in #newbiegames7 years ago (edited)


Below are six panels with animals on them. One of these animals don't belong.

All you have to do is pick the animal that doesn't belong.


No need to upvote, resteem, or follow!!!

Do so only if you wish to support or you enjoy what I do.

Just comment below which animal do think doesn't belong.



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I’d say the squirrel doesn’t belong because it is the only one of the six with an even number of letters in its name.

That is a different way to look at it than anybody else has. So you are a very unique thinker. I would say whether or not you were right, that you went just for that. So be proud of yourself, for thinking outside of the box. I really hope you have a great day. And an awesome weekend. Until we meet again I send you and all of yours all of my love. And I asked that our creator bless yous.

I like to try to think outside the box :)

I think its the raccoon :)

That sounds like a good guess. Thanks for playing the game. I appreciate your time. I hope that you'll Claymore games I have here and stick around for the ones I released in the future. And by the way your entry is definitely accepted. I hope you have a great day and a wonderful weekend. Sending you and yours all of my love. And may our creator bless yous.

Thank you :) God bless to you.

I have to go with No. 4. Sloths are by far my animal! That's my reasoning for picking! hehe

Your animal? By that do you mean your favorite animal, or the animal that best describes you? Or maybe something else? In any case I appreciate you stopping by and playing the game. And your entry is definitely accepted. I hope you have a great day and then I'll see you around. Sending you all of my love until we cross paths again. And may our creator bless you and all of yours.

Haha! Favorite! I don't think a sloth would describe me well. hehe

I pick the Panda number 5 as it loves bamboo but not necessarily trees... Bamboo is a type of grass unless I'm horribly wrong

Well, I'd say that's a good guess. Your entry is accepted. I would also say that I just learned something new. bamboo is a grass. That's just crazy to think about. Can you imagine if that's the type of grass everybody's yard had in it and trying to move that stuff? 😁 My good friend you have a good day. And if you have any questions let me know. It's so good to help one another. Sending you all of my love until we meet again.


Sounds good to me. Your entry is accepted. I see you're about to hit the big four-oh. Reputations going up! That's good to see. Won't be long and you'll be up there with the rest of the whales. I hope you have a great day. And I'll talk to you later. Sending you all of my love.

Thank you! I appreciate your encouragement greatly. Yes, talk to you later! Hope you're having a happy spring so far :)

  1. Squirrel

As always, that sounds like a great answer. Your entry is accepted. How have you been my friend? Making your way around here pretty good? Is there anything you need help with? I hope today was a good day for you. And I will see you around. Sending you all of my love until we meet again.

Upvoted. What does the fox say about all of this haha? Great contest. What, no foxes? Oh, ok. Ummmmm. I'm going with Kung Fu Panda as ninjas are my best friends maybe more than dogs & Yoshi hehe. Thanks for the contests you do for everybody. I love video games.

Screenshot at 2017-03-15 16_20_59.png


Haha yes. May the power protect you.

Number 6 😀 I don't have idea what I am playing, but I like . Thank you for your initiative (I'm sorry my Englis is not good)

You are doing good. Your English is good. Your entry is accepted. Are you from Thailand? I hope you have a great day. Sending you and all of yours all of my love. And may our Creator bless yous.

Oh! Thank you for your beautiful words. No, I am not from Thailand 😀. It's fun, almost all people think that. I am from Venezuela. A lot of hugs for you.

Well, now I love Venezuela!😍😘

Me too I love venezuelan hihihihi hugs >3

Raccoon Great contest idea!

Raccoon, may I ask why? And of course your entry is accepted. I hope that your able to have played some of my other games too. If not, I'll let you know I put out new games every Monday Wednesday and Friday. They're just like this one. Quick and easy. And of course if you play you will win. It helps everybody be able to meet people and have a good time. Plus it enables me to meet new people and offer my support to them. All the while it gives everybody an opportunity to hurt a little bit of money while we do it. So hopefully I'll see you around some more. Until then I send all of my love to you and yours. And may our creator bless yous.

Really no reason except I have one living out back. I have raccoon on my mind.
You always have such kind words. I will have to pop in more often.

Raccoon it is. Sounds like a good guess to me. Your entry is accepted. And yes, please do stop by more often. I enjoy your company. I hope you had a great day today.😀

back atcha! And hope your tomorrow is even better

Saludos, escojo el numero 5. panda. Espero salir airoso en este juego, ja, ja, ja. Creo que le agarre la onda, por eso escogí ese.

