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What single feature or addition would you like to see on musing?

Personally I would love to see comments from the curation team as to why they thought certain answers were good and deserved the upvote they got.

Were they humourous and made the team laugh? Was it informative but not dry and academic? Did it simply touch them and make them feel happy or sad after reading?

A lot more work on the already over-burdened team I know, but man it would be great to know their thoughts

As already suggested on Discord I would love to see an option to debate over specific, important questions. Currently, the questions asked on Musing usually get around 2-3 answers each which is good but, nowhere near ideal if we truly want to get the best possible answers and a good factual evidence based debate going on. Appart from that, the main issue I see with Musing is that questions are very short-lived and the motivation to answer them quickly withers away when the Musing hands out the upvotes to the best answers.

The way I envisioned the debate function to work is that each week curators select 10 of the best questions and present them in the debate section. Users then have a full week to debate over the questions and try to bring up some worthy claims in an attempt to truly answer them in the best way possible. After a week, curators decide which answers brought the most value to the debate and upvote them accordingly.

This way, the best questions would last much longer, they would get much more constructive answers and users wouldn't lose motivation to try to answer them throughout the week. The answers would be of much better quality as users would have more time to think about them and  in end, it would bring about a much needed change of dynamic to our current Q/A's

I think it would be beneficial for them to have some way to weed out some of the duplicate questions that are getting posted.  For example they might have to institute some form of white-listing like some other services have to cut down on some of the abuse that is starting to take shape on  I think it is a great service and a great idea.  It has so much potential to be helpful to so many people.  

I understand it is probably hard to determine somethings worth.  A question that may seem trivial to one person might be super beneficial to another.  Without having to get their hands too dirty though, there should be a way to get rid of some of the bloat and fluff that is showing up on the main page.

The one feature I would really like to see in is the ability to sort and filter questions. 

At the moment, it's still easy to navigate the questions based on when they were posted, but as the platform grows, it's going to need a better way for users to navigate these questions. So, improving the way that users can sort and filter questions can really help improve the platform's usability.

For example, I would like to be able to filter out answered questions, so I can only see the unanswered ones right away. Or sort questions using other criteria aside from tags. For example, view questions posted during a certain time period, in case I'm looking for a specific question. 

I would definitely want musing to have lots of new features. I personally am a big fan of statistics. If musing can come up with good stats to display how many questions people have asked and how many answers people have made along with total earnings from musing etc can really be a good addition to the platform.

People easily get attracted to the stats. The top musers will also be a good addition. People will then be able to compete with other musers in asking and posting answers.

I personally feel there are lots of development opportunities for musing to become a good competitor for Quora. The UI can also be made a little more fancier than it is now.

I think it should be possible to flag questions or answers that are spam.

To me it seems like a lot of people are spaming questions here just becaus they hope to get upvotes. 

Also I already requested this feature a few weeks ago: When creating a new question musing should show you a selection of similar questions. Maybe you will already find a answer there so you don't have to publish a dublicated question. StackOverflow for example does the same.

Oh I like that similar question drop down idea

Obviously this question has been asked for but when I scrolled down a few days looking for one I didn't see it so I couldnt post my answer, hence I started a new one

One thing I really love about Musing is its minimalistic and simplistic UI and I hope that they won't overdo the future changes they are planning for the site as I am pretty much content about it at the moment.

I however would like to see Musing have an option for a "Night-Mode" or dark-theme. As someone who has somewhat a sensitive eyes, the white background on is sometimes just too bright.

And if you consider these a feature, it really would be good if they can release a mobile app before the year ends. A mobile app with a "night-mode" feature would be more than perfect. :)


Some form of spam-reduction. As in: people who post too many (similar) questions on a (short) period of time. Similar questions that are asked over and over again, with only slightly different wording. That kind of stuff.

Besides that, I would like a “similar questions” section when you’ve answered a question (or viewed one).

I would like to see plagiarism disappear. I see lots of copied and pasted answers all over and not being written by the person themselves. Surely that is only fair and the only way to improve it. You shouldn't be able to answer and leave a link to an extra source either.

Hi @ancientknowled3

I have often wondered myself how the team judges "value" in a question or answer. I'm certainly not complaining though, musing is very generous with rewards, and IMO use their delegation for all the right reasons! It would be nice to see a little feedback in the comments from them, but I am sure they are heavily taxed with development and manually curating, so of course I am understanding in this aspect! 

A feature I would really love to see, is a dark mode. The white background bothers my eyes, and I find I need to take breaks from musing because of the intensity. Other than that, I don't have any complaints, the platform is clean, and easy to use. No need to make things complicated. 

Convert the URLs in my answer into hyperlinks (or give me a way to insert links directly.)

Have you ever cried in your dream?

I have noticed few times where I have cried in my dreams. Morning after I wake up, if I think about it, it can be kind of silly or awkward to imagine what happened in the dream. Have you ever experienced anything similar like crying over something in your dream?

Yes I have. 

It happens, not often, not a lot, but sometimes. Sometimes I dream very vividly that something terrible happens to my loved ones, like my children or my wife. When I dream such a dream, I sometimes I cry. Sometimes I wake up crying, during my dream, and sometimes I wake up, remember my dream and how real it was, and start crying then.

Yes I have experienced it so many times. I dream about something bad happening to someone dear to me and I then cry so bitterly and wake up crying. Most times when I wake up crying, the dream feels so real and I 'remember vividly what happened.

Crying in a dream is an expression of negative emotion. It is an overwhelming but it doesn't really mean a bad thing happened. It could be a release of negative emotions held back or a cry of joy for relief. I really don't think it's such a bad thing but if it is, you can always pray about it.

I've no idea. The tears would have dried up and I can rarely remember my dreams in any case.

Wet dreams however are a different proposition.......;-) 


Even though I have dreamt about some crazy and heartbreaking situations like witnessing my syster and mother die from  a car accident I caused yet, I haven't cried in that nor, any other shocking or sad dream.  Which is streange, and I must admit I have never thought about it before. Hmmm..... Is something wrong with me? I don't know.

I'm quite emotional and emphatetic irl so, I'm unsure of why I can't cry in my dreams.  

Yeah of course, I cried in my dreams suddenly when I wake up tears will be there in my eyes. Most of the time those heartbreaking situation will be the exam results and going late for exam. I don't really think I will cry for going late for exams but in dreams its very hearbreaking sometimes I even wakeup in fear and realise a heavenly feel like thank god im not a student anymore and I don't have exam tomorrow. Then those tears will become happy tears.

How does musing profit?

Does musing profits from the service it provides and if so how

To understand how musing would earn a profit you have to look at the bigger picture of the distant future.

For now, Musing has a delegation which it uses to upvote posts and earn Curation rewards. 

In future when SMTS are launched Musing could launch its own tokens or coins to gather more capital. They could even go ahead with receiving funds from various venture Capitalists who are always on the lookout for good,promising and disruptive projects.

But all of the above steps are simply capital formation its not revenue generation. For any project to earn Profit it has to generate revenue and generating revenue is an easy task when you have traffic on your site. Advertisers are always on the lookout to place their ads on the most visited sites. 

The token/coin could be used as prerequisite condition for an Advertisement to be displayed. That is, a certain amount of the token/coin would be mandatory for an advertising company to hold, to display its Advertisement, in addition to some fiat payment that would be needed. This would provide a use for the native tokens of musing and also generate revenue in fiat, which is necessary as well. 

But at the end, this is all approximation,speculation and imagination, nobody apart from the designer & owner of musing knows how he plans to generate revenue.

 Musing makes profit from curation rewards on upvoting questions and answers. Musing has a large delegation and this is the only way they can make any income. Over a period of time this can be very fruitful and their account should grow considerably. 

I don't think they have any beneficiary on either questions or answers at the moment, but surely they could add that to get a lot of money. However, they also have a huge delegation, so they likely earn a lot of Steem Power from curation rewards alone. You can see that they earned 150 Steem Power in the last week alone:

Absolutely, if I loved them. 

Why do people feel such a need for catagorisation of others though, or even of themselves?

I think all humans have the capability of loving a fellow human no matter their gender identity, if that happened to be someone who identified themselves as transgender, no matter. Love is love and its no one elses business.

Lets all dump the boxes though, see humans as just that, humans and simply usenour names as identifiers. This would create a much more tolerant and non judgemental world I feel, without religious or cultural prejudices.

My name is Martin, nice to meet you and thanks for a really interesting question :-)

Why should I in my right senses consider marrying a transgender person? That will really be very stupid of me. Why should I marry someone that wasn't proud of the way he or she was created? Why settle for fake or artificial when you can have the real thing? Marrying a transgender will be very very stupid of me. I can't even imagine it.

