Since steem provides support for arbitrary data to be attached to every account, it should be trivial for a savvy developer to port tools used by namecoin and similar projects to Steem.
Once these tools are in place, your steem account name could be used as a domain name for your own website.
I am sure whoever is the first to produce a quality set of tools to perform DNS lookups using Steem account metadata will get a flood of upvotes.
Just throwing an idea out there for those looking for money making posts!
- Decentralized TLS (HTTPS) certificate validation, backed by blockchain consensus.
- Protect free-speech rights online by making the web more resistant to censorship.
- Access websites using the .steem top-level domain.
- Attach identity information such as GPG and OTR keys and email, Bitcoin, and Bitmessage addresses to an identity of your choice.
I made such a tool as a proof of concept: https://steemit.com/dns/@geoffrey/steem-blockchain-url-redirection-app but I would not classify the upvotes I received as "a flood".
Decentralized DNS (DDNS) needs to work for IoT too. Do you want me to unlock your amerikan front door with my phone for you from germany? How about I check the temp in your refrig? Check in on my kids' babycam? See how fast my wife is driving?
Bitshares (the Graphene blockchain) would work well for this. Just fork it to a new graphene chain and call the new chain DDNS:
ddns:land.kencode.office.printer.queue("QUANTITY") or..
ddns:land.kencode.home.kitchen.oven("CURRENT_TEMP") or..
ddns:www.kencode or..
ddns:www.kencode.contactus or..
ddns:www.kencode.projects or..
ddns:mail.kencode or...
When I brought this up in April of last year, there was not much interest:
I am very happy to see interest in DDNS percolating again, let's hash out some ideas here and git'r done :)
Last I checked buying a gtld costs about 180k USD, and then 10k yearly, not that much considering the daily amount of rewards issued for content and curation.@dantheman: how about buying the .steem gtld domain extension, mapping domains xxx.steem to @xxx account pages on Steemit, and allowing each account to set DNS records for sub-domains of their own .steem domain?
I like this idea, but I think that @dan may be headed down the road of independent DNS registrations, outside of "regular old DNS".....
Which frees us from ICANN.
Nothing prevents having the gtld top-level DNS resolve domains using the blockchain register. Since Steemit would be owning it, they do what they want with it. The advantage of this approach is that even without specific code in the browser to intercept *.steem domain names, the request would still get resolved via the traditional DNS infrastructure, with records mapped 1:1 to that of the blockchain.
and more decentralized
good , i like it
Good post! You beat me on this. I was going to start a post regarding this same idea. Albeit, not the DNS integration part but, how Steem has majority of the tools to create a decentralized website of sorts, in this blogging system.
I was going to suggest to create a web address the traditional route and just have it forward to the Steem post.
You suggesting to build into Steem a DNS function is step in the right direction IMO.
Steem... hosting blogging and private websites! Awesomeness!Dang @dantheman
Brilliant. They'd get my upvote that's for sure.
I don't know much about namecoin, so forgive me if this is a naive question: could this also be extended to MX records? Creating a translation layer that somehow allowed someone to send an email to [email protected] and have it actually route to me would be amazing.
The argument could be made that we don't even need this once private messaging is released, but being able to somehow use the email protocol would surely increase ease of adoption.
Assuming that DNS worked correctly, yes. It could allow any type of record. A, CNAME, MX, TXT etc.
One of the best things about Steemit is its innate ability to generate innovations through what I come to call "viral inspiration".
I don't think this ever happened before in the cyber world.
Good idea. Although .steem top-level domain looks a bit too long for me.
合并到比特股里的 KeyID 要在 Steem 里实现的意思么?!
How about .sss? (●´৺`●)

SSS is the LOGO of Steemit, also means Steem + Steem Powder + Steem Dollars , and it is so easy to remember for everyone from anywhere ( I mean from any Country of the world )!
I know we are all use to 3 letter top level domains (or shorter). But in the coming months and years, anything less than 5 or 6 characters is about to be the norm.
Hi Dan,
great idea. Do you mean utilizing the json_meta tag for attaching arbitrary data?
This might be something to fit in with http://letsencrypt.org ?
congrats on the update, user profiles look neat!
can somebody direct me to a post on the new reputations/user profiles? Ill keep looking but this is new since i just got home from work haha. thanks
That's pretty cool. I have already been impressed by the number of people who have created cool Steemit related projects on Steemtools.com - It can only be a matter a time before someone who is savvy does this.
Furthermore the ability to gain money from posting on here could also provide a source of revenue to reward them for their effort and allow them to develop further.
Let's see who can get it done and working first.
BTW last I heard exchanges had been removing Namecoin - I used to mine it back in the day but have not kept up all since I sold all of mine back in 2014. Anyone know if it is even still active now?
Is this the cryptofiend with initials mwd? If so thanks for being the catalyst that got me involved back in early 2014 with meowbit. You, Derick & FTL were important influences that helped me get started with namecoin. Too bad nobody that has expressed an interest in DNS has been able to follow through with an implementation, despite it being such a crucial component to a free internet. Even Dan's brilliant mind couldn't retain the talent and focus to accomplish that, via toast or anyone that followed him in the DNS space.
