
Yes, the fact that "covid-19" is entirely fake, and that as a disease it's not serious at all, but just an evil joke on humanity, are both things to research.

Also the lie that is germ theory, and the Agenda 2030 plan are both things worth exposing.

This post covers the history of medical lies very well:

And Agenda 2030 is no secret - they have a website explaining why they want to kill all the useless eaters:


Yes, the fact that "covid-19" is entirely fake, and that as a disease it's not serious at all

If you would say this in Hungary, you would probably earn a place in the prison for yourself, because denying the existence of the COVID-19 is a crime here.

But if the virus does not exists, then what are the "cases"? Why more and more countries are going on on lockdowns?
Why we have to wear masks? What are the thousands of (often young) people are dying to?

Because morons believe too much shit on TV...


What does the UN's sequel to the Millennium Development Goals have to do with the existence of Covid-19?

the lie that is germ theory

So what's your alternative theory, then? Miasma theory has been disproved since the late 1800s. By studies, but also by the fact of global civilization.