Absolutely not. It is just not right and nothing that I would even consider frankly.

Me personally, I would not, but I would not judge those who wish to!

Me personally,
I would not, but I would not
Judge those who wish to!

                 - futuremind

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.


I LOVE YOU! @haikubot

What proof do you have to show that there is a God?

> Show me pics or it didn’t happen.

The problem with this question is that it departs from the angle that there must be a God. Yet, an analytical approach to the problem would have to start from the angle that the existence of such, since not tangible nor visible, must first be proven.

You're answering a question with another question that has nothing to do with the question asked. Why don't you ask your question in a different musing post. This question is "what proof do you have to show that there's no God?" If you believe that there's no God

They’re actually more related than you make it sound.

If there is no proof of the existence of a God, then there is no need to prove that a God doesn’t exist. It’s rather logic, isn’t it.

Maybe you best ask the question “What is the burden of proof”.

Who said that there are no proofs of the existence of God. Proofs of the existence of God abound in the universe. I just want to know what those saying that there is no God are seeing or had seen that made them arrive at such conclusion?

Give me evidence. Show me the evidence. Evidence is tangible, btw.

There are so many proofs of the existence of God, I just want to know what those saying that there's no God used in arriving at such conclusion What did they saw that made them say such? If you believe that there's no God, what's the reason for such belief?


You cannot prove that something not exist. In order to prove something inexistence you have to look every where in the world and check it. Even that is not enough because that could be outside of world too. 

However, there could be proofs for existence. There could be questioning and connecting dots and deducing a result from all. 

Meaning of existence is not physical thing and you cannot use this path. There are things we do not see, but we know that they exist. Even you could explain this like technology. There are some living microorganisms seen vis microscope. Think about there is no microscope and technology is not in the level of today. How could you prove there is microorganisms?

In my opinion there is no way to prove inexistence. 

If there's no way to prove inexistence like you said, why do some people believe that there is no God if they can't prove it?

There are two words in your question that do not go together: "proof" and "belief". Either you believe in something - then you don't need a proof. Or if something is proofed - what does it matter whether someone believes in it or not?

Proof and belief goes together. The reason you support an idea can be your proof for holding on to that idea. Belief is not something that's abstract. It stems from something that known. So what's your reason(proof) that there's no God if you believe that their is no God

Music can definitely affect a person's behaviour. That's why alot of people become happy or sad when they listen to different songs.

The beat, the lyrics and the tempo can have a drastic effect on a person's behaviour, and this explains why people who listen to and enjoyhard metal rock are usually more rascally than people who listen to something as calm as classical music who are generally more gentle in nature.

Music has a way of spurring emotions in people, According to the syncproject, listening to music has a relationship with the dopaminergic pathways and this induces either positive or negative effects on humans.

People that read with music are an example of how music can affect human behaviour. Some people can't study without listening to music and that's because it boosts their cognitive abilities.

As far as what genres have the most influence, I'd say

1. Classical: Helps calm people down

2. Hard metal rock: Makes people more erratic

3. Jazz: This is similar to classical music and will also calm you down

4. Rap/hip hop: I once heard that listening to rap can help fight depression especially when the lyrics are relatable

5. Pop: Well we all agree that pop music basically makes everyone happy.

In my opinion, I believe the above genres have the most influence on people's behaviours.

All genres of music can influence a person's behavior. Music is made up of words, rythm, beats, etc. So it can easily penetrate a person's mind and influence his/her behavior than ordinary spoken words. Music is very powerful and we all should be very choosy with the type of music we listen to because music can influence our thoughts and behavior

The weird food combination i really enjoy is eating processed cassava soaked in water with biscuit and groundout and milk. Its weird right? I love it so. Hahahaha

Oh... that’s very weird. Hahahah... Thanks for answering my question.

Cause majority of men are going through life with false beliefs. We are that "new generation", the one that was heavily impacted through the growing PORN industry. I'd say even brainwashed & manipulated... 

So currently, instead of searching for the right values & our true "SOULMATE", someone who our energy instantly clicks with & we know that's the right person for us. Everyone go through life objectifying others, women objectify men - men objectify women (even more). Nowadays you have majority of men just snipping women in terms of looking at their butt, breast etc

And that's a huge illusion... just a manipulation to divert our attention in the wrong path, as all those physical parts are nothing but parts of our bodies. Our bodies we pilot currently in this reality, but they won't be here forever. After they die, they'll slowly transition to dust & continue the endless natural circle of birth & death

What will be left after that? Only the energy that we are... Divine spark. Our souls & higher selves that has nothing to do with physical suits, they are just piloting them

Still, you have majority of population wandering through life looking at the same "physical suits" & deciding "who is right for them" and "who is not". That's a huge illusion, that's why you have so many dysfunctional marriages & relationships today, cause people found each other  based on wrong values, beliefs - while they still didn't find their true selves

That's the same reason why men find it harder to approach beautiful women, cause they've been programmed to think beautiful women somehow worth more, that beautiful women are "something they should aim for". But in reality, looks are nothing... only thing that truly matters is the energy connection, you will find or you won't.

If you continue searching for women based on looks everything will revolve around casual sex & guess what, first thing after ejaculating you'll realize the emptiness, lack of energy you have & you'll most likely continue wandering in your realities looking for other women to have intercourse with

Intercourse that will bring you nothing but push further in illusion, and divide from your very self

It's inferiority complex. Most guys who would not approach a lady because she's very beautiful have small minds. By this, I mean they evaluate themselves to be too small for these sorts of ladies.

The beautiful ladies, beautiful as they are will still get married someday. If you even look at it, most times, the guys they end up with aren't the most handsome of guys but simply those who that went forth what they want.

Also, some guys may think that going out with beautiful girls will require them to spend a lot of money , like having to buy cosmetics, take them shopping and so on. It's not always the case. Beautiful ladies are humans too and not every one of them want a guy whose a money bank.

I have seen a case like that in the past. There was this guy who could not, or rather, would not approach this lady because he thought he wasn't in her class. The lady liked him but being a lady didn't want to come out plain to show her feelings. The guy kept saying admiringly her from afar but never talked.

Then, there was this other guy which came to unto the scene. He saw thus girl and developed feelings forever her. He had the courage to share his feelings with her. The girl didn't accept at first because she wanted to give the other guy a chance to if he came around. However, the other guy never owned up and she had today give in to the second guy's pressure. She later married in him even though it was the first guy she preferred.

That's why you hear people's saying 'Go fit what you want'. Even if you get a rejection, at least you know you made a move.

Most guys find it easier to approach average looking ladies than the drop dead gorgeous ladies. Like @prinsj and @runicar has said, most have do not have the self confidence to approach the gorgeous ladies because they have this belief that they can't be lonely and must have a lot of male fans. They also have this belief that with a gorgeous lady there is a high possibility of being turned down maybe because they believe that they are so expensive and they the guys may not have what it takes financial and physical outlook to approach the lady.

On the other hand, they believe the average looking lady won't be too choosy as she's average and may not have self confidence and so they believe it is lot easier approaching such a lady. They also believe that an average beautiful woman will not have many male fans.

What they do not know is that this is a grave misconception. As a lady, I know that most gorgeous ladies are single and lonely and the average beautiful ladies have more male fans.

#### Guys never be afraid to approach a gorgeous lady. It is all about your manner of approach, self confidence and the right words.

Average looking ladies are more friendly and welcoming to approach than the very beautiful ones. The very beautiful ones allow their beauty to get into their heads sometimes and may be very snobbish to those trying to get their attention that they don't fancy. But the average looking babe may still be polite even if she doesn't fancy you.

There’s a girl I know who is a model and she always tells me that she never gets chatted up. Your observations are correct in this case. We always think the hot looking blond isn’t way out of our league when actually she might not be !

Most guys feels pretty ladies are not only pretty expensive but also they should have guys all over their life.

This is actually a false assumptions as there are many cute single ladies out there waiting for their Prince Charming, but Mr Charming is all sacred because of a false assumptions which just seems to be.

Because guys are intimidated by beatiful looking women. Why?  They  are scared of getting turned down. Because of their low self-confidence they automatically conclude that they aren't good enough for them. Making them feel bad, unworthy and unlikely to engage in conversation, or approach them. 

This mentality is so stupid that its laughable 

I think like that myself and Ican't help it so I know where you and the rest of the guys feeling this way are comming from. But let me tell you that its the worst thing one can do to himself. While out partying I was approached by woman in her 40's. She was a bomb. A supermodel. And she wanted me! 

