Ways to cope when feeling down.

in #neoxian2 years ago

The worst feeling I think one can feel is being down but you don't know what about. That happens to me a lot and since I am now back at college things always seem to go downhill, I am so glad in this day and age and the society that I live in, mental health is openly spoken about and more accepted. So to help those who may now know how to occupy their minds, here is a list of things to do to help get through those darker days:


  1. Reading a good book
    I never got this because I find it difficult to concentrate on reading and always end up reading the same lines over and over before it finally goes into my head, but I have found the key is to have a book you really want to read. Whatever your interests are- get a book based on that, because then you will definitely concentrate! Or if you are still struggling maybe do what I always do and put on some headphones and listen to a calming playlist, nothing too crazy because that will occupy the mind instead but having a nice relaxing playlist should relax the brain and block out those negative thoughts.

  2. Writing things down
    I like to write down my thoughts whether that is just words on a page or more poetic, I like to alternate between the two, whether it is just me quickly getting my thoughts out or taking the time to write a poem, I feel both help. If you are good at creative writing I definitely recommend writing a poem or two. Then after writing all the negative thoughts that plague your mind, it is (hopefully) forgotten about. The worry is gone now, out in the open and can be scrunched into the bin, out of sight out of mind.

  3. Spending time with pets
    It is proven that spending time and stroking pets fur actually does release endorphins and makes us happier. When I feel down I usually spend time with my cat, dog or any animals I have, they make me feel more relaxed and peaceful, like all my worries in the world go away for a few minutes, it is quite effective!

  4. Organising
    I find that even though it takes a lot of energy to do so, it actually takes me feel a lot happier and more accomplished by tiding and organising my room. I have a lot of posters and pictures or even random items on my walls and taking down, adding to and sorting out my walls is very therapeutic to me, moving the furniture around or if I am feeling extra low I just try and do the basics like making sure there is a walkway haha! (You can also find things you thought you lost by cleaning!)

  5. Opening up and talking to someone
    Bottling up your emotions will never do any good, talking to someone whether that is a family member, a friend, a colleague, a therapist, anyone, always talk to someone and always remember to check on your friends, don't judge them and always be someone people can turn to, you never know what someone is going through. Bottling up emotions will always do bad in the long run. No problem is obscene, every feeling is valid.

  6. Listening to music
    Whatever music you are into maybe that could be 80s, 90s, R&B, pop, rap, 60s, anything, go and turn on your favourite tunes, I find this helps to drown those negative thoughts and gives you something to focus on, the lyrics. I find listening to a song that I relate to in the moment really helps.

Signs of low mood can be sadness, excessive worriedness, intrusive thoughts, less confidence, frustrated easily, irritated easily and feeling panicked, never ignore these feelings. Don't supress these feelings and let them happen. Remember your feelings are always valid and if you are experiencing any of these symptoms always confide in someone and if these symptoms get severe, seek medical help. Remember to look after yourself, eat well, drink well and try to maintain a healthy sleep schedule, this all impacts mental health.

Whatever is happening in your life that is making you experience these emotions, it will pass eventually, you just have to let these emotions occur and they will pass. Things always get better😊


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