It's my cancer, I decide what to do with it. [#FreedomFriday: Freedom of Natural Medicine.]

in #naturalmedicine6 years ago (edited)

#FreedomFriday: Freedom of Natural Medicine.

Why on earth do Medical institutions meddle with OUR CHOICE to say what we will and will NOT accept?

What if I don't want a cocktail injection that attacks my body with a mix of several chemicals all in one go?

I want to be able to select what goes into my body and what I DON'T want to enter my body.


If a cancer patient does not want to be radiated or treated with highly poisonous chemo or with X-rays then why offer radiation as the only option, if there are alternative treatments available for certain types of cancer?

Why do people keep up with that shit?

There is Gerson Therapy in Mexico and Europe, and The Philippines have Dr. Farrah who both have good results in curing certain types of cancer. And they are not the only ones, there are far more specialists who took on cancer from a natural perspective and instead of killing the part of the body with the cancer SUPPORT the entire body with nutrients and let the body heal itself by giving the body a boost of all the nutrients that it needs to fight a specific known cancer in a specific part of the body. And fine tune the nutritional intake to help the body with targeted nutrients and specific dosages in a well monitored environment where specialist guide the cancer patients trough the entire process of the illness. While keeping poisons and radiation away from the body.

And sure this may not work for ALL types of cancer, but at least give patients a well informed CHOICE. The FREEDOM of NATURAL MEDICINE for types of cancer that have a well formed base of succes of being cured in a natural way.

As Dr. Gerson and later his daughter Charlotte Gerson have proved to be able to cure certain kinds of cancer, now also Dr. Farrah of the Philippines has found a structured way to successfully fight cancer with natural medicine.

If I ever get cancer then I will DEMAND to have several opinions and I sure will want to look at alternative options like the ones that Dr. Gerson and Dr. Farrah offer. I would even consider to travel to the Philippines if Dr. Farrah's success rate on a specific cancer shows to be more successful.

Still if there may not be a successful natural cure for the hypothetical cancer in me the I still may consider old fashioned brute force chemical and radiation.


I would eventually choose to consult clinics like Gerson Or Farrah to still have an educated attempt with natural medicine.
Even if that would pose a greater risk.

It is hard to tell what I would choose as I'm not in that position and I really hope I never need to make that choice.

Bottom line is this:

It is MY body, and it should be MY call to choose what I do with MY body.

And not one doctor should tell me different. Even if my choice would be the one with a bigger risk. Yet, I very much appreciate medical help when I need it.



SO right on and I’ve had family go to Mexico for treatment. Do you see immas post that Farrah is in hiding and her practice shut down for 3 months now ?? So sad!! Thank you for your suggestion of NM and beautiful contribution. You are awesome.
Eagle spirit

Thanks @eaglespirit!

The real awesomeness is that we are doing this together somehow.
Dr. Farrah needs a lot more of our attention. What's going on there is happening all over the planet. If you have a cure for cancer then big pharma comes after you?
WTF!? They should be funding Dr. Farrah! But they close her down... This just show the world that there is a lot more at play here.

Yes so very sad and I just posted infowars collaboration too! Woottt

Get on your surf board, I see a wave!

Totally agree. It should always be the person's choice. I guess many people put their faith in Western medicine because they're the ones that have far more expert knowledge about cancer to be honest because they are the ones that have the money and the funding and the research and the years of training. As much as I love natural medicine I would rely on the doctors to know what was best for me. I say this because my dad just went through a really aggressive cancer treatment and he survived and I really believe that it was thanks to the doctors. However I also believe that he's healthy diet and being a Yogi for many years and being really supported by my mum's healthy cooking helped him through to and he will certainly be going to a naturopath and natural therapist to support his system to get strong again post cancer. Definitely all of these things come down to a freedom of choice.

We all take healthcare for granted, and this is why healthcare seems to exploit our trust in them. Still we should not disregard modern medicine. We need a balance. And a better system to find trust IN medicine, Natural AND Non-natural.

My father died of Leukemia, and having seen how that went down there I have lost a lot of trust in the Dutch healthcare system. Not just when it comes to cancer but the entire manner how the system deals with humans.

The system just makes a diagnose, then pick the most common way to deal with it and JUST pushes that option, this is how we solve this. And whatever a patient's opinion is is secondary. Patients are treated as stupid. They get overwhelmed with Pharma Speak, and as a result they shrug and accept whatever the docters decide.
That's not freedom... That's pushing a product that makes the docters wallet happy.

But the patients questions are left unanswered. The patients don't even know what questions to ask as they are kept in the dark with the excuse that the medical staff simplydoesn't have the time.

Once doctors speak to patients in normal understandable language again, so that they can make educated decisions about their own body THEN they have the freedom and control back over their own body.

But how to turn this back around again?

How to make academia use human language?

Some doctors do take time to explain and answer questions..this i have seen where i work.. i guess they differ in that way. Most times, nurses are the ones using layman's terms for patients and their families.

But then again, doctors will only spend 5 minutes with their patients, the rest of the time will be nurses. How each one practice in keeping their patients' interest is what we see today.

The medical jargon just doesn't make sense to people who are rushed into a hospital then get an emotional experience and on top need to digest all the medical speak they never had to deal with. This makes it impossible for elderly people to make decisions

First they are happy to open their eyes an be alive.
the next second a specialist overwhelms them with words they never knew existed.
then the next person waters it down into layman's terms that cause even more confusion. My dad would say, why speak Latin to me? i'm in a Dutch hospital, right?
And right after that the family rolls in with all kinds of questions. Add bad hearing, and people who just don't really listen. And an already exhaused patient is confused to the max by all the chatter. Happy to be alive, and happy to have the people around. But unaware that the information is getting lost on the spot.
Then the next day all that confusion is in the mind. And then the specialists come back to 'make a decision' And as the patient is lost for words the specialist just do what is common. And all is done and dusted.
Not really anyone's fault. But if the first explanation had been in 'normal' language that the patient had been able to comprehend then things would have been a lot less difficult for the patient.
It's stuff like that that seems to go under the radar. As all people do this. If a car mechanic explains how to fix car he basically does the same. :-)
No hard feelings to anyone,i'm grateful that there are so many people who really go trough great lengths to save other peoples lives. It's often very underestimated.

