If my body is a temple...

in #naturalmedicine4 years ago (edited)

Erasing the stain purity culture left behind is helping mental health. Choosing to be human and love the functions of our body — is natural medicine.

I hope my sex poetry helps those the church hurt too. Because in my world, consent and personal choice is the kingdom of god.


If my body is a temple,
why can’t my breast
be the stained glass?

And why can’t
be the invitation
to proceed

—> F O R W A R D.

Why can’t bent knees
open like dividing
two steeples?

I could pray
before feasting?

I could pray
before devouring
the flesh of a god.

If my body is a temple,
who is this man knocking at my heart?

Saying he is god over me and my dominion?

If my body is a temple,
why can I not advertise
— a good time?

If my body is a temple,
can I offer my own self

If my body is a temple,
can I worship in the bedroom?

If my body is a temple —
why are they wrapping me up
in linen touching my ankles?

I wish to show off the curves
of my stone hedges.

My body is a temple.

They yell at me
that my body is a temple;
and then they tell me to worship
some other god?

And he says I am a child?

Children do not look like this.

And he said I am a package —
implying that he knows my temples objective.

He says body is a present.
And what’s the point
if I am already ripped open?

No, sir.
My body is my temple.

He says my vagina is a delicate rose,
And what if someone took
the last of my petals?

No, sir.
My vagina is everlasting garden;
A new flower birthed
During every orgasm.

If my body is a piece of tape,
I’d be made from the hands of man.

No, sir.
My body is a temple,
Hand crafted by Artemis.

When the pastor says
“purity equals virginity.”

I must stand up to say,
“Is it all about the first time?”

“Or is that some fetish
at the church services
only some attend, sir.”

My body is a temple.
And the lord told me;


My body is a temple,
Tell them you heard it

My body is a temple,
and I’ll honor it as such.

So — go away now,
Please stop knocking.

My body is a temple,
And I own it.


This is so powerful and beautiful and needs to shouted from the rooftops. Yes our bodies are a temple and no matter what they have been through, they are to be honored and cherished. Thank you for this, I really love it. @riverflows, come read this xxxxxxxxx

I have! It's stunning - made my catch my breath and feel into the power of my own womanhood. Stunning.

Posted on NaturalMedicine.io

@riverflows I am so thrilled you lost your breath over this — it makes me feel happy that others get it too.

@trucklife-family wow — this means so much. I am thrilled that others can look through their frame in life only to see a similar view. Our bodies are temples; it’s odd that there are those who treat us differently than the gods of consciousness we all are.

I love this!
It is so true that the puritan view of a woman's body is so outdated. We are not objects of pleasure for others and we are the sole keepers of our bodies. We are so conditioned to feel dirty and less than for many of the pleasures that are a natural part of being human and that whole notion of virginity is so outdated. It is a form of control.

Thank you for tackling this sensitive subject. Amazing post, thank you for sharing. xx💚🤗🌸

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Yes! Exactly ♥️♥️ Thank you.

Well, here's one man who cheers for your emancipation! Your poetry and your insights are so raw and wonderfully candid. Total respect and admiration for you, Laura. Highest blessings in your path!

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You've been curated by @drrune for Natural Medicine's curation project aimed at supporting a spiritual life, including gratitude and kindness practices, yoga & all kinds of meditation, shadow work and living a life of meaning.

Thank you; truly. All the love on this poem really wells me up — it’s been a long journey to even be able to write this!

It is utter hypocrisy that men use language of worship to speak of woman in one breath, and are happy to desecrate, brutalise and degrade the objects of their worship.

I love the refusal, denial and assertion in this piece, especially as here in Australia we are talking (again) about sexual assault and the need for education around consent in schools.

Loved this @laurabell!

Posted on NaturalMedicine.io

He says my vagina is a delicate rose,
And what if someone took
the last of my petals?

I wrote this line with sexual assault being at the forefront of my mind. Consent isn’t being taught — not to those who rape; not to who got raped. Truthfully, I didn’t understand it myself until I began writing and saw what was coming out. I guess what I am saying in all this; thank you for seeing what is at the heart of this poem.

We own our bodies, our temples. No one else has claim. I think that’s important for young girls to know. And on other platforms, poems as vulgar as this will be silenced due to the subject matter. I am happy to be writing on hive. ♥️


Sounds about kinky.

What’s wrong with a little kink?