
It's a Q&A platform based on steem blockchain to solely help out with the queries of fellow steemians. The questions asked and answers given here are rewarded based on the value they have.

Musing has their own discord community server. follow the link and you are good to go. You will find the moderators and many other members who are active on musing

if you have any kind of question ask here in musing or ask them in discord if its only regarding musing. you can also give them suggestions there about how they can improve the platform.

On a side note if you are new here always use the dedicated search engine musing has by searching if your question has been asked previously. It will save you the hassle of asking and waiting for an answer. best regards. is a platform where you all can ask questions and give answer to anyone question. If your answer is right then you will get cryptocurrency as reward. But think you should not give wrong answer and don't ask any wrong questions. If you don't do any wrong things in then it will be good for you. I also got upvote from yesterday. I think if you all give right answer and you will be able to get upvote and enjoy cryptocurrency. is very helpful for the beginner, who can invest there. By getting cryptocurrency they can invest that cryptocurrency in his post and it will be profitable for him. is a platform that rewards users for asking and providing answers to questions. Picture it as a monetized version of Quora.

This is a platform where you ask the same kind of questions you ask elsewhere, but you earn some extra cash while you're at it.

Earn token by asking and answering questions

It is a big platform in which you can ask the question and also you can answer the question so it is a big platform for the pepole. is very big platform in crypto market,and it is question/ answer platform. is totally connected with steemit and if we answer the question and we get upvote from any member and we see dollars on our post then that dollars can be get in terms of steem it is very good platform. has so many people working who are writing question and answer on and also we are getting the dollars so why people can't write they are paid off giving answer and question so it is very beneficial for everyone to write anything interested on given topic.