
For me it depends on the situated in hand, if I am studying for an examination or I want to read a Novel I will prefer a book but if I want to research I prefer a computer with an internet connection as it will take me straight to the points.

Books and computer both are our daily requirements in our day to day life. Today the trend of new youngsters mind is diverted towards computer more rather than books. World has grown much higher in technology and new things which make humans life more easy through computer.

Books are also says to be our best friend and it has deep knowledge and can spend our time anywhere anytime to read it. While there are also computers which has pdf of such books which are now a day easy to read. But books can keep our eye safe and if we operate more computer then it might get our eye blindness problem. But the use of computer now a days has increased a lot where you can find each and every thing related to any books any thing in google. So i think i love to use computer which is interesting thing in my life and books are also not bad but reading books its not my hobby.

Well both have their own significance in our life.
We cant survive without the both.
But with the advancement of technology, we have ebooks which are replacing the traditional paper books.
Now we can access all the information with just one click of our computer.
In future there might be computers which completely replace books.

Why not both? It depends on situation and mood. Sometimes when I feel like I want to read the book I bought then I will go for the book provided I'm in the quiet environment. As for the computer, mostly ​to do my works.

For me they serve the same goal - information. If i had to choose, for sure i'd take computer. It's like comparing "eggs or english breakfast"
Computer is just an advanced book.


I used to be a book lover when I was younger. Until I stumbled upon a computer. I was so fascinated about how the analog live can be digitized. So I dumped books for computers and I have never regretted it.

Definitely computers. There's so much you can do on a computer at once and you get so much more content, even content from decades ago.