
The following are simple tips that are effective for increasing productivity while working from home,

1. Discover your rhythm

Adjust to the type and nature of your work, which may not need to be based on regular work hours. Finding work rhythms is very important, so you can stay productive. However, if your type of work requires regular working hours, you can better manage unproductive working hours. For example, you can schedule manual work at these hours. Or then make a large cup of coffee to deal with the heap of reports to read.

2. Bathe, shave & dress

Working from home can make you choose to stay unshaved, and work on your pajamas all day. But if you want it to be a productive day, do it right. Run your morning ritual in the same way as if you go to the office. You will feel refreshed and energetic after taking a bath, with clean clothes and fresh trousers.

3. Start the day properly

Following from point 2, you must have a healthy breakfast to start the day properly. After breakfast, give time to relax and gather, before starting work. Do Yoga, or spend an hour planning your day. Whatever it is, this is the time to enter into a productive mindset.

4. Have a decent work space

Don't make the mistake of thinking you can do your job lying on the sofa because it's very comfortable. It's so comfortable, so you will start to sleep and fall asleep. If you want to stay productive, prepare a work space that is suitable for work. In this way, your brain knows that it's time to work when you sit in your chair.

5. Invest a good chair

Having a decent seat to work is very important. Moreover, you spend hours on it, Get the right office chair to maintain your body posture while providing an adequate waistrest. Your back will thank you for that.


This might sound very unusual but one of the best way to overcome an unproductive day is simply just to REST and call it a day. 

There are many reasons why people feel unproductive, but mostly the reason is just simply because they are tired physically or mentally. In a way, it's how the body tells you that you are overexerting and overthinking things and you need to chill. 

Over fatigue, lack of sleep and stress can make you lose focus on work.. All of which can be solved by simply just RESTING. Go sleep, relax and have fun once in a while and by tomorrow, chances are you will be productive again.

When having unproductive moments, I look for quick wins!

Quick wins are small things I can do, and finish (very important!), in a very short period of time, like 2 or 5 minutes or so. 

Doing those quick wins, will get your mind switch to a positive mindset of accomplishment, and the pleasure that comes with that. And it will make you want to accomplish more.

Et voila, before you know it, your unproductive moment has turned into a productive one ;-)

I think when as unproductive come to my side I just enjoy the moment

There were only few times when the unproductive day comes to me so I just take my time, have a good sleep, eat foods that I want and call it a day.

This also will help me for the upcoming day where I surely will became more productive than my usual day.

I can say that after an unproductive day, I usually make the following day 2 times more productive.

I think it's my mindset that wants to cope up with the unproductive day

I would suggest based on what I do since I have been working at home for the last 10 years is to lean into that feeling or rhythm of just not sensing any creativity flowing or having any passion or get up and go to tackle your scheduled itinerary. Flow with this feeling while you take the opportunity to do other stuff but reserve some mental space for contemplation on what you could do or what you would like to do or how you would like to do it.. One example for those having a mental block from creating is to browse the web to get some inspiration or read a chapter from a book you love,or observe life around you to get inspiration. Look at blogs you love on Steemit to get inspiration and as you are browsing often times that light bulb will come on. Also on rare occasions such as burnout the answer may be to not push forward but to accept the fact that it is a given in life that we will have unproductive days and for those days of what we so often call down time, if you can, do what you love and visit places and spaces that will rei-inspire you back to the point where you are led to regain your momentum.

Now I know. Bookmark this question and all the answers and study them. If I had 10,000 SP I would dedicate 50% of it to all of the persons that answered your question.