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RE: Lingering Dutch Tax Stuff....

in #netherlands7 months ago

For 2k, I would have gone through the hassle lol.

The passport hassle was a hassle back then because there was a debt and it was blocked. Normally, I understand the situation as many people run off with student debts and they have the right to block your passport for it, but in our case, the situation was very different and even caused by a gov department. The whole situation of starting over with nothing was challenging without this crap. Thankfully, we managed to get it sorted but still it's left a mark!

In Budapest, a new passport was a 20 minute tram ride away and without any thing blocking the application quite easily fixed, here in Spain it means we have to travel to Madrid and it costs a big sum of money to do so. I oversaw my daughter's passport being expired and had to spend months (for real!) to first get an appointment before I could find a flight and hotel.

I don't know if it's easy where you live now, but hoping for you you don't have to cross the country for it!


Oh yes, for 2k definitely worth it!

I'm in Australia, and I think it should be easy enough via the consulate as long as we don't forget to do it! Famous last words...