How would you manage your spouse that is very aggressive in nature?
You have someone that you love so much but the person is aggressive, too sensitive... How would you manage the person's anger and help your partner by suppressing the aggressiveness
How would you manage your spouse that is very aggressive in nature?
You have someone that you love so much but the person is aggressive, too sensitive... How would you manage the person's anger and help your partner by suppressing the aggressiveness
If your partner gets annoyed often and screams at you unnecessarily, then you should check the level of glucose in your partners blood. Yes, it may sound strange to hear but it is true. Due to the lack of sugar in the blood, married people become more hard and aggressive towards their life partner.
According to the recent research, those who have less sugar in the blood, they prefer to shout heavily on their life spouse. Due to starvation, blood sugar level decreases, which causes stress, quarrels and occasional domestic violence in marital life. Hunger does not only affect our behavior but also affects our intimate relationships too badly
According to research, the brain gets energy from sugars. On being angry and aggressive, humans should control themselves, because it consumes a lot of energy. The body receives energy only from sugars. Although the weight of the brain is two percent of our body's total weight, but it consumes 20 percent of our calories.
Besides this, you can try speaking to your partner after a meal and try and understand what his/her problems are. Issues causing anger can relate to family issues, bad upbringing during childhood days, a new partner, change in our behavior, loneliness, feeling betrayed, peer pressure or work related issue. Conversing about what is wrong and right will assist the relationship to grow and also assure the aggressive partner of stability.
Thanks, your write up was helpful
The essential thing to recollect is this: when you're managing an associate, you don't need to react to all that they say. You don't need to respond to all that they do. I used to think I needed to answer everything individuals said to me, regardless of whether it was spontaneous (inconsiderate) input. You don't.
This is essential: you don't need to lock in. You don't need to respond. Now and again disappointed, discouraged individuals are simply attempting to pick a contention, and they'll contend with any individual who is helpful. It's anything but difficult to bounce in when somebody is jolting your chain, and harder to step away, yet now and again declining to draw in is the main choice. You won't win.
For your own rational soundness, I'd encourage you to avoid individuals and gatherings of individuals who are lounging around grumbling. Their pessimism can rub off on you, and before you know it, you'll have a craving for going home and stowing away under the bed. State of mind is more infectious than this season's cold virus.
Thanks, I learnt from your answer