I'm not very good with Spanish. If this is Spanish. But I think you're saying number five. Regardless I think that that's a good guess. If you can, get back to me in English and we will talk. I hope that you have a great day and thanks for playing my game. All of my love for you and all of yours. And may our creator bless yous.

Spanish to English translation straight from from a Spanish speaker (me): "Greetings, I chose number 5. Panda. I hope to be fortunate in this game, hahaha. I think I get it, that's why I chose that one"

I also would like to add my own answer as well which, incidentally, is also the panda 🐼
I think this is because it is the only animal that is not arboreal (does not live up in the tree). That term comes from the Spanish word for tree : árbol.

Thank you so much for translating. I truly appreciate that. And your entry is accepted. I know below you said that the contest is over but it isn't. It ends in 2 days. Some of my other contest have ended but not this one. So like I said this entry is accepted and I wish you the best of luck. I don't think I've seen you around here, so if you don't mind me asking how did you find my place? I have a new game coming out in just a little bit tonight if you're interested in playing. It is a very simple one. And once again if you play you will win. Just like your entry here guarantees you a win also. You are not too late. I am sorry that it took me so long to get back, but I've been busy and somehow I overlooked you. I apologize. hopefully you can forgive me and I will still see you around. And if so until we meet again I send you and all of yours all of my love. And may our creator bless yous.

I just looked and saw what happened, you responded to another person, and not to me. So you never showed up in my notification. In the future if you use the reply button directly under the post that I make then I will definitely know that you replied and I will get back with you. Sorry again for the misunderstanding. I truly feel bad for it.

I was wondering about that but I wanted my translation to be right under the original comment.. I guess now I know. I saw the game because someone resteemed it, I think it was newbie games something or other. Thank you for getting back to me!

My translation: "Greetings, I choose number 5. Panda. I hope to come out fortunate in this game, hahaha. I think I get it, that's why I chose that one. "

I speak Spanish. It was my first language. I like steemit and I like this game. The simplicity really drew me in. I also like that you engage with every participant. I will have to give you a follow (and an upvote) and see more of your games.
I would also like to add my answer to the game which, incidentally, is also the panda 🐼
I think so because it is the only animal that is not arboreal (living up in the trees [ árbol is the Spanish word for tree])

EDIT: I just noticed this contest is over, was I right? I guess there's no prize either way :(

#6 looks a bit edited

Well hello sir. I hope that you are having a good day. I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure but I haven't saw you around here before. I hope that you enjoyed the game either way. And hopefully you'll stick around for some more. Just so that you'll know, I do then Monday Wednesday and Friday. They're all like this one, easy and quick, and if you play you will win. I do this to help everybody out. But especially all of the new people that we have here. I try to give them a safe fun place to hang out and meet people. And an opportunity to learn something. Then while they're doing all of that they also get to win money. We're all a bunch of small fish and this really big ocean. When we swim together in a school it is better. So I don't know where you're at on your steemit Adventure, but should you have any questions, I would be more than glad to try to help. I hope that you have a great day. Sending you all of my love until we meet again. And may our creator bless you and yours.

My answer number 1.Raccoon

Raccoon. Your entry is accepted. Where do you live? And do you have raccoons there? I have them where I live at. I find them to be funny animals. They are always so curious. I get into trouble a lot. They kind of remind me of small bears. They are very curious about what humans do. That cracks me up. I hope you have a great day. And that you'll stop by to play some more games again. 😀

Yes,I ever saw a raccoon.I live in indonesia expecially aceh.in my village raccoon is wild animal,nobody to have it,because he always steal chicken from homes to be his meal and he also has sharp teeth.so nobody to have it.

I would stay away from them too. I only watch them on T.V.😀

Yeah..but it's often hanging around my village.

