
Happiness is relative term.
Happiness is referred as a positive state of mind or pleasant emotions or mood.
With time or occurrence of some events, the state of mind also changes. So we can’t say that a person is happy forever or unhappy forever.
As the time passes an unhappy person can become happy one and vice versa.
Happiness also varies from person to person. Like some person enjoy little moments of life and remain happy while others remains in search of big news are ignore small events that they can enjoy.

Everyone is looking for that is happiness. Including me and hundreds of millions of other human beings on this earth. When you ask any people ' what you want to get in this life? '. Most people would answer ' I want to be happy ' as one of the things they most desire.

Then, the next question arises, ' have you been happy? '. Some say, ' Yes, ' so I am happy, too, some others will be unhappy I ' complains '
So, the most important question is ' happy it is like what? We can achieve something when a clear definition in advance, such as when you want the heading to a place that you dream of, you know in advance the address and then find a way to get there. We will reach a happy condition when know we will go

Your Question is not very descriptive but If that is what you wanna ask
YES!!! I am happy,
Because happiness is what you give to your self, never allow any precise thing to be the source of your happiness, Be the source of the happiness be happy with what you have and for the things you are expecting and always Thank God for Everything :)

The happy person is the one who often laughs. Laughter can also make our body can entertain our mood better. When laughing, we feel happy and happy, and also our health can be more awake. Found that people who suffer from heart disease are the ones who rarely laugh in his life. Often laugh, that's a sign you're a happy person.
The happy person is the one who is always looking for meaning and purpose in every situation in life. People who are positive and always managed to see the positive side of each situation, it's a sign you are a happy person.
People who are happy are people always have their own time and can enjoy the time well. This is not a selfish act, it's just the way people are happy to be able to gather energy back and later can provide something even more for the family.

Happy is someone who already knows what he wants. Myths, and different religions all over the world. He also found that the happiest person is a person who follows the conscience and has a purpose in life. You can confidently say that you are a happy person if you already have a clear purpose in your life.