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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads7 years ago (edited)

Substratum - 

The future of the decentralized web, Substratum offers the ability to connect to a vpn-like network hosted entirely by coin members. Members can set up and host nodes similar to the tor network, and be rewarded for hosting a node with $SUB. When you connect to the network, your ISP will only be able to see you are connected to the Substratum network, and you will be able to connect to any website you like.

Wemark - 

A stock photo website that uses the blockchain to connect artists and customers without the sometimes up to 85% fees imposed upon artists for sales.

Ethos - 

A decentralized crypto wallet app that allows users to connect to their wallet from anywhere using their password and key words. It has a nice clean UI that allows users to easily see how much money they've lost that day/week/month.