
I just want to change one thing, which is to eliminate bid-bots, because with the existence of bid-bots, good quality articles also have no meaning.

That's what I would instantly also.

First Thing I'd change is the way the reputation system works, it is not a fair system at all.

Next thing I'd change would be the flagging option, alot of whales can abuse their power and flag someone just because they do not like the person.

The fact that hard working planktons and minnows suffer by begging for upvotes because no one wants to read a post unless it's a post by their friends.

If I could change 3 things on steemit. It will be:

1) Stopping the use of bid bots. Bid bots have taken the steemit system and most quality posts are being undervalue with worthless or less valued posts on the trending page

2) The flagging system. On steemit a user with greater SP and reputation can decided to flag another user for no just cause, this is so disheartening. I will love to develop a system where a complaint is to be made and cross check before flagging a user.

3) I will define implement a law of one's earnings will be base on the number of comments he do gives because most users on steemit just make posts without bothering to check on other users blog.

get rid of downvoting and steamcleaners (should get rid of half the useless bots too)

[edit] i do that all the time so i dont really count on musing as "income" seeing as they play short ball mostly, and probably even more now they have the clout, ... if i did that my answers would be trimmed but, i felt like explaining this :

consider that happening : no more negative weight on votes : 

assuming its already punishment enough if you spend 6 or 7 hours or some people DAYS on a post and you get barely anything

knowing very well you can simply mute whoever you dont wanna see

consider this : what would all those bots running around on blacklists have left to do ? All those enlightened people who crusade in the name of holy content building those lists and "enforcing" them , what would happen to them if they couldnt ? They would have to stop and create THEIR OWN CONTENT INSTEAD OF LISTS OF THATS NOT HOW ITS DONE

if nothing else i think it would be a great social experiment to try, even if only for a "test" fork

(LOL @ nazicleaners, what would you do if you had to come up with your own stuff?)

(sorry, i had to ... quite sure the voting round for these is  gone anyway, and if i sit around all day typing hoping for a few to hit i'll never have a foundation to stand on and don't get me wrong, i think musing is by far the best thing here since the day i got on to steemit)

right then ... carry on ... nothing to see here

get corporations to have advertising accounts to buy steemit

a free DM-system as an overlay of sorts , doesnt even have to be on the blockchain , any cryptonnaire witness can run it, with validated and approved senders (who have active services that have been checked by the provider) which allows only messages from those you select after you subscribed to them, checking up on all the feeds of stuff i use is  A REAL timesink, i dont have the clout or resources to do that or i would have already

Like, if I had magic? If I don't actually have to come up with methods for them it would be:

1. Replace the curation system with a system that does what it was supposed to in the whitepaper: encourage users to discover undervalued content. What curation currently does is encourage users to be the first to vote on content everyone already knows will be valued, which is not really useful in any way.

2. Replace the flagging system with one that doesn't take upvoting power and is based on a user's experience and standing within the platform. Essentially distribute policing power based on who has been here contributing the longest, rather than purely on stake, and don't have it limit those users' ability to reward.

3. Cause Steem Inc. to see the value of curation and retention entrepreneurship in the same way that they see the value of dApps. dApps are important, but building and empowering the user base is also important.

I would love it if the problem of people spamming and hacking other peoples account can be controlled

I'm completely against bid bots because with the help of bid bots you can increase your reputation easily and everyone can push their less quality post on trending page. Todays it's impossible to see someone's post on trending page without using bid bots


Question posted on [musings]( was :

If you could change three things in how Steemit works what would those be?


I would dis allow bid bots they are killing the platform. It has turned into a swamp where it is hard to find good posts in the sea of bot votes shitposts. I know people keep on saying the cost of steem is down because of Bitcoin, and yes of course it is connected; but I also believe that bidbots have eroded the worth of steem as well. Steemit has a miserly 8% retention rate. Why because who wants to use a spammy platform where you have to dig for good content and were bad behaviour is rewarded because the top whales engage I it too …


Night mode as default. Why ? Because it just looks so much better and is easier on the eyes. 


a second voting pool for old posts as there is so much good content that would deserve a second revenue pool. It could have a weekly or monthly payout cycle.