The world itself is moved by technology and as it stands now, almost everything we do is dependent on one for of technology or the other. From how we entertain ourselves to our transportation and even our jobs are dependent on one form of technology or the other. We simply can't do anything anymore without technology.
We also have to take into consideration that the present generation was born into this information age and it's if nothing else the age of technological advancements. Most people were already using iPhones before they were 10 years old.
Half of the world's population is under 30 years of age, and more than half of that are below the age of 18. What this means is that a significant portion of the world was born in or shortly after the year 2000. This implies that at least 25% of the world has only ever known a life with technology, and as such to them there is no life without it.
Unfortunately the new generations know nothing else. Their lives are built around phones and computers and if you take one away they have no idea how to cope. All communication is based on this technology.
I think fundamentally, humans are incentivized by producing goods or providing services. And the more productive you are, the more rewards you should get (may not be true all the time; especially during the short term).
Technology is a direct booster of human productivity. In order to earn enough to survive in this world, we need to maintain a certain level of productivity. Hence, technology increases our productivity and therefore affects our survivability.
That's probably the reason why most of us are so dependent on technologies.
We now live in a technologically driven world. Almost every facet of life is affected, supported, or enhanced with the advent of technology.
Only our more primal basic functions are left unmolested by the dependency of technology. As we advance in evolution, this dependency will become even greater.
An excellent theory which easily supports this claim, and has been provably accurate since it's induction, is a theory that is branded as a scientific "law", that law being Moore's Law.
Here's a link to wikipedia with a description of the exponential fundamentals pertaining to Moore's Law.
The world itself is moved by technology and as it stands now, almost everything we do is dependent on one for of technology or the other. From how we entertain ourselves to our transportation and even our jobs are dependent on one form of technology or the other. We simply can't do anything anymore without technology.
We also have to take into consideration that the present generation was born into this information age and it's if nothing else the age of technological advancements. Most people were already using iPhones before they were 10 years old.
Half of the world's population is under 30 years of age, and more than half of that are below the age of 18. What this means is that a significant portion of the world was born in or shortly after the year 2000. This implies that at least 25% of the world has only ever known a life with technology, and as such to them there is no life without it.
Unfortunately the new generations know nothing else. Their lives are built around phones and computers and if you take one away they have no idea how to cope. All communication is based on this technology.
I think fundamentally, humans are incentivized by producing goods or providing services. And the more productive you are, the more rewards you should get (may not be true all the time; especially during the short term).
Technology is a direct booster of human productivity. In order to earn enough to survive in this world, we need to maintain a certain level of productivity. Hence, technology increases our productivity and therefore affects our survivability.
That's probably the reason why most of us are so dependent on technologies.
We now live in a technologically driven world. Almost every facet of life is affected, supported, or enhanced with the advent of technology.
Only our more primal basic functions are left unmolested by the dependency of technology. As we advance in evolution, this dependency will become even greater.
An excellent theory which easily supports this claim, and has been provably accurate since it's induction, is a theory that is branded as a scientific "law", that law being Moore's Law.
Here's a link to wikipedia with a description of the exponential fundamentals pertaining to Moore's Law.