After that day I realized that there is nothing to be shy off or to feel intimidated by beautiful women.You are just diminishing your chances of hooking up with them. You could be with a supermodel but you rather approach the ugly chicks because they are the only ones who have  lower self-esteem than you making them easily approachable. Thus, you less scared to talk to them as you feel like you got a better chance. Big mistake! 

I'll repeat this again. You could be dating a supermodel!

Don't be scared. Give yourself a chance. 

It's all about the approacher's confidence. Most guys think that good looking ladies always get a lot of attention from guys and as a result, they will be very proud and picky. They prefer to go for the average looking lady because to them, the average looking lady don't have the sort of attention the good looking ladies get from guys and would be more likely to give them a positive response than the good looking ladies. But that's not always the case in reality. Most good looking ladies don't have the sort of attention that guys assume they have. If you like a lady, approach her and lnvite her for a date regardless of how she looks. She's just a lady

Yes there are a couple of things that could go wrong but, most of them can be avoided if the tattoo is done  by a professional. The biggest point of concern of many is the actual needles used by the tattoo gun. They can, if reused, cause blood carried diseases like STDs. To prevent them, be sure you ask the tattoo master to see him open a new package of needles place them in the tattoo gun before touching you with it. That's what I did to calm my nerves before making my first one.

Most other problems associated with getting a tattoo come to be either by lack of skill by the tattoo master, or lack of care by the person who got the tattoo but some are generally present and should be considered before getting a tattoo done. To prevent them, do your research and find a good, licenced professional to make your tattoo and ask him/her how to propperly take care of your tattoo when it's finished. 

The risks of getting a tattoo include:

  • You might be alergic to the ink
  • If a metal based ink is used, when going for an MRI exam , one may get  MRI-induced burns due to iron compounds in their tattoos   
  • It could hide skin cancer
  • It could get infected
  • There is a risk of getting an STD, or other blood borned diseases
  • It could affect how you sweat -> Studies have shown that tattooed skin sweats 50% less than regular 
  • If not cared for propperly it can cause scarred tissue

The top tips for caring about a fresh tattoo my guy gave me were to:

  • At all times for the next week keep a thin petroleum jelly and a bandage over the tattooed area.
  • Gently wash the tattoo a couple of times a day with cold water and an anti-microbal soap. Pat it down to remove any water, apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly and place a bandage over it. 
  • Always keep the tattooed area "wet" with the petroleum jelly and never let it dry out because it can lead to scarring and loss of pigment.
  • After a week you can stop using a bandage to cover your tattoo and leave it uncovered but still apply a layer of petroleum jelly to keep it "wet" at all times
  • For the first two years after getting it its suggested to,  if  exposing the tattoo to sun, to use a strong sun protecting creams (factor 50+)

To conclude

There are some pretty scary side effects that can happen when getting a tattoo but, most of them can be avoided by chosing a professional tattoo artist and good care of the tattooed area. I have a couple done and never had any issues whatsoever. 

Yes there are!!! Numerous ones in fact. Tattoos are designs or images made on the skin. Most people think that this is done by simply drawing the image on the skin. They feel that that's what the tattoo machine does. What they don't know is that there are tiny needles in the machine that puncture the topmost layer of skin and deposit droplets of ink under it. So what could go wrong with that, you might ask. Well

1) the ink used in making tattoos can cause allergic reactions. Especially the red, yellow green and blue ink. And while it might not occur immediately, it can still occur years after you've gotten your tats.

2) after getting the tattoo, your skin is a bit raw and open from the numerous punctures caused by the tiny needles I mentioned earlier. This leaves that part of your skin open to infection for a while.

3) sometimes, getting tattoos doesn't go so well. It can lead to an inflammation of the tattooed area called granuloma. Or it can lead to keloids which is when scar tissue overgrows and becomes very large.

4) imagine getting a tattoo and then a few days later, you fall sick and are diagnosed with an STD. It's very possible if the tattoo machine was used on someone with an STD before you and it injured the person. The tiny amount of blood can be on the machine until its used on you and poof, you have an STD.

If you were planning on getting a tattoo, I hope this helps you realize whether it's truly worth it. I'm not against tattoos but I would just like it if everyone knew the things that could go wrong.

I hope it helps

Yes there are!! Tattoos are a great form of self expression, but the risks that come with it aren't to be joked with. Here are some of the health risks and problems that come with getting tattoos

1. Possible allergic reaction: People may be allergic to the ink used on their skin and the ensuing allergic reaction may take years before it even shows up and it will come up in the form of a rash in the affected area.

2. Skin infections: Tattoos can be gateways for bacteria and harmful microbes to enter the body, especially when you just got it. You could be at risk of getting diseases like staphylococcus or even tuberculosis.

3. Keloid formation: keloids are overgrown scar tissue and seeing as tattoos are basically sort of "artistic injuries", your entire tattoo could become a huge keloid.

4. Disease contraction: If an unsterilised needle is used, then you run a risk of contacting diseases like HIV, hepatitis B and C and tetanus.

5. Swelling of the tattoo site: The tattoo site could experience some serious inflammation especially when the tattoo is healing and some people have even been know to experience a burning sensation on the tattoo area.

Overall, I don't think getting a tattoo is a good idea, but if want to get one, then at least be sure that you reduce the risk of having any of the above complications.

There are no health problems associated with getting a tattoo. Unless a contaminated pen is used on you but that is very unlikely if it's done by a professional.

Although it's said getting a tattoo might cause possible allergic reactions, luckily I didn't feel anything when I got mine, of course if you are getting a big one, might be different situation.

Don't think tattoos can cause much health problems, off topic, you might have some problems if going to Japanese onsens. I think many onsens won't allow people with large sized tattoos.

Because people like nothing more than to judge others based on superficial things such as tattoos to uplift themselves and build up their ego. Especially old people.  It's like they have nothing better to do in life than to look down on other people to increase their already big enough ego. That's also exactly why people insult and swear at each other.  

Its exactly this ego building, which is the driving force behind most of the problems we have amongst each other nowadays and why some people just can't stand one another. Their egos are conflicting. Battling. Creating a repelling force that is pushing them far away from one another. The only outcome of such situation can be either splitting paths or battling it out until one gives up.

People need to learn to control themselves and  kill the ego, or at least realize when it's taking over common sense and be able to ignore it.  Because, only when not under the influence of the ego, is one able to react to a situation propperly. When they can't do it though, only negativity can come out. And that's why our world is so messed up today.  

Our ego is taking over and we can not control it so, we react irrationally and negatively.

When I grew up and yes I am from the older generation it was only sailors who had tattoos. The anchor on the arm a bit lie Popeye lol.

It was frowned upon and seen as low class and still to this day it is to a point. I know plenty of companies who will not hire a person with a tattoo that is visible. I am the same if it is discreet that is fine but if you have a sleeve tattoo or some on the hand etc I wouldn't hire them either. 

If it can be hidden by clothing then that is fine as you represent a company and could offend people. That is the reality of the business world. It is fashionable now but it changes and who says in 5 years time it won't be seen as lower class again.

Well,let's say things are changing very fast and people perspective about things also changes.

Well the older generation are very conservative when it comes to tattoo because during their time tattoo is not as rampant as it is now and in their time people who drew tattoo are not seen as responsible people, they are seen as hoodlums and nuisance.

But things have changed and now tattoo are everywhere, artist and models, football stars all drew tattoo so the perspective young people have about tattoo is different compared to the older generation.

Well, basically, because tattoos are a cultural thing. And culture changes. And now, due to the internet and cheaper and easier access to traveling, our own cultures changes faster than ever.

Tattoos have been normal in certain cultures for ages, but were considered “not done” in our western culture until a few years ago. It was something that was only done by drug addicts, prison inmates, and rock and roll life wasters.

Luckily all this has changed, and a lot of people are now having a tattoo as a reminder of a specific period in their lives.

Because of his religious belief.

From the past as a tradition, this is not in her family.

Elderly people are far away from this issue for many reasons, such as not being tolerated in the community.

Several reasons

· Do not regret,

· Loss of meaning,

· Prevention of job application,

· Religious beliefs,

· Like squeezing

Because everybody has to make his own accountings, and set his/her own priorities as to how to spend or not spend their hard earned money. And family members are most often the first to judge about how and why their family members spend theirs.

They are trying to reduce the plea for financial assistance from family members. Some family members will start telling you how to spend your money once they know how much you earn. You can hardly turn down the financial plea of assistance from your family members once they know how much you earn. Some would even help you calculate how much you should have left from your last check. It's good to help family members in need mostly when the need is an important one, but one also has to be able to save for the future. so keeping your earning a secret is the way to go

Well aside from the obvious fact that the two generations where born in two very different time periods ( 1960s to mid 1980s for Gen X and 1980s to mid 1990s for Gen Y), the two generations have some pretty different views on life, love, career and just about everything else. Generation X are the the more focused of the two, with their aggressive and energetic approach towards their careers they surged to the top and stayed there. They're great with working with each other and are a generally hard working generation.

