How do I recover my new account?
I just used Steemconnect to create a new account to use as a football blog and transferred 10steem to start it off except I got the account name format wrong twice until I sorted it out in lower case without the '@'.
I think it kept changing the password, so I didn't copy the final version when it worked and created the account.
What an idiot, but is there any way to get me in or at least get back my 10steem please lol...
The account is now created but @lufc but I can't get into it :-(
I really want the account name @lufc though....Helppppppppp please !!!
Thanks in advance.
Recovering an account without the keys is near impossible, with the only way being brute force, but with the 32 character key provided to you by steemconnect, good luck brute forcing your way through that.
Account recovery is quite easy if you have one of the old passwords of the account, and the key to the recovery account but without both of those, it can't be done.
Steemconnect regenerates a new key every time you go onto their create page so there is no way to tell what it was.
I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but that account is most likely gone forever unless you are feeling lucky with a bruteforce.
Tough luck.. The steem account "recovery" process very very limited. Unless you have a prior account key, your new account is forever lost. The original recovery process is not meant for someone forgetting his account but rather have his account hacked. Say someone hacked your account and changed the password, this is where the Recovery process comes in.
I experienced the something similar to you some time ago. Luckily the account was delegated so I can pull back the delegation.
Remember that a Steem Address is as secure as Bitcoin Address. Its not as easy as "recover my account via email" and all that. Once your key is lost, your key is lost. Sorry brother.
cheers, but I created myself it via steemconnect, i sent 10steem and on steemd, it says I am the account was a new way to open accounts but thanks for your input :-)
Yea same with me, created it with the steemconnect tool.
Took me sometime to wrap around the idea too and I was equally sad that I've locked myself out of an account with a name that means something to me.
It is very easy to recover your account on steemit. If you forgot your steemit account password then there is a few works that you have to do for recover your steemit account. Firstly, you have to remember the email address that you used to verify your account. Then you have fulfill all steps in this link ( After doing all this things, you have to wait for 2 or 3 days for getting a email from steemit. Within 2 or 3 days you will get a mail there will be a link and you should have to go there. The. You should do all the necessary things that you done when you first join in steemit.
You have to do this all things for recovering you new account.
thats totally incorrect Im afraid. I opened the new account via steemconnect, no email, just my existing account, but thanks for trying :-)
Worst case scenario-
Your account is gone and there's nothing you can do about it. Steemit master passwords are very sensitive, and if you lose it you might just say goodbye to your account.
Best case scenario -
There might be hope for you. I've heard stories of steemians who lost control of their accounts but were able to recover them.
Talking to the right people might help eg witnesses.
Best for you not to loss or forget your login detail's
Yep, that's definitely the best solution :P It's a little too late for the poster here though.