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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

Will people ever lose interest in earning money ?

I see lots of people running a lot behind money. Of course it includes me as well. But do you think people will ever lose interest to earnoney. In my opinion I think they might lose interest when they already have enough. What is your opinion?


I don't believe you can ever have "enough" That is the curse of humanity, we constantly want more, never satisfied. There is always something else out there you could get if you just had a little more money. Or you could help more people than you do now if you had more money

Until or unless we live in a utopian society where everyone's needs are met simply by asking (like thats ever going to happen) I think people will also have an interest in making and accumulating more money/wealth

I don't think people will ever lose interest in earning money. Some people may, but those are very special cases. In economics, it's said that Human wants are insatiable while resources to satisfy them are limited. That doesn't mean we'll ever stop trying to satisfy them and as such means we won't ever stop trying to make money.

For those that don't want money anymore, they are either

I) filthy rich

II) have attained spiritual freedom or

III) both.

Either way, the people that fall into these categories are very few.

I think it would take a cataclysmic event or a very profound discovery to change the focus of mankind from the acquisition of wealth to something else.  There is a part in Star Trek: First Contact where Picard is explaining that the invention of warp drive and the discovery of other species led to a new age of man where the accumulation of wealth was no longer their main goal.  I think it would have to be something like that.

Money is needed to have a good life and to survive in life. So people will never lose interest in making money. What would you eat? Or how would you purchase the basic amenities of life should you lose inTeresa in making money? Making money is part of the process of life.

Well, people don't run behind money but run behind these are important.

Someone will loose interest on earning money if :

● money become worthless.

● find something more important than money.

● has already enough money & s/he isn't greedy.

good qustion

I don't think one can ever have enough money. It is a bit like the song"Money makes the world go round". It unfortunately is very true and we need money in order to do anything these days. The more you have the more you seem to need so the hunger is always there to have more it seems.

The human is greedy and is rarely satisfied and will do anything for more money. Today the society is all about the now and want so it will never change. 

People are not going to lose interest in money as long as it is a necessity to survive.