Some my BFF recommended, and we used a 60 gallon power sprayer (filled it twice) and soaked the entire property, trees included.
This spring I will use a poisoned (pyrethrin) mouse bedding, that doesn't bother the mice, but kills the bugs, made out of dryer lint. I will fill an oiled toilet paper tube with the poisoned lint. The mice will steal the lint for their burrow nests, and it will kill the early stages of ticks and chiggers; giving relief to the mice.
In a population of fleas, a tick is to be looked up to. But I don't want either crawling on me, and by my estimation they are NOT very bright, SMH!
Ha! you calling them blood-sucking ticks? That might be too kind.
Well I guess it does kind of insult blood sucking ticks....
I agree. I see no reason that ticks are even here do you? What good are they?
I put 80 gallons of poison out at the homestead...I don't like them! Disgusting insects, almost as bad as Chiggers!
I agree. What kind of poison did you use on those suckers?
Some my BFF recommended, and we used a 60 gallon power sprayer (filled it twice) and soaked the entire property, trees included.
This spring I will use a poisoned (pyrethrin) mouse bedding, that doesn't bother the mice, but kills the bugs, made out of dryer lint. I will fill an oiled toilet paper tube with the poisoned lint. The mice will steal the lint for their burrow nests, and it will kill the early stages of ticks and chiggers; giving relief to the mice.