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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago (edited)

Vegetarian diet also support protein production in the body. There are a lot of vegetables which are a good source of protein. Not only vegetable but there are many kinds of milk and dairy products available in the market that are good source of protein. 

There are three kinds of vegetarian in the world. 

1. Lacto-ovo Vegetarian 

2. Ovo Vegetarian

3. Pure Vegetarian

Lacto -Ovo Vegetarians eat milk and dairy products but they don't eat meat or fish. They eat eggs along with there other vegetarian diets. That's why it's not that complicated for them to get protein production in their body.

Ovo vegetarians also get protein from eggs but not the dairy products so the question still their does only egg protein enough for them?

Lastly the pure vegetarian who don't eat any kind of protein containing  food which are from animals. So how the protein deficiency will be filled up in their body. 

There are a lot of vegan food that are very good source of protein. Without eating animal protein human can fill up the protein need easily by eating vegetables. There are some vegetables that have more protein than meat and eggs. When 1 serving beef contains 25% protein, chicken has 23% and egg contain 12-13% protein there are some vegetables that have more than double protein are listed below. 

Spinach 49%, 

Kale 45%, 

Broccoli 45%, 

Cali Flower 40%,  

Mushrooms 38%, 

Parsley 34%, 

Cucumber 24%, 

Green Pepper 22%, 

Cabbage 22%, 

Tomatoes 18%.

Vegetable world is very rich in varieties. All types of nuts, almonds, seeds and beans are very good source of protein. To me avocado is the best source of protein and the taste of avocado is better than any types of butter. Different types of berries and fruits can also produce protein in our health. So there should be no doubt that vegetarian diets can produce enough protein in our body.