I was going to lay off the shameless self-promotion this week, but then I remembered ... this.
Coming off the big SportsBowl weekend, it takes many men a few days to recover their senses and start thinking of other things. Once they do, they might realize Valentine's Day is coming up, and plan ahead for a special dinner, flowers, flowery dinners, and/or chocolate flowers at dinner.
But probably not.
Because they're men. So, for those of you totally ignorant of the fact that Valentine’s Day is an annual affair, the humor anthology My Funny Valentine is still available in print and e-book. (I have a few copies on hand.) It's an anthology of humor pieces ... about Valentine's Day. It was really easy to title. (Note: One of the humor pieces is mine, but I would have come up with a lamer title.)
Maybe your loved one is allergic to flowers and chocolate, and how sad is that? Buy her a book. Women who read love books. So do men who read, but it's not so hard to shop for men ... or, to put it another way, women are better shoppers.
If your loved one has an e-reader, the Kindle version is just $2.99. If they don’t have one, don’t be cheap—buy them one. If they already have one, be cheap. Or, you could get the print version for $9.95 at Amazon:
I’d advise against getting them the book for the second or third year in a row, though—they’d certainly notice. But I suppose in that case you could go over to www.markrhunter.com (or Amazon, or Barnes and Noble, etc.) and grab one of my romantic comedies for the loving one you love.