
I would like to add my learnings to the chain of excellent answers above.

1. Motivate, motivate, motivate:

A leader is a person everyone looks up to. You need to completely believe in set goals and how it will benefit the organization and its employees. You might give your employees all the resources necessary to complete their duties but if you cannot create the will and enthusiasm required to engross them, the chances of generating great results decreases over the period. Money might not at all be a motivating factor for several people. Many welcome an opportunity to make a difference and create a smile/make the world an easier/safer/greener place. You need to observe your co-workers and realize their passion. Let the bird fly and fish swim and not vice versa.

2. Assign ownership and not tasks:

Let everyone be the CEO of their job. Let them make decisions. If you can allocate just enough amount of responsibilities at the right time which can actually scare someone, the chances of performing well increases. Let your employees see the bigger picture and not be restricted to smaller modules.

3. Connect:

Listen to your audience-formal/informal feedback, body language, quality of work are all incoming signals. Figure out what's good and what needs work. Set up a roadmap and channel efforts towards fixing things. Be the driver.

Other important points that are already covered in the answers above:

1. Appreciate innovation

2. Deliver on promises

3. Set an example

4. Be amongst the crowd yet stand out

5. Praise in public, reprimand in private

1. Be Fair (Arbitrating)

Being Fair means being able to determine all decisions from two existing problems. Leaders who are able to be fair will certainly be able to tactically give wise decisions to solve a problem.

2. Providing Suggestions.

A leader is required to be able to give suggestions to members of his group. Provision of suggestions is good and true useful to the results obtained at the end of a goal. The suggestion is intended to embrace all members in one unit so that coordination and cohesiveness of members in their participation in a group can be maintained.

3. Purpose (Supplying Objectives)

a leader is required to be able to support all the good things that can be a factor in achieving a group goal. A Leader is required to be able to be assertive and support all aspects that trigger the success of group goals.

4. Become a Catalyst (Catalysing)

A leader can be said as a catalyst if he is able to support all aspects of his group's progress with good ideas and actions.

5. Creating Security (Providing Security)

A leader is said to be able to create a sense of security if he is able to continue to have positive thoughts, firmly stand and be able to hold all the controls with honest, wise. The leader who is able to create a sense of security is a very reliable leader.

6. As an Organization Representative (Representing)

A true leader is a representative of an organizational unit of the group he is working on. A leader is required to be able to be an eye


Task of the Leader

The main task of a leader is:

1. Leader works with others: A leader is responsible for working with other people, one with his boss, staff, co-workers or other superiors as well as people outside the organization.

2. Leaders are responsible and accountable (akontabilitas): A leader is responsible for preparing the task of carrying out tasks, conducting evaluations, to achieve the best outcomes. Leaders are responsible for staff success without failure.

3. Leaders balance the attainment of goals and priorities: The leadership process is limited by resources, so leaders can only arrange tasks by prioritizing priorities. In an effort to achieve the objectives the leader must be able to delegate his tasks to the staff. Then the leader must be able to manage time effectively, and solve problems effectively.

4. Leaders must think analytically and conceptually: A leader must be an analytical and conceptual thinker. Furthermore, it can identify problems accurately. The leader must be able to describe all the jobs to be more clear and related to other work.

5. Manager is forcing mediators: Conflicts always occur on every team and organization. Therefore, the leader must be able to become a mediator (mediator).

6. Leaders are politicians and diplomats: A leader must be able to invite and make compromises. As a diplomat, a leader must be able to represent the team or organization.

7. Leaders make difficult decisions: A leader must be able to solve problems

Today we are confronted with the hustle and bustle of leadership. Many are very proud of their leaders, but not a few are already feeling hot. This is due to two factors, namely first, the matter of government performance that is not optimal and the second is the attitude or behavior of leaders in responding to criticism. I think we all understand that leaders are the most important part of our lives because without leadership, we will be difficult to reach the goals and objectives. At least the character and soul of leadership are in each of our souls. In the language of Islam, a hadith explains that "all of you are leaders, and you are all responsible for what he leads".

