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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads7 years ago

As the times progressed, being single was not destiny or curse but a choice. Not a few people who choose singles because reluctantly tied in a marriage relationship.

The existence of paradigm change in society related single status itself.

Once 20-year-old woman was asked to get married. Now even though 30 years have not been married also safe.
Vera added that there are several reasons why married age, or in psychology termed social clock, is declining. One of them is the influence of the outbreak of feminism movement both in the world and in Indonesia.

Movement of feminism, according to Vera, indirectly causes the age of dependence on the longer the parent. This is due to the increasing number of people at a young age who want to continue to study as high as possible.

In the past, most people would stop studying after earning a bachelor's degree and then working then getting married. Currently not a few people who choose to continue his studies to a higher level than married.

The higher the education then the age of individuals to be able to independently decline.

Excessive coverage of divorce cases is also seen as the cause of people choosing singles. Cases of over-exhibited divorce make marriage no longer seen as a sacred ceremony.

People then think as if divorce is easy. In the last decade, the rate of divorce cases has increased. Even from the latest data he can, from every 10 marriages there is 1 divorce each year. Uniquely, not infrequently women become individuals who trigger the divorce itself.

It seems that women are increasingly independent. Said the psychologist who just opened his private practice.

Explaining people's perceptions of sexual relations also changed in this era of globalization. More and more people are tolerating pre-marital sexual intercourse. As a result, not a few who then assume that sexual intercourse can be done without having to go through the marriage.