at will, to pay off the country's debt and eradicate poverty or return the lost corruption money". Right?

Well, if the government of the Republic of Indonesia prints as much money, all the people can rain money. The question arises, who wants to be tired of work while there is already a money guarantee for today and tomorrow. Well, if so who wants to work as a farmer even though the money is already in hand?

For example, no Indonesian people want to be farmers. Then what do we want then while the staple food comes from the agricultural sector? The result will be inflation, namely the increase in the price of goods on the market.

The ratio between the money printed and the amount of money in circulation is one way to determine the value of money. Therefore, if the money in circulation is added but the guarantee is not added, the value of money will decrease (inflation). As a result, if it is usually Rp. 1,000 can buy x items, after the money is inflated Rp.1,000 only when buying 1/2 x.

In other words, the amount of money is large, but the value does not exist, if there is no value then no other country will accept our money. in the end the debt will never pay off.

So this is the reason why the government cannot arbitrarily print as much money: because money is printed as much as possible, traders will always raise prices. After all, they thought. who bought more money than before

This effect keeps repeating like a vicious circle so that most of the price of goods will experience price increases even though the goods are exactly the same as before. This is seen as a fall in the value of the currency where the exchange rate of money against goods falls (because the price of goods rises).

Besides blockchain assets such as ethereum ENS addresses I've used bitcoin to renew two website domains through my hosting provider Namecheap.

I have used cryptocurrency to buy steem monsters card and Steem silver rounds. You can also use bitcoin to buy other cryptocurrency silver rounds from Gold Eagle Coins. Crypto kitties were purchased with Ethereum. Then of course there was the famous pizza purchase with bitcoin and people that have bought houses and cars with bitcoin. I also think the Real Debrid service you can use with your kodi app on your Amazon Fire Sticks accept Bitcoin too.I'm sure there are so many more things like this out there that we don't even know about yet.

This is a question that I've wanted answers too. So far, I've only seen some merchants accepting cryptocurrencies and quite complex for everyone to understand. It will get mainstream someday and by that time, everyone will just take out their crypto wallets and trade the currencies through their phones or some digital way. 

Now, I guess, the world has just shifted to cashless transactions. I have seen that in my country. 

Crytos are quite unstable at the moment i guess for it to be used. It can be worth less the next day or worth more. Imagine cash which fluctuates in the value. 

I have only used crypto to buy gold and silver from and  They take bitcoin.  

I wish I had more opportunities!  I look forward to OmiseGO an an exchange wallet to come out.

Do You Think Physical Attraction is Important in Relationships ?

Would you date/marry a great guy/gal you don't feel much attraction towards physically or would you rather wait to find someone you feel attracted to?

Quite damn vital. Or on the other hand rather, it gives an extremely huge preferred standpoint over those without alluring highlights. By and large, physical interest is all we need to base our underlying fascination. Physical excellence, be that as it may, is just the initial step and not the entire staircase.

Do you like what I did back there with the staircase relationship? Well I did, but since that is extremely about to the extent I can go toward that path, here's another:

Connections resemble any fire (I can hear no less than two kid groups warming up their vocal ropes as I compose this), and physical fascination is that fuel. Twigs and leaves and stuff (boobies, noticeable jawlines, or whatever it is that you're in to) are generally massively critical, however not fundamental, to get any significant fire going. What truly checks is that you have some genuine substance in the event that you anticipate keeping that thing burning.

Physical attraction is one of the most important aspects of a relationship. If there's no physical attraction, no desire, no intimacy, or a connection there beyond just that if being best friends then the relationship most likely will not be a long lasting one or you'll experience a great deal of difficulty along the way.

I'm very sure, if the SMT can succeed in launching it next year. Now Steemit is building preparations to get there. Partner steemit platforms such as, esteem, DTube, DLive, Steempress, Steemhunt, Utopian-io have prepared themselves to create their own personal tokens for use in next year's SMT event.