The racoon

The raccoon. Your entry is accepted my friend. You know what I like about the raccoon? It's my favorite thing. It's that I think he looks like he has a robbers mask on. Or maybe like he looks like Zorro. Do you know who Zoro is? In any case, looks like you're pretty new here. Are you making your way around okay? Or do you have anything you need help with? I would be more than glad to help you find answers. Also I do games like these every Monday Wednesday and Friday. And just like this one they are easy to play and quick. And also like this one, if you play, you will win. 😁😁😁🎊🎉 So anyway stop by anytime. And if you have any other friends that are new around here bring them by too. I just so happen to love company. Hopefully I'll be seeing you around here more often. As a matter of fact if somebody stops by here on my blog site from tells me that @andre25 sent them here, I'll give you a little finder's reward. Seriously, just have them stop by and comment on any post and say that you sent them there, and I'll reward you for helping me find new people to be able to help. See the bottom line is, I do these games for you guys. I've only been here for about a month myself. And what I found out was it's not easy when you're a little tiny fish in a big huge ocean. And that I found when you swim in a school with other little fish you're more likely to be noticed. And it makes you feel better about yourself. So if you wish, stick around, and bring some new friends and we can all swim through this ocean called steemit together. I send you all of my love until we meet again brother. And may our creator bless you and all of yours.

Hmm? I think it's number 5. HAHA :D :D

The cute Kung Fu Panda huh? Well that sounds like a good guess to me. Thank you so much for stopping by. And also for playing the game. But mostly thank you for stopping by so regularly in I continued show support! For this I am truly grateful. Try to remember, then if you see any new friends to steemit, send them my way and let them play the games too, if you're comfortable with that. Thank you again for all that you're doing. And I hope you have a great day. May our creator bless you and all of yours.

Oh yeah, i sure will. :) i'll lead them here. :D Yeah, i always visit your posts everyday. Haha. And sometimes, i see them in my feed. :) Have a great day to you too. :)

Thank you so much my dear friend. 🙏

My guess is #2 squirrel.

Hello there sir. Squirrel it is. Your entry is accepted. It's really an honor to see you here. I appreciate you coming by and playing the game. I know which is much as you do here in this community alone, let alone outside of here, you must be extremely busy. So I will try not to hold you up too long. I just hope that today found you and your loved ones as well. Is it okay if I ask what time zone you're in? You seem like a person who enjoys your privacy so I won't ask anything beyond that. And I will also understand completely if you don't wish to even give out that information. I'm sure I will talk to you soon and until then I send you and yours all of my love.

Sorry missed this I'm in EST time zone.

It's okay. I appreciate the try. If you do want to play another game though I still have a couple that are open. And since tomorrow is Monday I will be releasing another one then. It feels weird seeing you here. This is not meant to be mean I promise. I just feel like you're kind of a celebrity, so for you to be here at my place it's just crazy to me. 😁

number 5.....PANDA

They're so cute aren't they? I would say out of the pictures the panda bear and the koala are the ones I think that are the cutest. What do you think? Of course it would be neat to have a sloth. I currently have a dog, a Doberman, he likes to try to run off every time she gets a chance. She just so happens to love to chase anything that moves. At least with a sloth I wouldn't have to worry about it running away. 😁 My friend I hope you have a great day. And that I'll see you around. Sending you all of my love until we see each other again. And may our Creator bless you and yours.

Number 6

Ol' Chicken burger. I have to say, you're looking buff these days. What type of workout regimen are you on? Or is that even your real picture? Just playing friend. 😁 Thank you for playing and your entry is accepted. I hope that you had a great day today. Do you know anything about mining cryptocurrencies? I'm about to begin a new adventure into it. And I am just looking for a little insight. Anyway see you later. All of my love to you and all of yours.

lol it looks like me a little but I'm no Picasso, its hard to draw yourself.
No problem , Thanks for sharing the games.

I don't know much about animals. However, I have to go for the squirrel. All are tree dwellers (not sure about the raccoon) but not all eat nuts (not sure about this too lol!).

The raccoon is a tree dweller. It makes its home inside of hollow trees. Their home is called a den. And also, they eat fish, crayfish, bugs, berries, some nuts, and we'll even scavenge for other food such as humans trash and dead animals. Thanks for stopping by and playing my good friend, and your entry as always is accepted. Today was a very good day for me. I was able to earn quite a bit of money. (Quite a bit at least for me. 50 US dollars) I had to work hard for it though. I had to crawl around underneath of a house and it was flooded under there. And it's also only about 50F(10C) degrees here. So it was a fun work, but at least I got paid. How was your day today? And what kind of work do you do? My good friend I must move on and so I will talk to you soon. Sending all my love to you and all of yours.

