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Hi @erica I agree that most people didn't see the bigger picture. Dtube take 25% beneficiary rewards last time I checked from each post and they got a lot of flak too.

We need to know which funding model works to sustain these apps if we want 'our' and 'their' futures to be secure.

Hopefully someone from the apps will chime in. I know that @good-karma runs the esteem app. It would be good to get some input from someone.

I agree that most people didn't see the bigger picture. Dtube take 25% beneficiary rewards last time I checked from each post and they got a lot of flak too.We need to know which funding model works to sustain these apps if we want 'our' and 'their' futures to be secure.Hopefully someone from the apps will chime in. I know that @good-karma runs the esteem app. It would be good to get some input from someone.

Whoops sorry about the double entry to your answer @erikah and misspelling your user name.

My first reply didn't show up and so I reposted it. Then just like busses two showed up at the same time.

Don't you just love IPFS? lol

Thanks for your answer @erikah we certainly do need to know which apps will still be functional when and if goes offline.

You can trust eSteem!

Thank you @jadyclem for your answer which covers some aspects of what defines a security but there is a little more to it than this. Would you like to elaborate your answer?

In my opinion, no one is healthier than the rest, unless you have allergy to gluten.

There are literatures like Fibrenetics that encourage consumption of foods with high fibre, e.g. wheat, beans and lettuce. They help us stay full, healthy and free from several diseases like cancer.

The reason why cancer and constipation is rampant in the contemporary West is lack of fibre intake.

What I am saying is; food with fibre, most likely, will contain gluten. They are healthy only to those whose body can tolerate gluten.

Gluten is not bad, except to those who are allergic to it.

Thank you for your detailed answer and yes you spotted the key part of the question.

Why are the public so obsessed with celebrities?

I think it would be interesting to hear your opinion on why celebrities get so much 'news' coverage?

Yes she is now 'a royal' but why is that interesting?

Thanks for your humble words.
Public phycology is bit difference than individual one. They tend to follow and love politicians and celebrities. These make them feel they are in the trendy path of the time, maybe. I am also wondering!
Maybe she is not that much interesting or beautiful but as she is royal it's made her fade other shortcomings. That's it.
They all got thousand of fans and heaters as well.

Posted using Partiko Android

It seems just about anyone can become a celebrity these days. It is just baffling to me and no doubt to many other people as well?

In the past people became famous for doing something wonderful or world changing like inventing the light bulb, curing cancer or helping the poor!

Thanks for your input but I'd really like to hear your views as to why this information is considered to be news worthy?

Very honest indeed. Thanks.

You're welcome. Do you think people would stick around? I'm curious to know your opinion on this.

I very much doubt it. I share your view that it would become a ghost town. Most people (including me) spend more time on Musing than Steemit because it's more rewarding.

Right now it's hard to get close to $1 worth of upvotes on blog posts, especially us minnows with almost non-existent following. But on Musing it's quite easy, it requires just one upvote from @musing to get even up to $2.

Musing is the reason I've been able to acquire the SP and Steem I currently have. Without them I really doubt that I'd have been out of delegation from Steem.

So I really doubt the sustainability of the platform without their curation.

Posted using Partiko Android

Right on man, that is as real as it gets. I also spend more time on musing, and this too, has been the bulk of my rewards.

Don't get me wrong, I derive a great deal of fulfillment out of helping others, and writing regularly, but there is the undeniable desire to create profit out of doing something that gives you fulfillment so I see nothing wrong with desiring to be rewarded for filling the needs which the platform requires, with the added benefit, of actually possibly helping someone with perspective, or a problem they are trying to legitimately solve.

When you work on a blockchain which enables you to reward other users according to your stake, this makes the idea of earning even juicier, because it's really a win for everyone.

Not that it makes a giant difference, but I make it a point to search for posts receiving small reward, with a sole intent to upvote 100 percent to undervalued content. A 5 cent vote isn't a ton, but I remember a time when I was claiming crypto faucets for days just to accumulate a similar amount, and how I felt the first time I received a 5 cent vote on Steemit. I probably jumped for joy because I get so excited over stuff like this.

I suppose I'm digressing a bit. It's safe to say that musing is a blessing for the small fish trying to earn a legitimate reward for posting content. We definitely share a similar perspective.

I remember very much when I started. I always anticipate the bold and dark claim reward sign on It gave me so much joy to claim even rewards of $0.001.

