the island of Bali(pulau Dewata Bali)

in #natural7 years ago


dear stemian

This is the island of Bali, the name is located in the eastern small island of Java seen from the map of people call it the island of a thousand temples because many temples are found here where people worship to the Divine.

Inilah pulau Dewata Bali, namanya letaknya di timur Pulau Jawa kecil mungil dilihat dari peta orang menyebutnya pulau seribu pura sebab pura banyak ditemukan di sini tempat rakyat beribadat kepada Ilahi.


there are some big cities like Singaraja and Denpasar there Udayana university people live gotong royong like subak in irrigating rice field work, work help to build island, beautiful homeland.

terdapat beberapa kota besar seperti Singaraja dan Denpasar ada universitas Udayana masyarakatnya hidup gotong royong seperti subak dalam pengairan sawah bekerja, bekerja tolong menolong membangun pulau, tanah air yang indah.

*thanks reading*

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