Auroville - A City Free of Politics, Religion and Money.

in #nature8 years ago (edited)

Located in South India, 150 kilometers from Chennai in Madras, there's a city that doesn't participate in politics or religion, and doesn't even use money!

The city is called "Auroville" and was founded in 1968 by Mirra Alfassa and designed by architect Roger Anger. It was built as a spiritual retreat and to be an experimental town where men and women of all countries are able to live and work together in peace, with the ultimate goal - to realize human unity.

An overhead view

The city is built from reusable, recyclable materials and serves as an incredible model for eco-system sustainability. About two-thirds of farming land are currently under active food cultivation, with the rest being used for timber-growing or left fallow. Each farmer works in their own field of interest but follow the same set of ecological farming philosophies & practices - permaculture, natural farming, biodynamic, etc, and research is done to push progress further.

The City Layout

1. The peace area is at the center of the city. This area comprises of the Matrimandir (The red dot in the center - A giant ball that symbolizes the soul of the city), beautiful gardens, a lake, an ampitheater and a very peaceful atmosphere.

2. The industrial area is where the city focuses its efforts towards arts & crafts, administration, training, and small to medium scale industrial services that are supported by the green belt.

3. The Green Belt is the green circle around the city with an approximate width sitting all round at 1.25 kilometres. This zone is used for food cultivation, animal husbandry, medicine & timber growing and other agricultural practices.

4. The cultural area is where most education, research, sports & art activites take place.

5. The International zone is where national and cultural pavillions are held. The main focus here is to demonstrate human unity through progress and contribution from each nation towards humanity.

6. The Residential zone is the largest area in Auroville, comprising of 189 hectares. This zone is focused on eco-friendly homes and is 45 percent built structures/surface and 55 percent green, thus balancing urban lifestyle with nature to create a 'Forest City".

If you'd like to check this project out or get involved & volunteer in it, you can do so by clicking HERE.

The 'Matrimandir'

Thanks for reading, Steemians :)
- Shredlord


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Good Info

I have emailed them and will update ya'll!

@christoryan found It! 😍😉😁😅😀😄🕘🕘🕘🚘

Thanks for sharing this. I'd never heard of Auroville. Interesting that it has been protected by UNESCO.

How does this not have 100000 votes!?

I don't know....I'd never heard of it before and I followed another link that stated it was even protected by UNESCO right from the time that the city officially opened, which I thought was unusual too.

Nice :) I'm here now, just posted my blurb on the 50th anniversary ceremony from a few days ago.