Steem as the currency that will be paid to all writers on the steemit platform, will boost their position from position 35 to top 10, various expectations appear among crypto experts, but they only know steemit from outside.

I, as a platform user, are very confident steem can skyrocket and be in the top 10 ranks of the world's currencies next year, we'll see.

well the SMT is a lovely project that should be applauded and also be encouraged but it might not make steem to reach top ten cryptocurrencies but at least it could make steem price to go higher and stronger,so the focus should be the benefits that steemians will get from the steem value when the SMT is launhed next year

There are at least 2 (two) big questions that we must ask ourselves. First, is a question concerning the environment. Second, is a question concerning the Spiritual side. This time, we will discuss the first big question about the question concerning the environment.
This question asks why are we BORN here? Why are we here? For what are we in this place? Why am I born in Indonesia? And similar questions.
Almost in every seminar or training that I bring, I often ask participants. Have you ever thought of you, what was born in your hometown? Most of them are confused or just answer, their destiny. Then I replied, that was the answer that was too simple and resigned by Mother. Or if the Germans say.
After I asked many times and the participants became more confused and finally gave up, then I answered, from all the trips, advice, searches and studies with the spiritual teachers I had visited, I finally found the answer. That why we were born in our respective hometowns, or in Indonesia, or why not in England, France, America, in developed and convenient countries, is because God has entrusted that place, city or country to you all for you build, manage and develop.

Immediately from the look on the faces of the participants who were increasingly confused, some were shocked, some were moved and finally wondered. That is natural, because that is one of the big questions that we have never studied or tafakuri before.

SBD are a debt instrument, since they can be exchanged for USD$1 value of Steem. There are limits to stop this debt becoming too large in relation to the overall supply of Steem (measured in dollars). 

The SBD print limits, expressed as a percentage of the overall supply of Steem, are currently:
* Between 2% and 5% the supply of SBD is gradually reduced and replaced by liquid Steem in 50 / 50 payouts. The change from 2% to 5% is a linear progression.
* At 5% there is no longer any SBD included in post payouts, you receive liquid Steem instead.

The recent fall in the price of Steem has reduced the overall Steem supply (measured in dollars) such that the 5% SBD limit has now been breached. No more SBD will be printed until the outstanding SBD returns to below 5%.

According to the current market value of Steem is $258,583,040 and the amount of SBD is 15,683,596 (note the system assumes 1 SBD = $1). So it looks like (the 3.5 day average witness feed price of) Steem has to rise back to around $1.08 (with other things, like SBD volumes, remaining constant) before SBD rewards will restart.

This has been going on for a while now and it’s just due to the fact that there isn’t enough sbd. So instead they make all the payments in steem as a “loan” like feature. It used to be all sbd a few months ago and now sits converted to all steem.

The SBD print rate has been updated to 0% that's why all the reward payout is not pay in SBD anymore but in STEEM but that's good for you too! 

Now create more content and you will earn 50% STEEM and 50% STEEM Power, best time to power up your account. #incomingwhale #powertothemoon

Vegetarian diet also support protein production in the body. There are a lot of vegetables which are a good source of protein. Not only vegetable but there are many kinds of milk and dairy products available in the market that are good source of protein. 

There are three kinds of vegetarian in the world. 

1. Lacto-ovo Vegetarian 

2. Ovo Vegetarian

3. Pure Vegetarian

Lacto -Ovo Vegetarians eat milk and dairy products but they don't eat meat or fish. They eat eggs along with there other vegetarian diets. That's why it's not that complicated for them to get protein production in their body.

Ovo vegetarians also get protein from eggs but not the dairy products so the question still their does only egg protein enough for them?

Lastly the pure vegetarian who don't eat any kind of protein containing  food which are from animals. So how the protein deficiency will be filled up in their body. 

There are a lot of vegan food that are very good source of protein. Without eating animal protein human can fill up the protein need easily by eating vegetables. There are some vegetables that have more protein than meat and eggs. When 1 serving beef contains 25% protein, chicken has 23% and egg contain 12-13% protein there are some vegetables that have more than double protein are listed below. 

