Hello, answering your question. The cure of cancer is a very open question because each cancer is different from the other, depending on the area hosted. The cure of cancer is difficult because there are involved an exorbitant amount of genes and thus mutations in the genetic code that causes cells to grow disproportionately.
The body is made up of billions of units called cells that work together. For this, there is a large machinery inside each cell which indicates the function of each one. If all goes well, the body grows well and there is no cancer. It appears when something in this system, which must be coordinated, ceases to be and the cells acquire properties different from those of normal cells. The fundamental thing about cancer is the loss of coordination between cells.
An idea of the genetic changes, responsible for cancer. The study of viruses and other subsequent investigations serve to understand that there are genes that can initiate changes and generate a tumor. But there are more genes that change: some that are active in normal cells are no longer active, their function disappears, and others that should not be active begin to work.
The medical researcher Renato Dulbecco (Italy, 1914) received the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1975 for his research on cancer. Specifically, because it helped to understand the relationship between the genetic material of a cell and the formation of tumors.
Each cancer behaves differently as I said before. In the case of breast cancer, a cure has been developed by the Venezuelan doctor Jacinto Convit.