Say 'Hello' to The Newbie!

in #new8 years ago


Hello, Steemit!

So, I've been reading posts on Steemit for a couple of weeks now and I feel like I'm finally ready to dive into this platform and see if this is the right place for me to upload my content. I really love the diversity and depth of the topics discussed on this site, so naturally I will try to make my posts about a lot of different things and I will post a lot about daily life in one of the most beautiful regions of Mexico.

Little bit of Baileys on my terrace.

I live by a REALLY big lake.

The view to the mountain ain't bad either.

The lake is so big it has an island in it.

A Little Bit About Me

I am 30 years old and I was born in Mexico City. As a teenager I lived in the United States up until I finished college, then I moved back to Mexico. I am completely fluent in Spanish, as well as English. I have worked as an English teacher for about 7 years, teaching children and also adults. Now, I mostly freelance as a translator and do other odd jobs from home. Yay, internet!

I'm outdoorsy in that I love drinking outdoors.

My Philosophy on Life

I am an extremely liberal, open minded person. I respect people from all walks of life, whether it be a transsexual prostitute or a church pastor, I openly and actively listen to all points of view, and find it extremely important to consider others' opinions, while avoiding making moral judgments on people. I have studied philosophy and theology at length, and could probably argue in favor of many theories. However, I don't do much arguing these days, as life has taught me to concern myself with my own enlightenment, do as much as I can to do good for others no matter what, be safe, be quiet, be wise. I hope that my posts are more of an anecdotal nature, and not as much as de-facto statements about what people should or shouldn't do. I'm not an expert on anything, I just want to interact and experience life.

Do you believe in magic?

What I Want to Accomplish on Steemit

Previously, I mentioned I work as a freelance translator. Freelancing has given me the opportunity to live at such a comfortable pace by being able to manage my own schedule, as well as saving me from having to commute to any physical place, thus avoiding office-rat hell. So yes, to be completely honest, I am committed to producing quality content for Steemit users in order to continue to work from home and be able to pay ma billz.
I’m extremely excited to participate in this particular platform, as it seems the users are highly educated as well as engaged participants, and it excites me very much to think about sharing with you, getting your feedback, and, of course, making friends!!!

I'll probably talk a lot about food.

I’d like your advice, please!

Any advice you wanna give this clueless rookie would be so very greatly appreciated.
What are some things that can help a person be successful on Steemit?
What kind of content do you find most entertaining or enriching?
What are the 'must-knows' about Steemit and the Steemit community?


THANK YOU GUYS so much I hope you have an amazing day today and I will
be posting on here daily so don't forget to follow and keep checking
in on my posts.
Let me know if you would like me to follow you as well.
If you liked this post, please upvote! ❤

About Me


Mexican author residing in the Pacific area of Mexico.
Thinker, traveler, dreamer, teacher, comet.
«He sido un hombre afortunado en la vida: nada me fue fácil» Sigmund Freud


Hey @rawni great first post, I look forward to seeing future posts from you. For most people like myself here on @steemit it's not about paying the bills it is more about producing good quality content for others and maybe one day you'll get noticed and strike gold. However, don't expect to make real money here for a few months. when you do start making real money on steemit odds are you have worked very hard and have totally earned it through all your previous posts. Welcome and good luck!

Thanks William! You're right, first I have to focus on working hard. Thanks for the awesome tips! Cheers!

Hey @rawni, great to see you posting on here. Welcome to Steemit.

Thank you for everything!!!

Thanks for thoroughly verifying (see video below) and welcome to Steemit!

I confirm that @rawni is who she says she is.

I'd still like to see something more than a confirmation from one person.

What would that be besides tweeting from another account?

Edit: Confirmed with video

Sorry I don't have a personal account to verify from :( I will be uploading video tomorrow so you guys know it's really me.

Why not today? I'm sorry if it feels like an interrogation but identity thieves like to stall in hopes of getting a payout.

Here you go

Hey thank you and sorry for the trouble. Identity theft is an issue here sometimes. And thanks for the shoutout :)

No problem :)

I am an American living in Chile. I would love to hear more about your freelance translating. And keep the pics coming. Que tengas una buena noche!Great first post. I wish I had started out with first post as good as this. Maybe the only thing is you should put the tag #introduceyourself, I am just saying maybe. I am no expert.

Thank you @gringalicious! I will definitely be expanding more on my experience as a translator. Que tengas una buena noche tú también!

Welcome!! <3 May you find what you are looking for, and more!!!!

Thank you so much @robyneggs

A Mexican world gypsy! WELCOME!!

Haha, something like that! Thank you so much :)

Welcome to Steemit:)

Thank you so much @thecryptofiend

Amazing photography welcome to the platform ! I hope to see more posts from everybody !

I am so glad you enjoyed my pics! Looking forward to publishing many more.

Great intro post, good luck! Follow and upvote :)