Generation Y on the other hand or should I say the millennials are a different thing entirely, they prioritize having fun over alot of things, they are the more selfish generation and the ones that believe that "whatever they do must make a difference". They are also the impatient generation, the ones that are high risk and high reward kind of people.

As far as their mindsets go, what makes them so different stems from the availability and unavailability of technology like ssmartphones and personal computers. Generation X are more hardworking and believe that you should work for what you want, bit Gen Y are more laid back and will simply find a work around to working hard. Social media has really encouraged the trends amongst millennials ranging for their liberal minded beliefs to their open mindedness.

I believe that the core difference in their mindsets stems from their upbringing. Generation X members where raised by parents who'd seen war and probably tried to instill discipline as much as they could, but the millennials are a different thing entirely, they're greedy and overly money hungery. They were most probably raised by Generation X parents who aren't usually as strict as the parents of gen X.

You are exactly on point about these contrasting generations!

Regarding your question, most people will say that the kids are those getting affected the most in a divorce but, that is not entirely true. There are a lot of variables at play that we're not even aware of; thus, we will never be able to acquire a general answer and not even a specific one.

But, let me develop my answer a little bit.

Firstly, you can look at the short-term effects of a divorce, and suppose who are the people affected the most, and often those are the kids since they are not ready for such a change. But, you never know how much that divorce impacted the way their life was going to develop.

What I mean by that is that some people get influenced to take a particular road as the result of a cause that they are not even aware of. A divorce might take certain people off a specific path, and end up saving their lives. As I said, there are a lot of things at play; a divorce might be beneficial for some, and catastrophic for others but, the truth is that there's no way to find a correct answer.

If you want to see how individual choices can influence your future, in a fun way, I advise you to watch the movie "Mr. Nobody" since it will answer all of your questions.

Kids for sure, they have no concept of how or why this occured, they were excluded from the decision itself but can be impacted the most by the decision

If young enough and without enough life experience, a child can actually see themselves as the cause for the divorce which can cause significant trauma or grief throughout the years and actually cause them to have issues in relationships of their own.

I would say the children as they are the product of the marriage and are torn between both parents. They love both of them no matter what happens. children should be considered a priority in a divorce taking their feelings into consideration on every decision.

Does anyone know when @dlike will activate their wallet for transfers ?

I want to send my dlike tokens to someone. Does anyone know when @dlike will have this function ready to use please? Thanks in advance

Clear dreams, tell the difference from normal dreams. Our dream is to become a dream actor instead of being the lead actor. So it's a dream we can manage. It may sound good, but there are damages.

How do I improve my vision

We have to set our clock at 2-3 hours early. When the alarm goes off, we wake up and get out of bed. We need to stay awake for about an hour, we do not do activities to miss our sleep, but if we can read books about being clear, we can meditate. We do not prefer to use stimulants such as coffee and alcohol. After an hour, we reset the alarm after 2 hours, and we plan to fall asleep again.

This technique is a technique used to control REM frequency because the last 2 hours is the most dream time. No matter what technique, you may need to do plenty of exercise.

If we choose to be aware that we are awake in the technique as well as in life, our development is faster when we are asleep and awake. When everyone imagines it, it may be different, so if we want to have a clear dream, we should do our exercises accordingly, knowing the time we dreamed most of our dreams. So we need to know how we sleep.

The sentences you are dreaming about are very important. Which sentence makes you feel happier and better, you have intentions with those sentences

The laws allow banks to issue loans up to a certain multiple over their reserves even if they don't have the money at hand. Banks make money from loans and the interest on that is the profit. A bank has to have  a reserve in case anything goes wrong but the law allows them to loan more than they actually have. If everything came crashing down there would be problems.

Ok, so you told me what I already know, which is what is fractional-reserve banking but, the real question remains unanswered.

Why is it not illegal?

Bitcoin uses two cryptographic primitives: an elliptic-curve public-key signature for signing transactions, and SHA-256 for mining blocks and proof of work.

The public key signatures (ECSDA) could be broken by a quantum computer. Some level of protection is possible, because Bitcoin addresses are not "bare" public keys; they are hashes of public keys.  But once a transaction is signed, the public key is visible and a sufficiently large quantum computer could recover the private key.  This private key could be used to withdraw any remaining funds in the account.  (Some Bitcoin experts recommend only using any given account once, for this reason and others.)

So, quantum computing would definitely endanger the ability for Bitcoin users to have control over their own accounts.  (See the discussion here:

The proof-of-work scheme is not so vulnerable. No quantum algorithm is known that breaks cryptographic hashes to the same degree. The best is Grover's algorithm which reduces a black box search, like a proof-of-work problem, from N queries to sqrt(N) queries.  If only one person had a quantum computer, this would be a substantial advantage, and that person could probably use it for double-spending attacks.  (Spend on block X, wait several blocks for confirmation, then use your advantage to go back to block X-1 and create a fork that is longer than the one where you spent your bitcoin.  Then the new chain would be accepted by the other nodes.)  However, if quantum computers are widely available, then the difficulty level of proof-of-work would increase, making this attack no longer feasible.

Its already predicted that, a quantum computer can hack bitcoin, however, its all anticipation based on the mathematical calculation on the bitcoin network and what a quantum computer can achieve. 

Only reality will prove, if it really can :)

They say it is possible as it is only a mathematical calculation and time so it could happen. Would be bad news for the crypto world if it became a reality though.

What is your opinion about tattoos and the workplace?

Many talented people are discriminated every day in the workplace for having tattoos. I would like to know what you think about this.

It's your body and you can do what you want with it


It's their company and they can set the rules as they want.

If a company feels it is detrimental or hurts their corporate image or branding I can totally agree with them not wanting/allowing tattoes in the workplace. Especially if you are forward facing and deal with customers, clients, representatives etc in a personal contact way,

What is tatooed is also a consideration. No matter how nice or talented someone is do you think someone sporting swastikas and kill all jews tattoed in visible, non covered up areas should be allowed ito work in most companies? 

It can often times be simple discrimination, other times, it can be offensive to one group or subculture without even intending to be. It can oft-times be as simple as a company wanting to protect its name or reputation.

Remember, all it takes is one picture or meme or social media post by an employee, even off hours when not representing the company, to bring down the wrath of the public on that company.

Business' today have every right to ensure that their employees abide by that companies morals and ethical code of conduct (assuming all of this is explained prior to hiring of course)

This is why a lot more companies are including moral and ethics clauses, some even spelling out what can or can not be done with personal social media accounts, in their hiring contracts.

I have worked for a company in the past where I was not allowed to wear company logo clothing outside of the work place. They did not want to risk their company name being associated with anything negative. That was their prerogative and was explained to me prior to hiring. I agreed to that condition upon acceptance of their offer.

it's your body to do with as you will, but remember all actions have consequences and not everyone will look upon your actions as favourable. 

You don't want people telling you what you can or cannnot do with your image, have the same respect for others when it comes to their image as well

A lot of it is just going to have to do with where it is located and what it depicts.  A lot of people probably have tattoos that you don't even know about because you can't see them.  I think it is more acceptable today than it used to be.  If you are applying for a job and they have a very specific rule about it, you should probably move along.  You don't really want to work for a company that is that judgmental anyway do you?  I work with many people that have tattoos and I don't think any less of them or their ability.

 It depends where there tattoos are. If they are visible then I believe it is up to the employer to let them know what is expected. I can remember the one guy who worked as a technician on the road and had got a tattoo on his legs. He was banned from wearing shorts as it cheapened the image of the company. In some walks of life it is fine but honestly the business world wants professional people who look professional and a tattoo doesn't come across well if it is visible.

Would you honestly hire someone who worked with customers who had tattoos all over his hands and arms. If they are an artist or someone who works in an office environment then that would be different.

If someone was teaching children or someone who had an influence over children then I think it would be wrong to have tattoos in that environment.

Well there are many controversies around the subject of having tattoo. Tattoo is not widely accepted everywhere as there are different cultures, belief and religion all over the world.

There are societies that doesn't have any issues seeing people with tattoos while the most doesn't accept it.

In most companies and organizations,tattoos are not accepted because it might ruin their reputation and give a bad impression about what they stand for,so they won't want to employ staff who decorate their bodies with tattoos in their workplace, most companies will not condone such as it seen as indecent .

In my own opinion,I don't like tattoos and where I come from its not accepted and no companies or organization will take you even if you are talented unless in the music and fashion world.