This goes to show how little I know about animals. Thanks for letting me know. Knowledge gained again today. USD 50? Wow! That's a lot. Is that just for today? I have to earn that for at least 2-3 days from my online work and not from steeming. I only earn FUN here lol!

That's the inside of my refrigerator already. We get that kind of temperature in the highest peaks in our city during the cold months from late November to February. We still had 12C sometime in March which is unusual because by late February or early March it's supposed to be summertime then the wet season after. However, it seems summer is skipping us because we are experiencing rain every afternoon. I don't know if I have mentioned all this already.

Yes that's just for one day. But it's really not that much money for here in America. I have to make at least $1,200 a month to pay all of my bills. And that is with me living a very simple life. I have a very small house a very old car and kids that love to eat everything that I buy. What do you do for your online stuff to make money? Do you work for a company or for yourself? And I'll tell you what our weather has been off too. Weird Winters crazy Summers. We just had snow the other day which is very unusual for this time of year here. I know you had mentioned all of the stuff already before so it's very interesting to hear. Oh and I saw that you decided to follow me. I've said this about a few other people who have decided to follow me, and I will say it for you also, this is an amazing honor to me. I look up to you and you inspire me. You're kind of like a role model. so for you to follow me truly means a lot and I really appreciate it. I hope that you had a good day today my dear friend. And I will talk to you later I promise. All of my love to you and all of yours.

That's a lot. USD 1 to Philippine peso is 52 this moment. So that is around PHP 65,000. That is enough for 2-3 months of simple living here.

I work as medical transcriptionist through a broker. All I do is encode all day.

About the follow thing, I tend to forget that a lot. I don't know what's wrong with me haha! I guess I am focused more on what is posted and that's where my attention goes. I followed a few people during my start here but now they are inactive. I thought that since I interact with almost the same people anyway that I forgot about following. I am following more people now and will continue to do so.

First 3 animals are cat like and last 3 are bear like. Raccoons are like Fox Cats. Maybe in the cat family. Squirrels and possums might be in the mice rodent family. Possums are also a cross between mice and raccoons. Sloths are like Possum Monkeys. Pandas and Koala Bears are bears. But Pandas are like Polar Bear Cats lost in Asia. Koalas must be the inspiration behind those cute teddy bear alien animals in Star Wars Return of the Jedi. All six of these animals appear to be mammals. Maybe they all nurse their babies with milk. None of them lay eggs, right? They all have 4 limbs of arms and legs. All of them have fur & 2 eyes, 2 ears, one nose, one mouth, all the main body parts are there but just designed differently for each animal type. Like Michael Jackson & cows, the Panda is Black & White. Hehe. The possum family have pink noses unlike the others.

Raccoons climb trees less than the other five animals, I am guessing.

Brother, you make me loose it!!! I love the way you think. Your thought process as you go through them cracked me up. Your entry is definitely accepted. After the long day I've had today, it's so good to hear from you. Thank you so much for stopping by it especially for that comment. you actually had me laughing, for real laughing. You really just made my day. Thank you so much. Sending you all my love brother.

He really is a funny one, that guy. :D Mind you, he LIKES girls a lot. Don't you @joeyarnoldvn lol! He seems to be chick magnet in Vietnam :D

I bet. He reminds me of a Vietnamese Austin Powers. 😂😂😂 Do you know who Austin Powers is? From the movie? He was definitely a ladies man. If you don't know who Austin Powers is, you should look it up online, and I think you'll see what I mean.

You are on point. He is indeed the Vietnamese version. You should be proud @joeyarnoldvn :D


Hey, it's good to see you around. How have you been? Oh and your entry is accepted. I hope that you're having a wonderful day. How is your brother and the rest of your family doing? And can I ask if there's a reason that you picked number two? In any case, I'll be seeing you around.

This is a tricky one. At first I thought the Koala because it's a marsupial. Then I remembered that Pandas give birth to tiny young, but I don't think it's in a pouch. But wait... Possums are marsupials. So that isn't it. So let's try something else... back to the Koala; it's the ONLY one of the six whose habitat is entirely in the southern hemisphere. That IS a fact. But then there's the Sloth — it's the only one in the group that has just three toes. Veeery tricky.

I'm going to go with the Koala, but that's an intuitive flyer, more than anything.


