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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads7 years ago

Truth is having sex outside marriage has not really been globally accepted. Some cultures frown at it, no religion accepts it and the society views the woman as a lose woman. There is a reason why people have sex behind closed doors and not in the open. This means while having sex, we do not want to be seen by anyone whether it is someone that knows you when you were little or just got to know you or doesn't even know you at all.

Parents, friends and close relatives kinda have an inkling that you are having sex. It's a thought they have but wouldn't want to prove it by seeing you in the act. If one of the above mentioned sees you, it will definitely be an awkward situation both for them and you.

It doesn't matter how much of an adult you are. At that moment you would be filled with shame and you may want to avoid the person totally and hopes he doesn't bring up the topic if you are the type that is not comfortable talking about sex but then how do you say it? "Dad, I'm sorry you caught me having sex?" Perhaps in the foreign country yeah but in Africa, you just don't mention it until he talks about it..

All in all, it will be one moment you would end up regretting and never forgetting