Would you like a read later option for posts?
I come across a lot of good articles but have to subject myself to skimming or bookingmarking the entire page. I have a shit ton of bookmarks now. I'm new so a lot of the good info about the future of steem and blockchain and forks and bot and upvotes and reputations and witnesses. There's so much. I just need something simple. I'd like somewhere on the platform I can store my articles to be read later. Would anyone like this as well or am I buggin?
Would be a great addition actually. I follow a lot of people on my main steemit account and a lot of the important posts get filled in the bottom and I can’t find it unless I search for it. So I would totally like to a read later option added!
Of course I would! Because when you find something interesting to read but you don't have time then you can use this option to read the post later