
Humility : The god of strength , one of the most powerful beings in the universe. He's also known as the greatest devotee, the greatest servant, the greatest "fanboy" that ever lived. Throughout his own existence, he served Sri Ram, the personification of God. Whoever you are, irrespective of whatever you've achieved, always remember to keep your feet planted firmly on the ground. The day your greatness or your success gets to your head, the Hanuman energy (the energy of strength) will LEAVE YOU. Humility before anything.

Humble is a united attitude that has tremendous significance. The person who is humble, able to acknowledge all his shortcomings and admit that he needs someone else to help him. Humble is one element of adult attitudes.

Being humble does not mean covering up your strengths, but mature enough to acknowledge your shortcomings.

However, most people consider that admitting deficiency is merely the attitude of dramatizing circumstances. They also assume that it is better to keep quiet and keep themselves from 'looking less' than asking for help. This is a boastful attitude that needs to be eliminated.

When your arrogance and hobbies cover yourself, you will only find it harder to find a way out of your problem. Then when a lot of people are silent in their arrogance, people appear to be unconcerned about them and come up with the phrase, "Alright, leave it alone." "Ah let it be that person," this is wrong, and must be changed. Do not let people not care about the people around them anyway.

The Humility of a Person - Humility is a reflection of adulthood, a person who has a humble attitude does not feel arrogant and arrogant with the advantages in his possession, he is smart enough to cover the excess and recognize the shortcomings. People with a humble attitude are usually good at positioning themselves and will appreciate others, he knows that human beings are not perfect, yet, humble is also reflected from the attitude or the nature of the confidence.

Humility comes naturally to some people but it can be cultivated by effort. If one considers that we are privileged if we are born with better chances in life which our looks, cognitive abilities, education, health and interactions with people confer upon us we can learn not to take it as entitlement. Such tremendous advantages should be taken not as a given, not as something which one can take for granted, but with a sense of wonder and awe. It is a bonus which should leave us with the feeling of a person who was just about to fall in a deep well or run over by a train.

Moreover, there are always people who fare even better in life than us. None of this is just; most of it is undeserved; and only some of it is the product of hard work and constant effort. But even the capacity for hard work and persisting despite all odds has much to do with our psychological states and the culture we are living in. If we keep this mind we will be so awestruck at the mere fact of being alive and the fragility of life itself that we will take nothing with a sense of entitlement. That is the beginning of humility.

But humility does not mean having a low self-image. One is not a collection of useless atoms just because one happens to be less privileged or feel less lucky than others. One must remind one’s self that one is doing the best one can under the circumstances since one can neither choose one’s parents nor much of one’s inherited baggage. Nor, indeed, can one choose the quotidian conditions of one’s existence. So, the best attitude in life is to accept things which we cannot change and try to change what we can. We can cultivate humility along with confidence and a sense of our positive self-worth. Both come from the contemplation of the mystery of life itself and that nothing is to be taken for granted in it.

Humility is the act of being humble,humility is a perception that people have about you when you

are humble and respectful,humility starts with
respect,a disrespectful person cannot be a

humble person same way a humble person will

likely be respectful to others so that is why humility is very important and no one should joke

about it because if everyone is humble in our society then our society would have been better

than it is because humility is passionate,humility is love,humility is respect and humility is peace