The leader will always correlate with responsibility, because that responsibility becomes the domain of power over what he leads. If then the leader cannot play or precisely play that responsibility, then the leader's credibility must be questioned. In a sense, this responsibility is the "stamp" or legitimacy of the leadership. Regardless of the outcome of the responsibility, good or bad, the important thing is that the leader has the attitude, vision, stand and commitment to that responsibility. And it is normal for the leader to be sneered in response to his treatment or his attitude to the responsibility. How hard the scorn is, the leader must be smart and strategy to react to it. It can even be used as input for work and also the spirit to improve performance.

But if, then the leader responds with reactionary, confused until it must be sourced in front of the public with a complaining tone, then the public will judge it variably. There could be sympathizers but also not a few who feel "weird" because they are judged (also) beyond the propriety and appropriateness of a leader. I don't know what to achieve when doing this, maybe building an image, imaging that this leader (now) is being slandered, swayed and not respected. And it will not be legally prosecuted, despite the completion of legal channels. So, you must feel sorry to see your leader be treated like this. how to make the leader "as if" persecuted, can win sympathy.

leaders like this certainly understand well the social-psychological conditions of the community. That is to quickly feel sorry, compassion for people who are persecuted or who are cornered. and if you feel compassion, sympathy for those who feel persecuted will appear everywhere. These symptoms can be touched and tested in the media. Maybe we still remember well, a few years ago, one of the academy contexts on private TV stations was selected through an SMS poll by viewers. So came up one of the participants in the context of singing from among the poor, marginalized people, people who did not have anything and then exaggerated by the media. As a result, win him with a high SMS acquisition. Apart from this, reality-reality shows and of course the rampant soap operas influence the mindset and character of our society. Conditions like this, make our society weak against the formation of critical power and minus the learning that can be achieved. So be our society to be patient with the situation now. But on the other hand also, they even rarely complain. When kerosene is scarce, the price of basic foods goes up, the disaster comes over and comes. They still patiently deal with it and the feeling of their mother is also taken care of.

A good leader is a true, contemporary, transparent, visionary and a pleasant person. He has a mission, a philosophy, a sacrifice, a feeling of compassion and commitment.

The passion and love of compassion for people is a reflection of leadership. It means that the qualities of becoming a leader are hidden in every person to some extent. It is a challenge to cherish these qualities. To become effective leader, 10 qualities are important. There are 10 skills needed for effective leadership ...

1. The leader, whether political, religious or social, has to face many challenges. The ability to tell their commitments is different in every person. Mostly it depends on someone's interests or unwelcome. Even then, the leader has to measure everyone with the same measuring instrument. He needs the wisest intelligence to make the right decisions at the right time.

2. Not all people are alike in society. Not every person can satisfy But the leader has to walk with everyone and do the same justice.

3. The leader is also criticized. He should not face the situation emotionally. Often leaders are surrounded by miscreants who promote their importance for personal purposes. The leader needs help from people around him to do any work. They also have to depend on them. But it should not seem like that he is locked in a fort and surrounded by helpers.

4. The greatest qualities that are expected of a true leader are the courage to raise their hand towards critics and the patience to listen to them. The true leader takes the failure and success in his door with one sentiment. Nowadays, the leaders keep trying to save themselves from criticism all the time because of their weaknesses or giving cleanses on their wrong actions. A teacher does not complain, neither does he complain nor gives cleanliness. Rather, it is ready to learn something at all times. A good leader does not plant tears on others.

5. Creating a harmony between idealism, pragmatism and far-reaching goals and short-term needs. Those leaders who depend only on idealism or who only want to stay practical, they fail without any theory.

6. Leader can not be just general or special It is necessary to establish a balance between the personal attention of the people of the society and the general attitude towards the group society and the nation.

7. The leader should have the courage to accept his weaknesses. He should understand that people are generous hearts. She will appreciate her candidness. Instead of hiding them, he will accept his weakness.

a good leader should first of all ensure to be a good follower too and what this means is that a good leader must have a listening ears to the plight of his or her followers because you are the one leading them and you need to know what they are going through in other for you to be able to lead them rightly,a good leader should be disciplined and responsible,a good leader should be able to speak the truth in any situation,a good leader should be full of integrity and good morals,a good leader must be determined and focused..