If you ask me to translate what i know in my language, i will struggle. In combination of english and filipino yes.

Because the learning and research are all in English...even in english-speaking countries, your best bet are nurses.

But i can see what you mean, though i am proud where i work in such a way that we advocate for our patients and tell-off doctors sometimes.

I think time is of the essence sometimes.

It's just a shame that most people are not able to make educated chioces simply because they are not familiar with the jargon. Must be worse with a language that doesn't come even close to English.
And yes time. That's the pressure on all of it.

Time is muscle☺
Heart muscle death for every second that its' treatment is delayed, for one reason or another.

Understanding procedures/treatment is the essence of giving patients a choice that modern medicine needs to keep in mind. Ideally.

Oh that 'Don't have the time" is so crap. I remember when Dad was ill they forgot to tell him that he was in remission and he waits 2 weeks for tests! Like.. you think that maybe that's something a patient would like to know??? Sorry about your Dad.. sounds like you all had a bad experience. We have nothing but good things to say about how they treated my Dad though. We were lucky.

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Over here the medical staff is extremely overloaded. And they work very hard. They really don't have the time to explain the same stuff over and over again to the next patient who is overwhelmed by medical speak. The nurses did all they could (as far as it is allowed). It all looks great, until you start to question why certain things are not allowed. Why is a corporate nutrient drink that tastes as horrible as it smells being pushed as if it is something magical. While the hospital food is not as nutritious as it could be. My day survived an aneurysm several years ago so i'm grateful that the medical system rescued him and gave him a second chance. Though it seems that the blood he received is the reason he got leukemia later on in life. Its just the things that you notice that are there for 'corporate reasons' and those push actual healthcare on the side. To some extend healthcare seems to have turned into a one size fit's all system. And if it doesn't work for you, ah bad luck... Or if youdon't want certain 'standard' chemicals being pumped into your body then there simply is no alternative.
This is how we repair an engine, ... with a hammer. deal with it... :-)
And for an aneurysm that indeed works. Much respect for the brave people who just cut, dig up the leaky pipe and jam a silicone tube in to fix it, and stitch everything together again. It's just that corporate reasons should not make the rules.

Yes, this is the biggest ethical question in healthcare: informed consent/denial.
And for some reason we don’t want to talk about (well, not ‘we’ because we are having that conversation, but we as in society in general). In our society at least there is the presupposition that a doctor — and by extension, medical scientists — are always right and infallible. And the thing is, they aren’t. No one is.

I’ve followed this topic closely in the past, mostly within context of cancer and childbirth. In both fields, a person’s right to choose is taken away any time there is a denial of treatment.

I believe what it comes down too is a generalised fear of death. Especially amongst doctors, the idea of someone dying is fucking scary. The Hippocrates Oath “above all do no harm” gets stuck in an interpretation where death is seen as harm.

And yet I have met people who have resolved their fear of death... they are willing to take the risks. They don’t enter the fight, but that doesn’t mean they give up trying to live. They accept the cancer and usually pursue natural methods of healing. They are the success stories.

Death is the elephant in the room that no one in the medical/healthcare professions ever want to talk about. But I think we need to. And we need to start trusting that people are free to make choices about treatment as long as they are informed.


Another wonderful addition!
It's good to see that there are so many people who see where the friction occurs.

Nobody want's to die, and the pharma boys use that very fact to steal our money.
Not always, there has been a lot of progress as well with modern medicine. But there is a lot of snake-oil out there. (I tend to think it is at least 50% but that's hard to prove).

This topic should be re-visited on a regular basis to explore options and solutions.

I've always said, if I get cancer and my options in western medicine remain what they are today, I will be headed to the Amazon for shamanic rainforest healing or to yellow mountain for chi and herb healing. Thanks for the post, I heard this initiative was your idea, I can't wait to write my post this afternoon!
Have a blessed day, and cheers to choice and natural medicine!

Xx ToL

From what i hear it always boils down to
Eating fruit and veggies like crazy, juice them to make it more easy to consume
Avoid animal fat's.
And avoid sugar overdoses and especially fake sugars (chemical sweeteners), no soda etc.
But all cancers are different, what works for one does not work for the other.
People Like Dr.Farrah and Gerson have figured out how cancer behaves and how to fight specific! looking forward to your post @thetreeoflife. :-)

That's not fair on those that love you and want you around for a very long time...

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What is not fair about healing?

It's not fair to the patients, their friends and family, to compel them, most especially making their way seem like the only option on the table

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Then please read again, I don't dismiss any options, I show all the options and make a case that some natural options can be better then the petrochemical-pharma poisons.
Freedom of choice to choose THE BEST option and to decide over your own body. There is nothing more fair then that. for the patient as well as for the family.

We are on the same page

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Nice work bro, and indeed, my body I will do what I want with it, likes ya style.

Thanks, very much appriciated!

most welcome, now lets rock this place bro.

I am leaving soon, this site is nothing more than a echo chamber, circle jerk, self wank off thing. I will say this though, even here, a doctor told my mrs she needed some skin removing from inside her virgina, I told her to see a specialist, and he gave her the all clear, they are not our friends, those copy paste newspapers, or copy paste doctors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yea copy paste society...

BTW, let us know where you go. And where to find the exit of this echo chamber

:-) you know that is assured bro.