Spinach 49%, 

Kale 45%, 

Broccoli 45%, 

Cali Flower 40%,  

Mushrooms 38%, 

Parsley 34%, 

Cucumber 24%, 

Green Pepper 22%, 

Cabbage 22%, 

Tomatoes 18%.

Vegetable world is very rich in varieties. All types of nuts, almonds, seeds and beans are very good source of protein. To me avocado is the best source of protein and the taste of avocado is better than any types of butter. Different types of berries and fruits can also produce protein in our health. So there should be no doubt that vegetarian diets can produce enough protein in our body.

My academic resourcefulness.

I have been fortunate enough to acquire 5 Higher Education degrees in 4 different fields (Engineering, Business, Accounting & Real Estate). As I have accumulated close to 300 college credit hours, I have helped many students in their classes via personal tutoring. I find it amusing that many students I teach/tutor don't squeeze out all the knowledge/secrets by asking me relevant questions. They seem to content with the bare minimum. As an example, I recently helped a student taking Calculus 1 reduce his number of hours spent in computing the answers from 6-8 hrs to 1-2 hrs per homework set. All this student had to do was ask me. I told him some tricks to employ and he saved a lot of time this summer. 

I wish more students and friends took advantage of the knowledge I have so that they save time and get the highest grade possible.    

I am a recent android convert. The reason is very simple - for me what I use is defined by what I can have and not what I want.

I will argue that iOS has been a really awesome companion for last four years but there were occasions where I struggled with the lack of free apps, On the other hand I found that there is no dearth of free apps on android. So my latest Samsung Galaxy might not be as easy to use as my iPhone but I have a much larger variety of apps to select from.

Once you get used with android you'll see how much of a difference it makes in customization.

Yeah, you are right about that. This is my second month using android and I can already notice the great amount of adjustments I can make to my specifications. Quite great actually! I should have mentioned that in my answer as well :-)

I'd choose the android over iPhone everyday. For me, it's not all about the luxury or the trending thing but if the device can meet my need.

I've always loved to be able to do extra things with my device. I mean those things that ordinary users cannot do.

For example,in the days when Symbian was king, I could modify my phone (Nokia E63 then) to boot up with windows 7 sound, I could edit the themes beyond what the original developers had imagined and lots more. I like that kind of flexibility. Android, to an extent, gives us that kind of freedom.

Sadly, I can't say the same with ios. It's rigid and one can only do as it was designed. I'd become bored all too soon.

I've never used an iPhone and prolly, I never will. Well, not with my money.

My pick is forever android phone. Because it's cheaper than iPhone with same performance even better. Android is more costumezible. It's freedom for adventurers. You can download anything from the internet unlike ios. If the app which you're looking isn't available on Play Market you can find apk version of the app easily from the web.

Step by step:

Login and Scroll down

Check Min/Max ROI -Don't bid on any negative (Duh!)

Choose a bot

Click "Actions" drop-down menu and check details

Check last round and current round to see if ROI's are consistent with colum

Check the bot's Min/Max bid and Vote Value 

Make a bid from the "Actions" drop-down menu

Nothing clear

I am looking at the website steembottracker and who has less investment and whose upvote value is higher the time is very important in bid for bots. Because more the investment comes hen it will be distributed less and it might get you less upvote on your blog.

I prefer many bots like  @whalecreator   @sneaky-ninja   @whalepromobot   @upmewhale @smartmarket i prefer this bots and looking at the ROI it has best ROI and it also does not give upvotes in 7 days as some of bots are very lazy and gives upvotes in 7 days of time and this 4 bots are regularly giving upvotes and they are less invested with good Steem power and very populated account so i prefer this bots for my post to upvote.

The most profitable bit bot out there is not to mention the amount of time it saves you from constantly monitoring only to find someone else at the same time as you with seconds left to send your ROI negative. monitors all bid bots on your behalf and strategically places bids on your behalf when it finds positive ROI's in the remaining seconds before a bot Upvotes. If you haven't checked this service out then you should at least give it a read to see if it's for you.

