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RE: It's my cancer, I decide what to do with it. [#FreedomFriday: Freedom of Natural Medicine.]

in #naturalmedicine6 years ago

Time is muscle☺
Heart muscle death for every second that its' treatment is delayed, for one reason or another.

Understanding procedures/treatment is the essence of giving patients a choice that modern medicine needs to keep in mind. Ideally.


:-) that's indeed an interesting view on time and delay.

So we should have an easy way to navigate the options so that a patient can make step by step choices

I have seen where a patient with ongoing heart attack was so scared plus his ongoing symptoms couldn't possibly think on what's best for him let alone understand everything of what's being said. Even if he wants to, all he could think of is to have relief.

Perhaps if people are educated or be aware on what to expect when such problems occur. Which they can do research when well...but will they do this if healthy?

Hmm indeed, in a situation like that the dynamics change.

So it differs in each scenario, team and kind of patients.

yea, must be a real challenge as all these situation can occur (and change) in a split second.