
The raccoon. Your entry is accepted my friend. You know what I like about the raccoon? It's my favorite thing. It's that I think he looks like he has a robbers mask on. Or maybe like he looks like Zorro. Do you know who Zoro is? In any case, looks like you're pretty new here. Are you making your way around okay? Or do you have anything you need help with? I would be more than glad to help you find answers. Also I do games like these every Monday Wednesday and Friday. And just like this one they are easy to play and quick. And also like this one, if you play, you will win. 😁😁😁🎊🎉 So anyway stop by anytime. And if you have any other friends that are new around here bring them by too. I just so happen to love company. Hopefully I'll be seeing you around here more often. As a matter of fact if somebody stops by here on my blog site from tells me that @andre25 sent them here, I'll give you a little finder's reward. Seriously, just have them stop by and comment on any post and say that you sent them there, and I'll reward you for helping me find new people to be able to help. See the bottom line is, I do these games for you guys. I've only been here for about a month myself. And what I found out was it's not easy when you're a little tiny fish in a big huge ocean. And that I found when you swim in a school with other little fish you're more likely to be noticed. And it makes you feel better about yourself. So if you wish, stick around, and bring some new friends and we can all swim through this ocean called steemit together. I send you all of my love until we meet again brother. And may our creator bless you and all of yours.