Hello nature buffs. Tonight's Daily Nature Fix is a few sunset photos I snapped while camping in Death Valley National Park. It was February and they were taken while approaching, and in, Panamint Valley in the western side of the park.
A rare rain squall gave the sunset a particularly eerie vibe. A dark cloud helped frame the scene along with the rocky mountainside in the foreground. There was also a cool misty fog that was either distant rain, steam from said rain evaporating on the hot sands, or dust. To this day I'm not exactly sure of which it was.
Once I made it to the bottom of the valley, there was another cool scene to welcome me. A pair of abandoned and forgotten old cars sat on the desert floor. I'm not a car guy, but I'd guesstimate them to be from the 40's or 50's. It'd probably be hard for anyone to pinpoint the make and model on account of all the bullet holes and caved in framework. At this location, I was now shooting upwards, toward the setting sun and I didn't really get any great photos as I don't know what I'm doing when it comes to photography. I retrospect, I wish I would have spent a bit more time there and captured some better images. Guess I'll have to go back!
Lastly, here is a wider shot I took during the same batch as that first one. A little more blue sky peaking through to liven things up a bit!
Thanks for reading! I post a nature-themed Daily Nature Fix blog every day. Please upvote if you enjoyed it and be sure to follow me @customnature so you'll never miss one! See you tomorrow. - Adam
***Daily Nature Fix is a daily blog showcasing the natural world. It is all original content using photos, stories, and experiences from my own travels.***
Upvoted and followed! Love seeing original photos combined with personal experience. Well done.
Thank you @jessamynorchard! Please take a peek at my other DNF blogs as that's what all of them are! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)
Those pictures are beautiful!
Much obliged! :)
Very cool. How was the camping there? Miserably hot? Or were you able to find a cooler location in the mountains? I ask because camping is my all-time favorite activity.
Nahhh the camping was great! I was there in mid February, so it was actually really cold at night. Nothing crazy, but it dipped down into the low 40's and high 30's. I wouldn't want to do it in the summer though, it's one of the hottest places on earth!
For sure. I LOVE camping, but refuse to go when it is hot. I used to camp in mid-winter in Iowa when the ground was covered with snow. I would use a shovel and scrape a bare spot on the ground for my tent and fire. But I have a mummy bag rated to 20 below zero so I slept great. I am spoiled now -- I have a school bus I converted into a camper that has a wood stove for heat!
those car skeletons in the bottom of the valley!
Seriously, right! It was awesome. I went through two legit ghost towns while I was there.

I would LOVE to hike though a place like this.
Wow! I love the first one, it´s incredibly expressiv! Thank you for sharing, UP voted :-)
Thanks @surfermarly! I also like that first one the most.