So imagine a school teacher coming to school with tattoos and wants to teach your children,no parents will want those images to sink into their children,it will even ruin the school reputation for sure.

I don't think tattoo gives a better representation of an individual. Some people don't think highly of tattooed people, so I think too much visable tattoos like those of Lil Wayne's in a professional setting would scare some clients away. If you're not in the entertainment industry, sports industry and other show biz industry, there's no point in designing your body with tattoo because it may affect you later when you start looking for a professional job

It's not important at all! Losing your virginity is something that comes with time and age. For some, there are religious aspects that entail waiting until marriage before being intimate with someone else, and some people are not religious, and therefore, it holds no bearing on their decision. 

It's really not something that anyone should be overly concerned with, unless you are pushing 40, and still have never had sex, then you may want to try a dating site. 

Pretty damn important if you want the human race to continue I would say

This question is a bit strange because I'm trying to understand if you meant why people feel it is important to lose their virginity or why it is important to lose virginity. Let's suppose the later is what you meant, I have a simple answer for that. If is important for a woman to lose her virginity if she wants to experience motherhood because sexual intercourse is the most common way of becoming pregnant and a virgin can't be pregnant unless the hymen is broken giving the sperm access to the ovary where the eggs are waiting for fertilization. It is also important for people to lose their virginity of they ever want to experience sex and explore their sexuality to the fullest.

If you meant why people feel it is important to lose their virginity well I would say this, losing or keeping ones virginity is actually a choice one has to make. Losing or keeping your virginity doesn't make you the most moral being or the most spoilt person on earth. Most times, people especially teens feel like they need to lose it because everyone is losing it and makes anyone who doesn't lose it feel like you are weird. You ain't weird. It doesn't matter how they make you feel but you ain't and won't be the only virgin in the world.

Some feel it is important to lose it because they see it as a previous gift to be given to that special one. This is a misconception. Your virginity is just a skin covering. It is not a special treasure to be given to anyone for doing something special however it is something once lost can't be regained so you want to be sure you are ready to give if out.

Some feel they need to lose it because they've seen so much sex on tv and internet and can't wait to act it out or practise.

No matter the reason why you feel it is important to lose it, it is important to know that it is not always like we read in novels or watch in ,movies. You may feel good or bad or both during the process. There might be blessing or not and you may end up irritated or excited, most important thing is protect yourself from infection and unwanted pregnancy if you know you are not ready to be a mother.

It depends on the perception of society.

it would be a personal answer to say important or insignificant.

I spend all my time on Steem now and it is all about rowing the account. i have been doing it for 6 months and only now am I starting to reap the benefits of hard work.

All I know is whatever you do you need to be committed 100 percent in order for it to be a success as nothing comes easy today.

Do you think that large technology companies apply reprogrammed obsolescence, to generate higher revenues?

Programmed obsolescence is programming the end of the useful life of a product, so that, after a period of time calculated in advance by the manufacturer or by the company during the design phase of the product, it becomes obsolete, not functional, useless or unusable by various procedures.

The world itself is moved by technology and as it stands now, almost everything we do is dependent on one for of technology or the other. From how we entertain ourselves to our transportation and even our jobs are dependent on one form of technology or the other. We simply can't do anything anymore without technology.

We also have to take into consideration that the present generation was born into this information age and it's if nothing else the age of technological advancements. Most people were already using iPhones before they were 10 years old.

Half of the world's population is under 30 years of age, and more than half of that are below the age of 18. What this means is that a significant portion of the world was born in or shortly after the year 2000. This implies that at least 25% of the world has only ever known a life with technology, and as such to them there is no life without it.

Unfortunately the new generations know nothing else. Their lives are built around phones and computers and if you take one away they have no idea how to cope. All communication is based on this technology.

I think fundamentally, humans are incentivized by producing goods or providing services. And the more productive you are, the more rewards you should get (may not be true all the time; especially during the short term).

Technology is a direct booster of human productivity. In order to earn enough to survive in this world, we need to maintain a certain level of productivity. Hence, technology increases our productivity and therefore affects our survivability.

That's probably the reason why most of us are so dependent on technologies.

We now live in a technologically driven world. Almost every facet of life is affected, supported, or enhanced with the advent of technology. 

Only our more primal basic functions are left unmolested by the dependency of technology. As we advance in evolution, this dependency will become even greater. 

An excellent theory which easily supports this claim, and has been provably accurate since it's induction, is a theory that is branded as a scientific "law", that law being Moore's Law.

Here's a link to wikipedia with a description of the exponential fundamentals pertaining to Moore's Law.

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment

In 1971 the US discontinued the gold standard. Previously the currency was backed by gold as a value. The US Dollar was devalued at the time and the monetary system changed to as we know it today.

Poverty and lack of information

People choose cheap food, that lacks nutritious value because of poverty, and lack of education. I think in today's society, the first of these two holds to be the truest. I grew up in poverty. My parents knew the food we were eating was not the healthiest. It was a matter of survival. 

This is a proverb which means that the big mistake or disgrace itself is not visible. But the mistakes or disgrace of others even though a little but clearly visible. Sometimes people like to criticize, ridicule and vilify others without looking at themselves, as if he was the perfect, holy and pleasant person who never got it wrong.

this is the Despicable Behavior of Sombong (Al Istikbar) which is to consider itself more than others, always feeling bigger, smarter, more respected and richer so that usually an arrogant person will look at others badly and inferior to him.

Clueless idiots committing their own people to hardship and distress and not having any idea how (or not wanting to) fix the economic situation despite being one of the worlds top oil producers.

Complete set of incompetents.

Do you think that socialism works?

Socialism is a political and economic doctrine that advocates the ownership and administration of the means of production by the working classes in order to achieve an organization of society in which there is a political, social and economic equality of all people.

Yes, it works great! In theory... However, just like many other systems, it stops working when some people are becoming greedy...

Based on the past 80 years, not so likely. But you never know how things might turn out in the next 300 years or so

No. Definetely a big no. There isn't one country that has succeeded with it and it is not a healthy society to live in. When everyone is paid the same and has to have the same size apartment etc  it would be highly depressing. Why do you think the Russians are so happy now.

Gross Profit and Net profit are two terms that a entrepreneur must understand very clearly.

Gross Profit = Sale(100) - Purchase(90)

In this case the Gross Profit is 10. But your gross profit is not your net profit, To ascertain your net profit you must deduct all rexpences from your Gross Profit. For example if you employ 2-3 people you must deduct their salary from the Gross Profit, Rent that you, Electricity Bill , Paper, Stationary, Internet Etc, basically every expense that you incur because of running your business must be deducted from your Gross Profit. After deducting your expenses from Gross Profit you arrive at your net profit. 

Gross Profit = Sale - Purchase

Net Profit = Gross Profit - Expense.

A smart business man always knows what his net profit is and based upon that he modifies his lifestyle.



Gross is the amount you start with, it has no deductions or anything taken from it.

Net is the amount you end up with in your hand after everything has been taken out.

So for income, in terms of salary for example, your gross might be $1,000

After they take taxes, medical, christmas club, life insurance, pension, etc out, you end up with a NET of $582.23

Stocks/investments/crypto can also have taxes taken from them, broker fees, etc. The same terminology applies

Your Steem has a GROSS value of $1,000 but after you cash out into USD you only receive NET $854.45 for example.

Personally I always thought the terms were backwards.

It's always GROSS how little I end up with and I need a NET to keep as much of the original value as possible.

But hey, I'm a strange one

What is your opinion about beauty contests at children's level?

There is a lot of controversy about the sexualization and abuse of underage girls in these contests. I would like to know your opinion on this topic.

The absurdity their parents make for money and popularity, the children who can't make their own decisions.

Instead of telling their children that they were valuable, they placed them in such a race and assumed a heavy and ridiculous responsibility.

This affects children's psychology badly.

I would like to see some motorsports at the Olympics.

Even if some people think that it isn t a sport.

Of course everyone should get the same car for racing so athlets from poor countrys have the same chances and only the skill will decide who wins.

As a self-proclaimed gamer myself, I really love to see "E-sports" taking off in the next Olympics.

The Olympics for years now have been focusing on summer and winter sport competitions. With the advancement of technology, I really believe that it is now time to add new sports catering to these new advancements.

One of which is the game DOTA2, the latest competition alone garnered a prize pool of over $45million. Meaning that there many who are interested with this game and sport. It will also help make "e-sports" be taken seriously and not just a simple child's play. 

Are you pleased with the type of posts that appear on the steemit trending pages?

Sometimes the sort of post I see on the steemit trending pages makes me feel like the system is not that fair and don't favours great writer. do you actually feel that way?

