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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

I would suggest based on what I do since I have been working at home for the last 10 years is to lean into that feeling or rhythm of just not sensing any creativity flowing or having any passion or get up and go to tackle your scheduled itinerary. Flow with this feeling while you take the opportunity to do other stuff but reserve some mental space for contemplation on what you could do or what you would like to do or how you would like to do it.. One example for those having a mental block from creating is to browse the web to get some inspiration or read a chapter from a book you love,or observe life around you to get inspiration. Look at blogs you love on Steemit to get inspiration and as you are browsing often times that light bulb will come on. Also on rare occasions such as burnout the answer may be to not push forward but to accept the fact that it is a given in life that we will have unproductive days and for those days of what we so often call down time, if you can, do what you love and visit places and spaces that will rei-inspire you back to the point where you are led to regain your momentum.