I just hope the lack of a DNS alternative won't be the Achilles heel that "kills" the Internet.
Those aren't my initials though I was one of the early NMC miners too and I did used to be quite active on BTCtalk back in the day - I'm sure our paths will have crossed at some point :)
You did throw in an idea for a potentially very powerful feature.
Maybe it is high time to dive heads in into steem api :)
Namecoin is the best old altcoinsyeah great news @dantheman I like your hashtag #namecoin
@dantheman This is an interesting idea. @dana-edwards was just talking about possible ways to recover keys the other day. However her idea was to use homomorphic and attribute based encryption.
I think the idea of layering a full service PKI and using steem as a CA is a great idea!
Do you think it might be possible to get .steem into ICANN proper?
this is great! I think the more ideas people have for new projects, the better.
Hi @dantheman, this isn't really related to your post, but I didn't know how else to reach you.
As a vision impaired user of Steemit, I wanted to provide some comments on the accessability of the website following today's updates.
In particular I noticed the up vote button is no longer accessible on a mobile phone using a screen reader.
It would be much appreciated if you could look at fixing this issue. Happy to discuss further if you see my comment.
Many thanks
Mind. Blown.
You just made steemit even more freaking awesome, starting to look differently and more easy to use by average joes, great job devs.
I like the idea of the domain "username.steem". That fits perfectly into your plan for cryptocurrency world domination :-D
I didn't understand much of this post, but this is actually great. It might sound hillarious to some but let me explain what happens now. I am very curious and want to understand what is told here. This way I have the opportunity to learn and educate myself. Thank you Dan for sharing this with us. I won't be the first who will use these tools but be sure I will be the first who is thankful to learn.
Going to search the web for some good sources now.
Best wishes to you
I mentioned you in my last post :)
I don't always understand the tech'y content but I do appreciate the way that the words just hang together to form something beautiful :0)
i'd be more than happy to do this, unfortunately i'm semi retarded. I'll leave the intelligent stuff to the people who don't wear Velcro shoes. ;)
"Protect free-speech rights online by making the web more resistant to censorship". I admire your mission. Thank you!
Now we do conquer the entire planet
yeah big post
Thanks for information :)
Mb we can try it :)
I liked your thoughts
This is an interesting idea. Especially the TLS certificate validation. Hope someone will take this idea an put it to reality.
Decentralization rules!
Thanks @dantheman, this would be an really interesting way of utilizing the blockchain.
So thanks for point that out, you got my vote on this one !
btw. we from Einstein Potsdam had our first Steem $ transaction !
Wow Dan this is awesome as a freelance web developer I am excited to hear about this :)
Interesting, thanks for the heads up!
lbry.io does something similar. I've been curious to see if STEEM and LBRY turn out to be complementary or competitors.
Thanks Dan.But I would also like to know what happened with reputation scores? ¯_(ツ)_/¯
This is a marvelous idea! don't think it would work for .com .net type stuff, because there's nothing to stop someone from replicating -that-, but definitely using your own blog name. Wonderful :)
nice post
This is a great opportunity for developers out there. Waiting to vote :)
Brilliant idea. But.... Have to keep looking for someone smarter (at this anyway) than me :)
Yes, it seems that here new Internet begins. Or Steemnet ;) Maybe after some time the client-server architecture will remain in the past. Or am I wrong?
I won't be throwing my hat in the ring for this task since it does not touch my area of expertise, HOWEVER, I must say that the possibility of just anybody being able to do this and having it benefit the entire community just drove home the world changing potential of this platform.
All I can say about that is WOW!
Seriously, WOW!
All of us here now are literally a part of history, and I for one am grateful to be here.
love the improvements to the site. Especially the newsfeed! I swear, I think I've found my happy place :)Well @dantheman - nothing like throwing down the gauntlet and seeing the magic happens! BTW - I
Welp, add namecoin to list of coins to hold now.
@getssidetracked He's talking about adding the services namecoin has to steem. Basically this would be a namecoin killer.
@matrixdweller I agree that adding a full public key infrastructure and DNS registry would make things quite a bit more awesome.
It probably would kill namecoin off though do to network effects. Basically people aren't going to want to run steem and namecoind when anything namecoin can do, steem can do as well.
Using Steem metadata for DNS look up would be a fantastic addition to the Steem community. Generating your own domain based on your account here would be a phenomenal boon to many people, myself included, and I'd upvote the hell out of that post.
Plus, it insulates everyone here from the Powers-That-Be in their quest to limit and restrict our collective methods of information sharing. And I'm all about that.
Nice post @dantheman! It will somehow help other members to monetize their blogs.
described recently. Blogs could monetize with ads like these, that are paying the blog readers for watching the ad:
A good way to monetize blogs with Steem would be the idea that @techemist had
@capitalism that looks really, really spammy. Not a bad concept, but the execution needs further refinement.
That's a great hint. Imagine you could link to ash.steem and people would reach your blog...