Decentralized DNS (DDNS) needs to work for IoT too. Do you want me to unlock your amerikan front door with my phone for you from germany? How about I check the temp in your refrig? Check in on my kids' babycam? See how fast my wife is driving?
Bitshares (the Graphene blockchain) would work well for this. Just fork it to a new graphene chain and call the new chain DDNS:
imagine:"QUANTITY") or.."CURRENT_TEMP") or..
ddns:www.kencode or..
ddns:www.kencode.contactus or..
ddns:www.kencode.projects or..
ddns:mail.kencode or...
When I brought this up in April of last year, there was not much interest:,15461.0/all.html
I am very happy to see interest in DDNS percolating again, let's hash out some ideas here and git'r done :)