I think a lot of users have felt that way for some time and that is why we are seeing some of the enhancements and changes we have over the past couple of months.  

Some of the larger accounts that used to take advantage of the trending page and the shortcomings there have left the platform as the price of STEEM has declined.  Many of the invested users that are publishing legitimate content have stuck around and are starting to rise to the top.

The implementation of White-lists on many services has helped to cut down on a lot of the spam and junk that was getting added to the STEEM blockchain.  

In the end it is going to take a concerted effort from many people to get things to change.  If you are new to the platform just stay away from the trending page.  I would even stay away from the hot page to some extent.  

Until the manual curators can take back the trending page, it is going to remain the black sheep of Steemit that members of the family like to try to forget about.

Good posts at the steemit trending posts are really rare.

The main Problem are voting bots. Anyone who has money can simple pay them and get his post to the trending page.

In my opinion this is a big problem. The first thing you see when visiting is the trending page. If users only see bad posts there they might not sign up to steemit. So there are less users on steemit -> lower steem price. Also it is really unfair to authors who invest a lot of time into creating posts but they most of the time don't get to the trending page if they don t pay bots. 

Not even close, the trending page might as well be called the Pay To Be Here page. 

Content is irrelevant as long as you an afford to be there.

It gives a terrible impression to any new users

I would say 95% of what is there is absolute crap and not even worthy of being printed in tabloid papers

So nope, not pleased at all.

May the trending page burn in a fiery inferno of destruction

No I am not. The trending page should be the best of the best when it comes to steemit posts showing of wonderful talent.

Unfortunately it is for the users who have deep pockets and want to show off sub par work. It gives the wrong impression to new users who think that is the norm being able to achieve big payouts. This in my reason why the retention levels on Steem are so low as people get disillusioned quickly and don't understand why their posts make nothing.

This need to change in the future and maybe call it promoted posts and only allow posts that haven't been influenced by bid bots on to the trending page.

Not at all, I think it's now  the most wealthy vote buyers who decide what's on top of the trending page. 

Sometimes it's really low-quality content and you don't even see these posts get any downvotes. I mean, if you can upvote a low-quality post for hundreds of dollars, then there's something wrong with the system IMO. 

Theres a guy on the trending page every day with the most boring posts imaginable. Take one look and its all bots. It just ruins the whole concept of steemit. I had a post yesterday that @trufflepig upvoted. It told me that my post was in the top ten trending posts on Steemit if bots weren't involved. It was number 6. I felt great about this but felt cheated also that some guy had 243 dollars and I only had 30 dollars from my post which I put alot of effort into. From now on I will avoid the trending page and look at @trufflepigs non bot trending posts.  New copycats of Steemit are monitoring accounts to make sure they are not being used for bots. At one stage the same IP address made 700 accounts. They were able to delete them but what chance do we have on Steemit if this is happening!

No. Most of Steemit posts that are worth reading, are not even upvoted for one steem. But there were ( and will be) some exceptions.  

Trending Page does really act as the one of the most important pillar of Steemit. 

As this acts as the front page of Steemit because whenever anybody recommends to look at Steemit the trending page does acts a desperate role as a matter of fact (mostly in case of payouts) and the contents in the T.Page.

While when a new person gets to join in here the thing that goes in mind that I will get there on the trending page with my content. While in reality the trending page has become quite clean compared to the past few months as the vote abuse and the excessive use of bid bot made it quite harsh to go through the trending page and in few posts it was only the money that was acting for those Upvotes. 

While as of now it is healing and we are seeing quality posts and many things that are helpful for the community and yeah it will take time to get to its glory but it is a start. Steemit has more way to go and we can act as a support to those contents that deserves to be there in the Trending Page.

Currently not so pleased while in few months back was really holding back looking at T.Page but now there are things that you can learn from.

If all countries in the world use the same currency, let's say the US Dollar, for example, then individual countries will lose the ability to print their own money and successfully conduct their own fiscal and monetary policies. 

The main reason why governments have their own currencies and do not just adopt the currencies of their neighbor is because a country's ability to print and create their own money, and thereby control their money supply, is a crucial aspect of fiscal and monetary policy. Thus, if a country gives up their currency for the US Dollar, for example, they are effectively making themselves dependent on their ability to buy US Dollars in the international financial markets for their money supply, which hampers their ability to make their fiscal and monetary policies. 

The ability to control a country's money supply is crucial when making sound and independent fiscal and monetary policies. This is because governments need to be able to manipulate their money supply, either by printing more or less of their currency in order to target inflation, ensure price stability, and guarantee medium and long-term interest rates. Sometimes, government will even print more money in order to finance state spending. Thus, if they start using another country's currency, then they will be dependent on how much of that other country's currency is available in international financial markets, which they have no control over. Unlike if they had an independent currency, which they can print at will. 

In this respect, as long as individual countries are independent of each other, it will not be beneficial to have a single currency. Perhaps the only time that the world can have is a single currency is when there is a single world government who will make fiscal and monetary policies for everyone. Otherwise, the idea of a single currency for all the world's governments and economies will just place everyone at a disadvantage and dependent on another government.


Money Creation. 

Money creation
Money creation is the process by which the money supply of a country, or of an economic or monetary region, is increased. In most modern economies, most of the money supply is in the form of bank deposits. Central banks monitor the amount of money in the economy by measuring the so-called monetary aggregates.

People who collect coins and banknotes will need to find a new hobby....

People who collect
Coins and banknotes will need to
Find a new hobby....

                 - nathen007

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

When some people hear this, they think in terms of a "New world order" Where there is no longer division of power between countries, but a secular "world government"  where all laws, and economics are one and the same.

It happens in a few customs when you move from being a child to an adult. We hear of horror stories where the circumcision has gone wrong and the cut gets infected. it is normally done in a basic environment with limited medical equipment. It affects girls and boys and they are forced to undergo this procedure due to religious customs.

If I had unlimited resources, I would feel that luring people into a trapped environment because they were labelled as the worst, would not make me much better of a person than them, and where I live, they call those prisons, and the entities with the unlimited resources to do so, lie within the penal system. 

With unlimited resources, I would be more interested in rehabilitation programs for individuals with addiction, programs for troubled youth, ect. I think the answer would lie in helping people, rather than treating them poorly. 

Though social media has many benifits but the most annoying thing for most of the parents are there kids getting addicted to the social media like many games leads them in wrong way. They are getting isolated from the real world. For youngsters its equally dangerous many relationship breakups happens through social media. Many people are getting addicted to social media instead they can mange their time and get benefited by the social media.

. Too many selfies

2. Trolling people

3. Body shaming

. Cryptic, attention-seeking status updates followed up with 'I don't want to talk about it' or 'I'll DM you' when someone asks if they're OK

5. Liking your own profile picture

6. Inviting people to play games like Candy Crush and Farmville

7. Ranting about politics

I hate the people on facebook that say " I just had the worst night of my life" . Then they get replies off drama queens asking what happened.  "DM me" and all that jazz. Airing your dirty laundry in public is not good!

The most annoying thins is they are USING my PRIVACY & INTEGRITY to profit off them

On a daily basis I'm getting bombarded with thousands of ads from various companies realizing how my precious time & information is being sold to corps all over the world

And when you think contrary, me spending time there equals to ME SPENDING TIME.

I don't earn a single penny, no matter what I do on the social media or how profound & enlightening information I might share 

So yeah, the centralization & the minority that's making millions everyday while I lose my time & have less time to make those millions are the things that annoy me the most

That's the reason why I spend majority of my time on decentralized platforms like Steemit, DTube etc & right now I'm at Musing - the platform I highly appreciate as it allows you to speak out on things you truly have experience and actually earn crypto for it, assets that's much more important than any fiat currency for me!

It is currently at around $0.70 per liter.

Will people ever lose interest in earning money ?

I see lots of people running a lot behind money. Of course it includes me as well. But do you think people will ever lose interest to earnoney. In my opinion I think they might lose interest when they already have enough. What is your opinion?

I don't believe you can ever have "enough" That is the curse of humanity, we constantly want more, never satisfied. There is always something else out there you could get if you just had a little more money. Or you could help more people than you do now if you had more money

Until or unless we live in a utopian society where everyone's needs are met simply by asking (like thats ever going to happen) I think people will also have an interest in making and accumulating more money/wealth

I don't think people will ever lose interest in earning money. Some people may, but those are very special cases. In economics, it's said that Human wants are insatiable while resources to satisfy them are limited. That doesn't mean we'll ever stop trying to satisfy them and as such means we won't ever stop trying to make money.

For those that don't want money anymore, they are either

I) filthy rich

II) have attained spiritual freedom or

III) both.