Minnowbooster does it for me. I have used a few bid bots but none have been as effective for me.

Minnowbooster is also very easy to use in that all you have to do is transfer some sbd from your wallet to your Minnowbooster account and you can upvote from this balance whenever.

You also get a good upvote value to make it all worth the while.

 It is not possible to identify one bot to be profitable as its ratio keeps on changing every time. One bot is profitable on one turn in the next turn it may end up in loss.

Considering above I will see which bot or bots are giving best profits in the round and will invest accordingly in two three or more bots.

Further, it also depends on my bid amount. If I want to place bid of higher value, I may ignore bots whose voting power is too low.

I will select the bots who have the good paying ratio

Who automatically refund the invalid amount.

I will also prefer the bots who support some funding projects.

Based on my experience @buildawhale, @minnowbooster and @smartmarket. Note though that these bots are not get rich schemes. Abusing these bots to only promote lots of memes and worthless content will get you blacklisted by them.

Any other Musers want the logo back on their posts. I do?

As well as missing the tick box atthe bottom of my posts, I also miss the orange logo on my blog feed posts too. Inthinknghis isngreat advertising for and allows me to easily see my post sources. 3ho else wants it back shout 'ME PLEASE' !

I actually started posting with only four days ago. In the comments and the blog feed section of the blog I have no way to distinguish the musing comments and posts from the steemit ones. 

Although I haven't seen the logo on posts before but if the option is given, then I would like to use it. I use the steem blockchain and the Dapps on it  quite heavily - Basically I use the steem based Dapps a lot and I can certainly appreciate any way to keep my content marked, based on the dapp it came from. 

Totally agree my friend. I also am using the DApps a lot now so like to instantly see on my feed what I'm posting. Im attempting to use Steem as my only form of social media.

You can add it using the picture icon and copying in the following url:

However it would be good to have this as a built in option. I agree it's good advertising!

The only real way to over come your fear of public speaking is to practice, practice, practice. Practice with a friend or with family and then when you feel a little more comfortable take on more public speaking opportunities at work or with school and any chance you can find.

First you can practice at home in the mirror by taking speeches so you can get used with the idea and then you must go out publicly and do that otherwise you'll remain a "closet speaker". 


I am a new user in musing and i am working here regularly from last 2 days and i have got my first upvote of 0.53$ from the team musing and got my second upvote of 0.66$ as i havs received 2 upvotes till now and after 7 days i will be able to get my payout of upvotes so i can reveal my payment of upvote after some days as now i am just focusing on my answers that it does not have some grammer error and copy paste content does not come looking at this both steps i am working on musing.

my first payout will be after 3 days and i will be very happy to receive this upvote payout because in online field this will be my first payout which i will received from legit site and i will make a party with friends from my first payout.

I don't know the accurate amount but most probably 5$ worth of vote.

I have been here for less than a week and have even received a few up votes for my engagement here in I am really excited by the platform and even made a introductory post about it: 

I may have made a few dollars here, but right now I am targeting at creating more engagement here, I think that more the engagement generated here, the more it will benefit the platform. I feel that this is better in the long run for all users. 

i have not really earn much because i am still a new member on but i have gotten some upvotes which makes me excited because it makes me know that the curators on actually saw my answers and felt it was of good quality and that makes me fulfilled already,i hope to answer more questions and help people solve their problems and also get some upvotes while doing that too..

Curation on here is done manually by a team of curators. They go through the posts, determine what posts offer what value and how much of such is offered and upvote accordingly.

It's great because it pushes the users to do and give more to get better upvotes.

when i first started using i used to think that the upvotes are done by a bot but recently i discovered that there are curators on ground that manually check every posts and determine which posts get upvotes or not,i love the fact that it is done that way because it will make this wonderful platform to be more transparent

I believe that does manual curation. The answers and questions are rewarded based on their relevance, quality, detail, language, etc. These are all criteria that the curators have to look for in an answer before awarding any upvotes.