Like you mentioned, it's really cool that it's a win win situation, that's what makes it even more special.

Right now, my 100% vote worth about $0.002 thanks to delegations from @crypto.piotr and @mountainjewel till January.

I do my best to upvote as much as possible knowing that I'm making a difference no matter how little.

Posted using Partiko Android

Seriously I like how responsive you are @futuremind

Thumbs up!

Your balance is below $0.3. Your account is running low and should be replenished. You have roughly 10 more @dustsweeper votes. Check out the Dustsweeper FAQ here:


thank you for your helpful answer!

Thank you very much and i am happy that you like my work :)

I have looked at @artisteem and it is so that you can only upload to a contest.

It is right that i should write something to the pictures that i do, but quite rarely.

I have some online portfolios, e.g.: instagram, tumblr, 500px.

I find Steempress very interesting, but you need a web hosting provider.

I haven't had a chance to do research yet, it doesn't seem that easy to install.



yeah i agree with that, and it's unfortunate that it is.

I haven't been able to find a community in the area of artistic nude yet.

If you know one i am happy about a link :)

What i have found so far everything went in the direction of porn. To this i do not count my work.

From time to time i use the bots from steemit-Bot-Tracker.

Oh that's me, i've been posting quite regularly for almost a year now.

I should write a few lines about it, probably. Seems as if the photo alone and own fantasy would not suffice ;)

That's what I do :)

Many thanks

I am using JAXX also, but it doesn't support XRP. I would move my XRP from exchange to a wallet.

Ah, okay. I am anti-Ripple so that isn't a problem for me 😀

Posted using Partiko Android

It's the only one that I still have on an exchange and I would move it as the market doesn't seem to move any time soon to be profitable for me to sell it.

Ah, okay.

Posted using Partiko Android

For me, marriage is more about a life long commitment than it is about love. Love is important but in many relationships it is fickle.

A life long commitment, that's sincere, true and constantly renewed has staying power through the ups and downs, and can remain even when the love seems like it isn't there.

Love is an emotion and emotions can change based on circumstances but the goal with marriage is to state that you will remain together regardless of the changes that occur.

If a person is against marriage I can imagine that they might want to do something else to state their life long commitment, but I don't see a need to invest a new method of stating a life-long commitment when we already have marriage.

*I don't see a need to INVENT a new method

If you can't or won't get married, which is itself a symbol of commitment, covenant, and promise, then how can you say, you have committed to your partner?





the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.

"the company's commitment to quality"

synonyms: dedication, devotion, allegiance, loyalty, faithfulness, fidelity, bond, adherence, attentiveness

"her commitment to her students continued undiminished"


an engagement or obligation that restricts freedom of action.

"business commitments"

synonyms: responsibility, obligation, duty, tie, charge, liability, burden, pressure; More

I will agree that you can behave as if you are dedicated, you can come home everyday, not cheat, etc, but you are not committed in the sense of having a restriction upon your freedom.

To be married is to say 1) I will behave as if I am dedicated to you, AND 2) I agree to restrict my freedom of action, which means in this context that I will not cheat, nor leave you, until death do us part.

So I strongly disagree that marriage is unnecessary.

Also, it has always seemed ironic to me that people denounce marriage while still defending the idea of "committment", it seems the same as having a friend you cherish but never telling them so. Because the act of marriage is a public declaration of precisely the thing you say you want to offer "committment" and yet you are not offering.

Like a person who likes a friend, but never tells him/her so. Might they know you like them? Sure, will they ever know the full extent of your feelings? Probably not...


This your response is very rich and insightful. Thanks for taking your time to drop this here. I greatly appreciate it

Please, I would love to know your definition of marriage. Do you think marriage is the ceremony or certificate that married couples are given? Also, I just want to add that marriage was not instituted by man, rather it was instituted by the creator of man ( God almighty ) and it was not meant to enslave anyone but to give support, comfort, companionship, etc to the man and the woman coming together.

That is the entirely first reasonable take on this topic I read here so far. Thank you for that. It gives me hope that reason is not something buried under a heap of archaic traditions and rules which often make no sense at all! Thank you again :)

Forget the traditional image of it. Focus on the essence.

The fact that we don't know how to have a good relationship/marriage doesn't mean marriage is not important. Consider the effect it will have on kids of the coming generation.

Please, do you think marriage is all about the wedding and marriage certificate?

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