
Regarding your question, most people will say that the kids are those getting affected the most in a divorce but, that is not entirely true. There are a lot of variables at play that we're not even aware of; thus, we will never be able to acquire a general answer and not even a specific one.

But, let me develop my answer a little bit.

Firstly, you can look at the short-term effects of a divorce, and suppose who are the people affected the most, and often those are the kids since they are not ready for such a change. But, you never know how much that divorce impacted the way their life was going to develop.

What I mean by that is that some people get influenced to take a particular road as the result of a cause that they are not even aware of. A divorce might take certain people off a specific path, and end up saving their lives. As I said, there are a lot of things at play; a divorce might be beneficial for some, and catastrophic for others but, the truth is that there's no way to find a correct answer.

If you want to see how individual choices can influence your future, in a fun way, I advise you to watch the movie "Mr. Nobody" since it will answer all of your questions.

Kids for sure, they have no concept of how or why this occured, they were excluded from the decision itself but can be impacted the most by the decision

If young enough and without enough life experience, a child can actually see themselves as the cause for the divorce which can cause significant trauma or grief throughout the years and actually cause them to have issues in relationships of their own.

I would say the children as they are the product of the marriage and are torn between both parents. They love both of them no matter what happens. children should be considered a priority in a divorce taking their feelings into consideration on every decision.