
Thank you for your detailed answer and yes you spotted the key part of the question.

Why are the public so obsessed with celebrities?

I think it would be interesting to hear your opinion on why celebrities get so much 'news' coverage?

Yes she is now 'a royal' but why is that interesting?

Thanks for your humble words.
Public phycology is bit difference than individual one. They tend to follow and love politicians and celebrities. These make them feel they are in the trendy path of the time, maybe. I am also wondering!
Maybe she is not that much interesting or beautiful but as she is royal it's made her fade other shortcomings. That's it.
They all got thousand of fans and heaters as well.

Posted using Partiko Android

It seems just about anyone can become a celebrity these days. It is just baffling to me and no doubt to many other people as well?

In the past people became famous for doing something wonderful or world changing like inventing the light bulb, curing cancer or helping the poor!