
1. Exercising

Start Life Right and healthy by exercising regularly. Because quitting drug addiction can make you more stressful, then don't make drugs run away again. Start practicing to divert your attention to sports. Joining in a fitness center or gym is a good solution. But even if you want to practice with a personal trainer it doesn't matter too.

2. Often meditate

Drug addiction is not trivial and to stop it is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand because there are always obstacles. Meditate to make your heart and the mind is calmer because stress due to no longer taking drugs can often appear. When meditating, you will be better able to focus on body awareness and body breathing.

Just look for a safe, quiet and comfortable place to sit cross-legged. Then continue to close your eyes and focus on breathing for 10-15 minutes. Take a deep breath so that the heart and mind are far from anxiety. Attention that is fully placed on breathing will make the body more relaxed as well.

3. Doing Yoga

Practicing yoga is not only useful to make the body more flexible, elastic, strong and balanced. Yoga as a combination of meditation and exercise will be very helpful. Especially for drug addicts who are very intent on quitting their dependence. Stress will come very easily for those who break up with drugs. So from that, setting aside around 30 minutes a week several times for yoga is a good idea. The mind and body will become much fresher and better.

4. Steer clear of the place and environment of drug users

Many cases and experiences of drug addicts who fail to stop completely from their dependence. And this is due to still hanging out with drug user friends. Or play in an area full of drug users and alcoholics. You never know how strong your faith is. Especially Deciding to only quit drugs but not break up with the environment and these people.

5. Busying yourself with positive activities

People who have already been addicted to drugs and then managed to stop do not necessarily close the possibility of returning to drugs again. So, as much as possible busy yourself with a variety of positive activities, such as developing a new hobby.

6. Strengthen Faith

The key to strong faith is to worship a lot, pray and get closer to God. If you used to be addicted to drugs because of stress and medicine is your best escape. At this time God should be the main escape of all your problems. Through prayer and worship, the heart will be calmer.

Withdrawal consists of a series of symptoms, which in general terms are the opposite of those that appear when you are under the effect of the drug.

If the drug you use gives you euphoria and a lot of activity, in abstinence you will feel the opposite: decay and apathy.

If, on the other hand, what you consume leaves you with a feeling of relaxation and well-being, when you try to stop, you will feel agitation and irritability. Although it is true that in most withdrawal syndromes there is anxiety and irritability, apart of course from the intense desire to use.

Wanting to quit

If you finally find out that you do; that you do have an addiction and decide to quit, there is a very important step to begin with. It is always the first of all, and I assure you that without it you will not be able to leave it; and that is to want to leave it. But to really want to.

At this point, ask yourself a question: "Why do I want to give it up? Don't ask yourself why, but what for. In other words, look for your reasons for quitting drugs.

If the answer has to do with yourself, for example, "so that this doesn't destroy my life", "so that I can be healthy", "so that I can feel good about myself"... then it is very clear that you want to quit.

If, on the other hand, your answers have to do with others like, "so that my family can be proud of me", "so that my friends can see that I can,... then, you would have to rethink it; because it is not so clear.

If you intend to give up drugs for anyone other than yourself, to please anyone other than yourself, you probably won't get it.

Reinforce Your Decision

If you're completely determined to quit, there's an exercise that can further reinforce that decision.

Make a written list of all the inconveniences of using drugs for you. Don't write down very general things, such as "it destroys my life". Be more specific about what exactly is harmful to you. From how it affects your skin, your hair, your social relations, your family relations, your economy, etc.

On the other hand, make another list of the advantages of not consuming; a list as concrete as the previous one. Put both of them in a place where you can see them, and you can read them frequently.

Change your habits

Once you're on your way to your goal, it's a good idea to change your habits.

Schedule your days and even your hours so that they have nothing to do, or at least little to do with what you did before.

Don't frequent the places where you used drugs, don't frequent the people you used drugs with. Don't do it as a test to prove to yourself that you're over it; because in that case, the temptation will be too close and... why would you tempt luck?

Look for good companies

If possible, surround yourself with people who know and understand what you are going through and also with people who have already overcome it.

People who love you and value the effort you're making, such as family and friends, are the most appropriate people to seek support from.


Practice physical exercise, this will help you to reduce the anxiety produced by stopping using drugs. Plus, you'll have a greater sense of taking care of your health, and that's motivating.

These are just a few tips that can help you if you decide to stop using drugs. But, you know that drug use alters many of the brain's functions, including self-control.

This means you may not be able to leave them alone. Ideally, you should go to a doctor who will refer you to the right professionals. It is usually necessary to go to therapy, both individual and group. Professionals will help you, but the firm decision not to use should be yours.

