Lingering Dutch Tax Stuff....

in #netherlands3 months ago

Lingering Dutch Tax Stuff.... .jpg

Ahhhhhh... damn it. Blue envelopes... and as people who live in the Netherlands know, that means that it is some sort of communication from Belastingdienst (the Dutch Taxation Office)... now most of the time, it isn't anything that interesting. Mostly just adjustments to the child allowance or subsidies or that sort of thing, or a definitive assessment which means that you either need to pay money or you receive money. In our case, we usually received money due to our conservative estimates of what we would earn. I always preferred to receive too little through the year and then get a nice surprise at the end of the year rather than the other way around.

... but other times, it means that you have forms to fill out. And that was again, generally no problem when we were living in the Netherlands. I would be handling most of that... for some reason, my wife is really disorganised like most musicians (well... she says that she has really improved since she has been with me... and it is better, but I still think it is disorganised). Plus, she hasn't really ever understood fully how these things work... so, there is often some explanation that is required... each year. Easier to just do it myself for the whole family. Perhaps when my kids are older, one of them can do a bit of it as well?

Anyway, when we are on the other side of the planet... things do get a bit more annoying. Firstly, we often receive the letters about half-way to the due date... so, it is a bit of a scramble to get them properly filled out. That, and my Dutch is definitely much rustier since moving to Australia... and my tax Dutch was always a little bit hairy!

... but I really wasn't expecting these blue envelopes... I thought that I had properly disconnected us from the Dutch system!

Lingering Dutch Tax Stuff.... .jpg

... and when I opened it... hmm, it wasn't really a proper income tax assessment... but instead, a statement for our worldwide income. Further research led me to understand that they needed to do this because we were still linked to the Dutch welfare system somehow! And that they needed to have this declaration to make adjustments to our payments... which are zero.

So, hopping onto the Toeslagen website (the welfare site...), and it appears that I had stopped everything... but the Kindgebonden payment (at zero...) was still active. This is the payment that all families get to help with the costs of having kids. Easy enough... I will stop it through the website...

... or not.

So, first option... do you want to stop the Kindgebonden... Yes.

Are you stopping it because you earn too much? No... I'm stopping it because I don't live in the Netherlands...

Are you stopping it because you have too much in assets? Again, no... same reason.

Result... you can't stop the subsidie, you have to contact the Belastingdienst by phone. Sigh...

... well, hacking government forms is now a required life skill.

So, restart... but change the answers to Yes!

... nope... you can't stop the subsidie because you might miss out on money. But I don't want the money... especially if I have to fill out paper forms and then post them (at my own cost...) back to the Netherlands!

Sigh, I guess that means I have to call the other homeland... half an hour on the phone, and it was stopped. BUT, due to the lag time of the subsidies and the assessments, we will need to do this form... AND next year. AND then... it should be stopped... unless there is something else that I overlooked that is still triggering the form request!

ARRRHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGGH!!!!!! I don't even want the money.....

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oh annoying! Recently we received a letter that they wanted to pay back 2 euros. I received a letter for that. Then a week later, I received another letter that they will pay me back 2 euros and that I will receive a form for that. I wonder why this has to be done in three steps. All that waste of paper shipped to another country. I'm not even going to fill it in, it's way too much work for 2 euros they can keep it!

The second year when we were out of the country, we tried to get me a new passport, and the Dutch gov blocked it! Because of an open debt (caused by a gov department not fulfilling their duty to help us) and I had to jump through hoops and pay a lot of money before they allowed my passport to be approved.

Thankfully for you, it's not that you owe them anything but I find navigating all these systems quite annoying, Hungarian being the worst lol. Due to language and the departments self sending you back and forward, which is such a waste of time.

Hopefully, you will be soon done with it!

Ahahaha... I have had that run around as well! Although, it was for about 2000 euros... so that was a little bit less funny!

Oh, I didn't know that you were Dutch as well! I will have to deal with the passport headache in a few years when they start expiring... I'm hoping that it will be straight-forward... but it seems like there is always some little thing that is overlooked that causes headaches!

For 2k, I would have gone through the hassle lol.

The passport hassle was a hassle back then because there was a debt and it was blocked. Normally, I understand the situation as many people run off with student debts and they have the right to block your passport for it, but in our case, the situation was very different and even caused by a gov department. The whole situation of starting over with nothing was challenging without this crap. Thankfully, we managed to get it sorted but still it's left a mark!

In Budapest, a new passport was a 20 minute tram ride away and without any thing blocking the application quite easily fixed, here in Spain it means we have to travel to Madrid and it costs a big sum of money to do so. I oversaw my daughter's passport being expired and had to spend months (for real!) to first get an appointment before I could find a flight and hotel.

I don't know if it's easy where you live now, but hoping for you you don't have to cross the country for it!

Oh yes, for 2k definitely worth it!

I'm in Australia, and I think it should be easy enough via the consulate as long as we don't forget to do it! Famous last words...

Let me check for you a little too. But if you got a toeslag in 2023 you might not be entitled anymore.

Normally you cannot stop it yourself (upfront) but if you insist you can do it by phone for the reasons in the link above.

Abroad you can only continue it when you are getting AOW or alike.

So it should stop when they know you are emigrated. This is for the period in 2023. A check afterwards for the income check...

Geen toeslagen sinds 2022 denk ik, maar niet helemaal afgemeld.

We haven't received anything (that we know of...), but we were able to remove it after calling the Belastingdienst.

What happens if you just don't fill out the forms? Do they send assassins in the night?

Probably nothing, and seeing as we expect zero from the Dutch government, it won't really matter. But, I have had friends run into annoyances at the airport for things that they have thought were inconsequential...

Here in the United States, we just going to End Federal Income Tax... This means, "No more Tax Write-Offs... Prosperity, full speed ahead...

I'm not sure how the US tax system works... but good luck!

I can sure tell, you know where the value of Silver is heading...