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RE: My life got flipped turned upsidedown

in #new8 years ago

Sorry for your loss. Cliche as that may sound, my family has lost a lot of people in the last 10 years, including 3 grandparents and my dad so... been there!

Still amazes me how people expect people to" just get over it" when someone they love is gone. Kind of hard not to notice the hole in your life! Especially for those who loose a spouse! But people will be all shocked if years later, the other spouse still feels the loss terribly. I just think to myself, "Um... they didn't loose a dog. They lost their SPOUSE."

Loosing a parent or grandparent is bad enough, though!

Hope you find some positive ways to cope. It's never going to be the same, but life goes on. We just have to try to make the best of what we have left.