Either way, the people that fall into these categories are very few.

I think it would take a cataclysmic event or a very profound discovery to change the focus of mankind from the acquisition of wealth to something else.  There is a part in Star Trek: First Contact where Picard is explaining that the invention of warp drive and the discovery of other species led to a new age of man where the accumulation of wealth was no longer their main goal.  I think it would have to be something like that.

Money is needed to have a good life and to survive in life. So people will never lose interest in making money. What would you eat? Or how would you purchase the basic amenities of life should you lose inTeresa in making money? Making money is part of the process of life.

Well, people don't run behind money but run behind these are important.

Someone will loose interest on earning money if :

● money become worthless.

● find something more important than money.

● has already enough money & s/he isn't greedy.

good qustion

I don't think one can ever have enough money. It is a bit like the song"Money makes the world go round". It unfortunately is very true and we need money in order to do anything these days. The more you have the more you seem to need so the hunger is always there to have more it seems.

The human is greedy and is rarely satisfied and will do anything for more money. Today the society is all about the now and want so it will never change. 

People are not going to lose interest in money as long as it is a necessity to survive. 

Looks will always matter, but to a degree.

Looks will fade or change over the lifetime you are with your partner. You can look for clues in the elders of their family to see what they MAY mature into but even that is not guaranteed.

What is more important is their personality, is their "beauty" on the inside? Remember you are planning (although plans don't always work out) to spend the rest of your life with this individual. 

It is far more important to ensure that you are compatible on a mental and emotional level than on a physical one that will fade over time. Remember the saying looks are fleeting.

Choose your partner based on commonalities. If one of you is a heavy partier and the other a stay at home bookworm I guarantee this will not last a lifetime. If however you both enjoy the same activities whether that is curling up with a book, watching a movie, playing video games together or skydiving or cave spleunking, then you will find that your relationship will last longer and be that more fulfilling for the both of you.

Terms like soul-mates are often thrown around when talking about life time partners and in general that means when two souls are in harmony it will be a lasting partnership, Notice the absence of looks or physical appearance in that regard.

Remember the knockout blonde she is at 18 will bear NO resemblance to her at 78, So why worry when beauty is only skin deep, its the mind and personality that matters and will endure throughout all the trials and tribulations that come with a lifetime partner.

In choosing a partner, in as much as having one with a character and lifestyle that is acceptable to you, i think physical appearances also have a great role to play. We cannot argue the fact that inner qualities like well-behaved, responsible, kind are very important in choosing a partner but what draws most people to others at first glance is something externally expressed. For example most men out there will tell you that the first thing that attracted them to their wives in most cases is her beauty. It is no strange thing or something to argue about. It is what you see externally that pushes you to get to know what the internal part is made of.

Many people have always said the most important aspect in choosing a partner is character. I have always gone for 50-50; character and a beautiful lady. I mean everyone deserves the best and i should not focus only on one part. The question i always ask is when you both sleep at night and you turn every night to look at the person lying beside you; at that moment you will be appreciating her facial appearance and external looks and guess what will happen if it is not something you like or admire?

In choosing a partner, you need to know that you will love and appreciate their whole being be it inernal and facial appearances. None is more important; I find them both important in picking a partner. So, picking a partner is not as easy as buying a pair of shoes that you plan to manage it if you don't like it's entirety. It is a human and a heart you are dealing with and if you don't appreciate the whole person then i think you should keep looking and pick the right one.

I hope this helps...

Attraction is important when finding a mate. Over time looks aren't as important in a relationship, and this is normal. We all age, and we can't expect our partners to look "super hot" forever, but as you age with your partner, you will both maintain love and attraction as long as the foundation of the relationship is sound. 

There are of course many more aspects that play into choosing a partner. Looks should only be one facet of what "attracts" you. Chemistry, and compatibility are just as, if not more important.

I hope my answer helps!

Yes they should. You have to have some physical attraction to that person. It is not overly important but there needs to be some spark. One can fall in love with other things like the personality but physical attraction is key.

If she has a beard and stubble she is not for me. Sorry 

- When it comes to partner its always bad to reject someone by seeing the face instead you can try knowing each other and the same person will look beautiful if you really love them. If you look only for the beauty then after certain age beauty fades aways only the character will remain. If beauty goes your love may also get vanished. Person who choose you for your beauty will care about the society and all external factors they will not get satisfied and will be looking for better better and better. Beauty is something what you feel about someone not how they look.

- When it comes to partner its always bad to reject someone by seeing the face instead you can try knowing each other and the same person will look beautiful if you really love them. If you look only for the beauty then after certain age beauty fades aways only the character will remain. If beauty goes your love may also get vanished. Person who choose you for your beauty will care about the society and all external factors they will not get satisfied and will be looking for better better and better. Beauty is something what you feel about someone not how they look.

No it can't. The recession was bought on by high scale corruption in the government. It has been going on for years under President Zuma and he has manipulated government funds into private pockets.

There is no money left as it has all been stolen. Over half of the tax revenue paid over has been misspent or stolen. Businesses that used to rely on government business has disappeared taking the money away from the person in the street. The recent fuel hike is to generate more funds for the governments coffers but the question is what will happen with that revenue.

The Gupta brothers and Zuma managed to manipulate the system through bribes and threats to enrich themselves. The ministers in parliament were all on the payroll so there would be no whistle blowers. Zuma was in power for 8 years and they were doing it before he even was appointed.

The truth is that the corruption is so deep even though Zuma has been replaced by Ramaphosa it will take a new government to sort it all out. The chairman of the ANC party was implicated last week as a huge instigator trying to force the banks to keep the accounts open for the Gupta run businesses.

The police force has been bought by the officials and is not working like it should. The ministers managed to employ and position friends in high places so that they would be protected if anything happened.

The entire government,police force and other officials need to be removed before the country can recover. The next general election is next year and the entire country is praying that the opposition can win and sort the mess out. That is the only answer to fix these issues and there is a small chance of that happening.

"There is No Money Left as ALL has been Stolen" hmm!! Very scary statement here.

Good Morning!

My chest hair 😹

I'm so pissed at my country's president for making policies that are making life difficult for everyone. If I can see him and personally tell to resign would be something I would love to get off my chest.

Have you ever experienced a "turning point" in your life? And what was it??

What was an event in your life that made you change your life completely? Or an event which changed you completely? What was it, and how did it make the change?

Yes, I've had a couple interesting turning points in my quite short life  (I'm 23) which, when I look back at now, I can really see how they made me into the person I am today and how they shaped my current reality. Some of them were positive while  others, not so much. What's  interesting about this, is that  the bad decisions I made in life, that resulted in some serious consequences, are the ones from which I've  learned the most from, and which made me into a much better person in the end.  

Negative stories aside, I would like to share one that had the biggest influence on my financial life and got me close to a point where I could be able to free myself from the tyranny of the modern financial system. If all goes well though. 

I was always looking for ways to separate myself from the regular workforce and trying to find ways to work for myself. Whether it's a business idea or an investment of any sort that could return some nice profits. I was spending most of my days trying to find opportunities that would free me financially. They couln't be regular jobs, as those are hard to find in Croatia if you don't have connections high up, which I don't have. So I needed to create something where I could work for myself. Doing something I like, when I want and for how long I want. 

I never wanted to be anyones b**** anyway. Working a shitty 500€ a month job that doesn't pay for anything else than the rent and utilities was worse than prison. It was enslavement. 

Circa 18 months ago

Browsing the internet for opportunities I stumbled upon the DollarVigilante on youtube aka Jeff Brewick. Ever since the first video I was in love with his mentality and disgustment with the todays society, control system, governments and the monetary system. I was hooked. Literally started watching his videos backwards, all the way up till the first one he published. 

A couple of weeks went by and I was going through my morning routine of drinking coffee while checking out the new DollarVigilante video. I can't remember really what he was talking about but it doesn't matter. What matters though is one little word he mentioned. Do you want to know which word it was? He said "Steemit". And described it as a way to oppose the massive censorhsip that is happening and a way to earn some cryptocurrency for blogging. I was so interested in what he said that I quickly paused everything I was doing and wen't on to see what Steemit is and how to get started.

Instantly addicted

It didn't take me more than a minute to create my account. For some reason the account creation system bugged out and I got my account the same day. It then took me a week to realize that Steemit isn't a scam and about two months to realize what it's all about, how and why it works and all of the technical mumbo-jumbo which I felt was neccessary to understand to maximise my chances of success.

