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RE: Musing Posts 3

in #musing-threads7 years ago

Humble is a united attitude that has tremendous significance. The person who is humble, able to acknowledge all his shortcomings and admit that he needs someone else to help him. Humble is one element of adult attitudes.

Being humble does not mean covering up your strengths, but mature enough to acknowledge your shortcomings.

However, most people consider that admitting deficiency is merely the attitude of dramatizing circumstances. They also assume that it is better to keep quiet and keep themselves from 'looking less' than asking for help. This is a boastful attitude that needs to be eliminated.

When your arrogance and hobbies cover yourself, you will only find it harder to find a way out of your problem. Then when a lot of people are silent in their arrogance, people appear to be unconcerned about them and come up with the phrase, "Alright, leave it alone." "Ah let it be that person," this is wrong, and must be changed. Do not let people not care about the people around them anyway.