Squirrels are rare thing in our neighbourhood. We've been told by different people they've seen them occasionally, but as much as we were looking for, we never managed to see one. Until last Sunday.
As usual, morning walk with the dog is our routine to search for birds and we heard a lot of noise coming from one tree. I was just about to say that it sounded like Grest tits, when hubby looked up and said - squirrel.
What happened next was two of us chasing the squirrel with our cameras together with the whole lot of birds. The Great tits were after the squirrel, who was jumping from tree to tree, up and down. I wasn't sure if I could have any good photo on focus. All happened so fast. Meanwhile other people in the park started looking up and pointing at the squirrel.
The birds were determined to get rid of the intruder. Little did I know that squirrels like not only nuts and seeds, but eggs as well. The birds were threatened and combined forces. It was spectacular chase.
Oh, how happy I am to have such action photos.
What an acrobat!
And then, the squirrel was downwards.
Before the squirrel jumped down I got this shot with a small piece of leaf in a shape of heart stuck on the fur.
And off she went (for some reason I thought of it as a female).
And here is where we left her, crossing the alley and jumping on another tree, still chased by angry birds. I don't know if we will see it again. After all, the birds showed that she was not welcomed.

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An exciting photo hunt and a lot of fun! 😄
My residental building is surrounded with old trees and the park is nearby, so I often see squirrels from my window. Sometimes I watch showdowns between squirrels and crows. And yes, squirrels love eggs too 🥰
It was a lot of fun, although the poor squirrel did not think so.🙂
But she got an experience 😉
The lighting in this pic is stunning!”squirrels are on the verge of extinction in Africa, they eat them as food
Thank you for your comment. This is so sad that they can extinct.