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RE: Is My Life Falling Apart?

in #mylife7 years ago


Firstly man, university is the weirdest time of your whole life.
You always feel like you should be doing something more productive, you're always stressed, there's always something hanging over your head... you're poor, it can be both super easy and super hard to make friends... it's just weird.

Life gets a trillion times better once you start working full time, so try to not stress too much... this stage is only temporary.

It sounds like you're super close to your parents, but you don't have to tell them about Steem... I wouldn't. This is for you... and for us. We're your friends, but we're not judgey, so you should have some platform to get everything off your chest. Everyone needs that... whether it's close friends, family or social media.

You don't have to be positive all the time, university is crazy hard... especially in the States where everything is so expensive.

My advice would be just to try and do as well as you can, and don't sweat anything else... things always work out in the long run.


you're right things will stabilize soon and once it stabilizes that's where i can finally find balance with myself and the shit that is going on around me.

funny thing is that it took me a few years to get into my own groove especially with university.

Im not going to tell my parents about this platform and another funny thing is that if they do find out it will just confuse them even more cause they re still trying to get use to regular social media like facebook while steemit is a whole new thing.

Thanks for the advice whatever shit im going through, its not going to stop me from being mentally independent :)