This basically means that both questions and answers have to be read by the curators before any curation can be done. 

Musing's curators take the time to read every post and upvote manually. They base the upvote on the post's quality. The post should be well structured and have good grammar and punctuation. 

join the discord server and find out :p

The curation is done manually. This ensures more credibility. Users get to rewarded based on the relevance of their answers to the question(s) asked.

More people will be needed in the future, or so I think. More and more people are joining Musing everyday. Soon enough, the work will become tiresome for just few persons to do.

I will be ready to offer my service when that time comes.

If you want to improve your handwriting, you have to be really determined about it.

I'll tell you a little about myself. When I was really young, I think I was eight years old. I got admitted into a new school. It was a degradation from my previous school (talking about fees). I was happy nonetheless to be in a new school. But not for long.

We were taught Arithmetic and given some class work to do. I hurriedly did mine and submitted as I wanted to make a mark as a very brilliant pupil. I waited for the sum to be marked but what I heard was, "Who owns this fowl-scratch handwriting?" I felt like melting to the floor because everyone had burst into laughter. I felt really bad and couldn't play with the others during recess.

It was from then I made my mind to improve on my writing. Few months later, it just happened that my brother's friend, who attends same school with him asked me to go get something inside their house for her (we lived in the same compound). As I got in, I saw her notebook. My gosh! That was the most beautiful handwriting I had ever seen.

The note was a rough one. I took it and it found its way to my house. I began practicing writing exactly like that from that day. I exhausted many books in doing so.

Also, I began to take writing homeworks seriously (we had a subject called "HANDWRITING" with a workbook where the pupil is expected to re-create what he sees). I would always try my best to do it as accurately as I could.

On holidays, I would finish the remainder of the book that we didn't do in class. I would even collect my classmates own.

Fast forward to when I got to Primary 4. I had the best writing in school and would even get 100 over 100 as total marks (accumulation of tests and examination). I was copying on the board from my lazy teacher's book while my mate looked from the board to copy their notes.

My writing has earned me favors all through my secondary school days. I've gotten used to hearing "You write like a computer!"

All of these happened because I was determined.

The way you practice regularly in writing then you will have good hand writing .before few years my handwriting was also so bad people can't able to read properly and my school teacher call my parents that your child is not writing properly and we can't able to read what he has written.From that I started writing for 3 hours continuously slowly and after 3 months my handwriting comes brilliant and now you can also understand and appreciate my handwriting.

So,you have to work hard to improve your handwriting then only you get success and you can also feel good on reading your blog at which you had written with your hand.

i used to have a bad handwriting some years ago and it could be a terrible experience especially when you are an author or in a field whereby you do alot of writing,my writing was so bad that many of my friends and colleagues do complain about it,what i did to improve my handwriting was to first of all admit that i have bad handwriting,then the next step was that you need to keep writing more and more,the more you keep writing and writing then gradually you will begin to have a better handwriting but you aslo need to be determined and also you need to focus more on yourself and stop bothering yourself about your handwriting because your handwriting should not determine who you are

I don't really know what you mean by "vision", but the most and fastest proven way to improve one's handwriting is constant practice and a goal why you need to improve your writing.. 

I myself used to have the worst handwriting. My handwriting was small and they are written so close to each other that you one needs to take a really good look at it to read my writing. However everything changed when I went to college and have this "Drawing 101" subject in which we were asked to almost always use straight big letters(Kind of like the Times New Roman font). In Engineering, this is quite a must in order for everyone to easily read what you wrote.

Long story short, because of that 1 semester subject of mine, I learned (or was forced) to write in Big readable letters. My goal at that time was to pass the subject and the only way to pass that subject was to adhere to the rules given by the professor. And the practice was a good full semester. 

So if you want to improve your handwriting, you must first ask yourself why do you want to improve it. Are you forced to or do you really want to improve? With vision alone it is hard, as "handwritings" are personal stuffs that no one other than you notices especially in this age of technological advancement.

There are 5 pages