When I figured it out I was so overwhelmed by the feeling: "This is going to be the next big thing. I'm so glad that I got here this early" and "Ok, now it's time to stack as much STEEM as possible because it won't be worth this little for a long time". I was and still am to this day 100% sure that Steem has only massive success written in its future. From then, to this day, I have devoted most of my days to the STEEM blockchain because I can see how, if I really dedicate my full attention here I could quite easily liberate myself from the schackles of the financial system. 

Only hard work and dedication

With only Steem in my mind for the next 16 moons I focused my attention on earning as much STEEM as I can because I knew, I won't have a long time before it becomes so valuable its too hard to earn anything. I admit that by my first estimate STEEM should already be mooning but, I care not about its current price. I'm quite happy to see it tank all the way down to 0.7 because that means that I can actually earn more STEEM tokens in the end. And even though they are worth less now, it doesn't matter. I earn more tokens! As I said so many times before, I'm not here for the short term gains, and will never, if I don't need to, sell any of my SP. I'm here for the next 10, 20  years, as I can see the potential and what the long run will bring. 

Up until today I was able to earn about 5.2k and have bought 1k STEEM. Looking at the current price of STEEM I  could have earned more by working on that 500€ a month job but, there were so many times I was earning 2x,3x more than I ever could earn with a normal job here in Croatia.

STEEM is my lottery ticket

If all goes well for the Steem blockchain and STEEM price get's where it deserves to be, I'll  be a millionaire in my  national currency. I won't sell any of it though, but what I want to   be able to do is, to live of curation rewards. If I can achieve that, life is GG and all financial problems are gone. If I can fully support myself through rewarding other content creators then I really have nothing to worry about. At least not financially.

That  is what I'm trying to achieve and why I'm devoting my full attention to the Steem blockchainand even though it might not be visible on my blog currently. It's all because of the Dlie fiasco which I still didn't recover from. I'll just need a couple more days and I'll be back, better than ever. 

Anywaay, sorry for the ramble guys but to conclude, watching that DollarVigilante video and how I reacted to it was probably the most important decision I ever made.

Well come to think of it, it was one of the thing that really acted as a  "turning point" in my life in Steemit. 

Now that might really sound not ok but yeah the major impact of it has driven my life to whole new level and I am really glad that it happened to me.

To be more specific

I never really liked my day job, though I was good at it but it was a job that I had to do, out for my living and in a forceful way. After I joined Steemit (it was just a curiosity as I joined many sites before with no different results) I started to go through it and after giving it some attention I was finally going the way that I always wanted to. Being free and to do work that I love and slowly it became a major part of my life both financially and in mentally as well. I passion came into reality and I am loving and learning from every new details that I get in here.

With all the improvements in Steemit and the future that it holds for the users I am having really high hopes (that I believe) in the coming days the users who are working hard will sure be benefited in the long run.


I have experienced a very good turning point in life, which has changed me entirely. It happened few years back, when my son was just 2 years old. He was perfectly healthy, and fell sick of normal cold and cough, which soon became critical. And we were in the hospital for 3-4 days. 

At that age, I usually had the perception of to be able to do anything in life, if you have money. I was adamant in nature. And during that time, it hit me big. We reached to every good doctor, called them, few of them told he was in the right course of treatment. However, his condition was not improving. 

Then a nurse advised me to offer some prayers at a particular temple, and told, only a miracle can help us. I felt very handicapped at that time. My vision on wealth / money completely changed during that time. I had heard it many times, but this time I practically felt it. For the first time I prayed and begged something in front of God, with my honest offerings. 

My son survived, and since then I am a changed man. Meaning of life has changed since then as well. I try to help others as much as I can. And I never feel pride for any wealth. Because everything that is in your control, may possibly change entirely in a matter of few minutes. So live the life with affection, relationships, friends. Nothing else matters.

I had a fracture on my lower back some years back and the pain was very excruciating. I couldn't stand nor walk and I was getting scared that I may not be able to walk or engage in normal life's activities. Out of frustration I decided to turn to God almighty and ask him for help. I prayed to him to heal me if he was real and that I would live my life to please him if he did. I know this may sound stupid to some of you out there that don't believe that there is a God. Surprisingly, the pain stopped after some days and I could walk and perform normal life's functions very well. It may seem like a coincidence to some of you but I've been lying down for weeks with the constant pain, so I knew the healing was from God. I got more serious in my services to God and I got the assurance that God is realer than imagined.

The turning points usually arrive when you feel the worst, confronting the reality after escaping it for some time

After that kind of period, usually comes a period of intense pain that will manifest in one or another way... but you will feel it, you will be actively engaged in feelings of pain (physical, mental, spiritual) but don't take that as something terrible

After that kind of period, usually comes a period of intense pain that will manifest in one or another way... but you will feel it, you will be actively engaged in feelings of pain (physical, mental, spiritual ) but don't take that as something terrible

Rather take it as experience & collect EXP like in a video-game :) Since it's a fact, after the toughest periods always come the better ones, ones that will contribute to your growth & change your life, make you a new person

There is no growth without pain. and pain is the crucial aspect when it comes to turning points, if everything goes perfect you won't even think about turning that page!

That's what's called "TURNING POINT", when you finally decide to confront your Demons/Fears/Traumas and decide it's time for something new, for a fresh start

So, rather than crying "why always me" when it happens next time, rather embrace your pain for what is coming afterwards! A new, upgraded baddass you with potential to influence his reality better than ever before

When the British, who colonized India in the 1700s, realized that they would not be able to open the market to the British factory fabrics, they cut the thumbs of the Indian weavers to destroy the local fabric production. has also become its own client.

How do you deal with negative "Self-Projection"?

I call it "Self Projection" and I am struggling on how to stop, prevent, or even keep myself from doing such a thing as this, because it is not a good thing and doesn't feel really good when it happens to you on a bad level. I want to figure out how to be positive when self projecting.

"Psychological Projection is a theory in psychology in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others."

Negative self projection stems from feeling of worthlessNess. Once a person thinks that he or she doesn't worth much or they don't have what it takes to be accepted by others, they project such negative energy wherever they go. One's childhood plays a greater part in how highly they would see themselves. Kids that grew up without having much love from parents or family always suffer from this.

What such a person need to do is to look inward and write out everything about himself or herself that makes him or her unique or different. Write out everything that you are good at and start celebrating yourself for having those qualities. Every human has unique qualities in himself or herself. Tell yourself that you're wonderful and deserves the best in life.treat yourself right and talk good about yourself. Nobody can treat you better than you treat yourself. If you can treat yourself right, you'll start projecting good image about yourself that would make others want to come close to you and treat you right

Love yourself and treat yourself right. Value yourself and flaunt your uniqueness. Let go of your gory past and concentrate on your present and future. See you worth and celebrate it. The more you do this, the more all those negative energies that you've been projecting previously would flee from you.

Hello, answering your question. The cure of cancer is a very open question because each cancer is different from the other, depending on the area hosted. The cure of cancer is difficult because there are involved an exorbitant amount of genes and thus mutations in the genetic code that causes cells to grow disproportionately.

The body is made up of billions of units called cells that work together. For this, there is a large machinery inside each cell which indicates the function of each one. If all goes well, the body grows well and there is no cancer. It appears when something in this system, which must be coordinated, ceases to be and the cells acquire properties different from those of normal cells. The fundamental thing about cancer is the loss of coordination between cells.

An   idea of ​​the genetic changes, responsible for cancer. The study of viruses and other subsequent investigations serve to understand that there are genes that can initiate changes and generate a tumor. But there are more genes that change: some that are active in normal cells are no longer active, their function disappears, and others that should not be active begin to work.

The medical researcher Renato Dulbecco (Italy, 1914) received the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1975 for his research on cancer. Specifically, because it helped to understand the relationship between the genetic material of a cell and the formation of tumors.

Each cancer behaves differently as I said before. In the case of breast cancer, a cure has been developed by the Venezuelan doctor Jacinto Convit.

Scientists have found many cures for cancer over the decades.

Unfortunately they haven't discovered one that a human can survive as of yet.

Cancer at its base level is a mutation in your body that slowly takes over and mutates more and more of you. It is possible to stop the spread and mutation by killing these cancer carrying genes through a variety of methods, the most common being bombardment by radition. However since they were once normal healthy cells, the radiation needed to kill a mutated cell also kills the healthy cells around the area. 

It is a delicate balance to use enough radiation to kill the bad cells while leaving as many of the good, healthy cells unaffected. This why cancer can sometimes "come back" or a patient will no longer be in remission. They simply did not get all of the cancerous cells at time of treatment and the surviving cells have begun to multiply

A lot of the current work in cancer research is focusing on mapping the cancer markers themselves. Rather than killing the infected cells, there is hope of using a retro-virus to in essence remove the cancerous elements from the affected cells and return them to a healthy state.

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