How to Overcome Drug Addiction Naturally

1. Intend to Stop

Everything that begins with an intention will certainly succeed, so decide to stop using drugs as the first step to overcome addiction. It doesn't matter if we can't do it just once. But it's important to keep making goals and having the intention to stop drugs from becoming real.

2. Record Risks / Side Effects of Drug Addiction

One more thing that must be noted, namely the harmful effects given to your life during drug consumption. By listing the side effects or risks, you will be automatically motivated to make behavior changes. Reading it again and again and again will provide motivation and strength to stop drugs. For example, by writing down what things are felt that have changed in life.

3. Exercising

Start living right and healthy by exercising regularly. Because quitting drug addiction can make you more stressful, don't make drugs run away again. Start practicing to divert your attention to sports. Joining a gym or gym is a good solution. But even if you want to practice with a personal trainer it doesn't matter too.

4. Ask for help from a nutritionist

There are many nutritional program references that can be found around us. Usually programs like this are actually offered through regional or sub-district hospitals where we live. There is no harm in considering this method because basically, we need to restore body health. The trick is to provide enough nutrients that the body needs through healthy and nutritious food.

4. Busying Yourself with Positive Activities

People who have already been addicted to drugs and then managed to stop do not necessarily close the possibility of returning to drugs again. So, as much as possible busy yourself with a variety of positive activities, such as developing a new hobby. There are many exciting activities as a way to relieve stress that will make your time and energy more valuable, for example:

  • Gardening
  • Fishing
  • Do rock climbing.
  • Join in the community of nature lovers.
  • Or you can also look for other communities according to your interests as long as it's positive. As long as there is no connection with drugs or liquor, you will be fine.

5. Strengthen Faith

The key to strong faith is to worship a lot, pray and get closer to God. If in the past you could be addicted to drugs because of the feeling of stress and drugs being your best escape. At this time God should be the main escape of all your problems. Through prayer and worship, the heart will be calmer.

By multiplying worship, this will automatically make the heart more sincere. You can also learn to be grateful for what you have got. Whatever problems are faced, always believe that God is dear to every people. God will not give trials beyond the limits of the ability of his people. Ask forgiveness and help God help provide the power to truly escape drug addiction.

1. Exercising

Start Life Right and healthy by exercising regularly. Because quitting drug addiction can make you more stressful, then don't make drugs run away again. Start practicing to divert your attention to sports. Joining in a fitness center or gym is a good solution. But even if you want to practice with a personal trainer it doesn't matter too.

2. Often meditate

Drug addiction is not trivial and to stop it is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand because there are always obstacles. Meditate to make your heart and the mind is calmer because stress due to no longer taking drugs can often appear. When meditating, you will be better able to focus on body awareness and body breathing.

Just look for a safe, quiet and comfortable place to sit cross-legged. Then continue to close your eyes and focus on breathing for 10-15 minutes. Take a deep breath so that the heart and mind are far from anxiety. Attention that is fully placed on breathing will make the body more relaxed as well.

3. Doing Yoga

Practicing yoga is not only useful to make the body more flexible, elastic, strong and balanced. Yoga as a combination of meditation and exercise will be very helpful. Especially for drug addicts who are very intent on quitting their dependence. Stress will come very easily for those who break up with drugs. So from that, setting aside around 30 minutes a week several times for yoga is a good idea. The mind and body will become much fresher and better.

4. Steer clear of the place and environment of drug users

Many cases and experiences of drug addicts who fail to stop completely from their dependence. And this is due to still hanging out with drug user friends. Or play in an area full of drug users and alcoholics. You never know how strong your faith is. Especially Deciding to only quit drugs but not break up with the environment and these people.

5. Busying yourself with positive activities

People who have already been addicted to drugs and then managed to stop do not necessarily close the possibility of returning to drugs again. So, as much as possible busy yourself with a variety of positive activities, such as developing a new hobby.

6. Strengthen Faith

The key to strong faith is to worship a lot, pray and get closer to God. If you used to be addicted to drugs because of stress and medicine is your best escape. At this time God should be the main escape of all your problems. Through prayer and worship, the heart will be calmer.

I believe you are talking about a natural way of overcoming drug addiction. Drug addiction is a very challenging problem and many see it as impossible to be resolved but the first step to doing this is acknowledging you have a problem. You alone can help yourself by determining you want to be free of this devil. Once you have identified your problem, motivate yourself to do anything and everything possible to resolve it.

There may be relapse but you alone can actually fight it. Avoid people and places who are likely to make you relapse. Involve in regular exercise. Yoga is therapeutic as it helps in relaxing the body and mind.

Look for a support group. People who are also struggling with the same addiction and fighting to be better. Knowing you are not alone in the fight helps you heal faster. Some say listening to good ,music also helps relaxes the mind