
When I read about Steemfest Amsterdam via a cointelegraph article. I tried to sign up on Steemit almost immediately. That was back in November 2016 and gawd damn had i joined then, things would be so much better (imagine steem was at a few cents at the time).

But a mix of front end error on's end and my non-chalant attitude towards it at the time. I didnt get an account at the time. It was until April 2017 that i finally got an account.

Before this I've always been a fan of Cryptocurrency but never had a way to join them meaningfully, trust me if there was a title called "faucet guru" I would have been one of them.. I know Cryptocurrency wasnt a fad. And any way to make them is good. Imagine my happiness when I realise was literally a "faucet based on how good you do stuff".

I joined steemit to fufil a dream I've had since I was 12-13. Growing up one of my most searched words on Google were: how to make money online.

After years of waiting and strategizing, steemit helped me achieve that goal.

I'm making my money and
I'm surrounded by a community of great people.

No regrets whatsoever.

I came for the money but stayed for the community when i started i didn't really know what to do or how everything was run and after the first month i was ready to quit, i'm glad i didn't and joined multiple communities that changed how i perceived Steem as a whole and they helped me get better and its always cool to have support and people to talk too that are in the same ship as you!

Honestly speaking, I was searching for some work and a part time job to work and get some money in online field and they a indian youtuber money guru posted a video on steemit as he was very promising everyone following his tips and tricks will 100% earn on steemit platform and the motivation given by him made my mind focused and i have made an account on the same day on steemit with paying some bitcoin.
Then i started working on steemit platform and today i had many friend and many followers and i am working for last 2-3 months here and i am very happy to see my future life with musing and steemit.
Thank you

I joined steemit for doing something for my country. I don't Joined steemit just for earning money. I joined here for removing the unemployment problem from my country. When I became know about steemit then I joined there and worked well. I also told my family members and friends to join steemit. Most of them joined steemit and contributing a lot on steemit. I joined steemit and also told everyone to Join steemit in order to remove the unemployment problem from our country. This is the first reason for joining me on steemit. And I hope one day I will able to remove this problem from our country.

Which makes me want to join Steemit because Steemit is a great place to share works and make money. I myself love photography. when I get to know Steemit, my hobby with photography is getting me passionate.

I was on youtube watching a video by coldfusion about blockchain and he mentioned steemit there, I liked the idea of a decentralized social network where content is valued and I signed up quickly.