You really put a lot of thought into this one haven't you? Your entries definitely accepted thanks so much for stopping by playing the game. I hope you enjoyed it. And I'm sure I'll be seeing you

Number 3

I guess that answers my question I asked just a minute ago. So you have played my games. I appreciate that. And I thank you for stopping by. I am having to get back to work so I will have to talk later. I hope you have a great day. And your entry is definitely accepted!

Picking the sloth as he is the only one hanging upside down!

Yes he is. Your entry is accepted. And thank you so much for playing. It's good to see you stop by again. Was your day good today? Mine was awesome. I was able to make money for my family. So that's always a win. Do you have a job? And if so what do you do for a living? I'm sure I'll be seeing you around so until then I send you and all of yours all my love.

John, I appreciate the fun of the contests. My wife and I live in the Philippines. It is usually 12 hours ahead of most places in the states. So it is Friday morning here.
I was born in Jersey, lived most of my life in Virginia. My background is engineering, but my wife and I have been in the Philippines now for almost 4 years and plan on staying.
We are missionaries without a missions organization. Living by faith! We farm, raise chickens and have fruit trees and gardens to provide food for the household and we give away the rest.
I was told when we came here, that the people who originally sent us and promised support would forget us. I couldn’t believe it to be true, but sadly it is.
But God sends us new and better friends along the way.
We have children’s Ministries. We teach them about Jesus, feed and clothe those who need it. Jail, drug addicts and many more outreaches.
I love what we do and truly love the people of the Philippines.
Thanks for asking!
God bless!
Daddy William
My wife, our son and I.

what a beautiful family! Do you mind if I ask your wife and sons names? And how long have you been married? Hearing your reply makes me so happy that I asked the question. You just became one of my new Heroes. People who live their lives off of faith and love for other people are the most awesome people in the world. What was the toughest thing to adjust to after moving? And also, other than your ministry which must be give you the greatest joy in the world, what is your favorite thing down there? And thank you for doing our creators work down here on our precious Earth. I hope to see you around even more. And may our Creator continue to bless you and yours.

My wife’s name is Ronafe and my son is Roque. We are actually in the process of adopting him. We got him when he was 15 months old. He will be 5 in August. He is my joy! Teaching me of the love of a father and the love of a son. My wife is from this area. We live in one of the most dangerous areas of the Philippines. But this is where God sent us, so I am Ok with that.
Two things I would always give to anyone is a meal or a bible. Just in this region called Misamis Occidental, I found out there are 70,000 families with not one bible in their home. So one thing I am believing God for 70,000 bibles. In 4 years we have already given away 7,000 bibles, so we ate 10% of the way.
So other than ministry my enjoyment is my family here and a few friend I met since we have been here.
God bless!

You are a very positive person. And I know that comes from the Creator. I think it's awesome that you maintain such a high level of happiness. And thank you for doing such great work there. I'm sure I'll be seeing you around more. Have a great day and I send you and all of yours all of my love.

Thank you! Gotta love a man that is not afraid to express some love!
God bless!

@johndoer123 i choose the squirrel because it is mostly a land animal even takes refuge in cracks and holes which makes it not to belong
Stay Blessed
Steemians at Heart

Thank you for taking time to play the game with me. I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you enjoyed it. Your entry is accepted. And I hope you take some time to play some of my other games. Until we meet again I send yous all of my love.

And I just saw you follow me. Thank you so much for that. It truly means a lot to me. I'm trying to take time to personally thank everybody who follows me as they do. Because I believe that every person matters. I hope you've been enjoying my games. And I hope you stick around to keep playing them. I also noticed it looks like you're pretty. I'm pretty new myself. If you have any questions feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer them.

Definitely no. 1 racoooon! They're cute but they're naughty.. Heheh

Oh yes, they're horribly naughty. Thank you for stopping by and playing. And your entry is definitely accepted. It's good to see you around so much. I hope that means that you're enjoying it. Thank you so much for being a regular here. Sending you all my love and I'm asking that our creator bless yous.

I might miss a day or two, yes, you're right, I certainly njoy being around here.. Thank you! Stay blessed.

I’d go with the panda

That sounds like a good guess. It's good as any I've had. Your entry is accepted. And thank you so much for playing. And thanks for everything that you're doing in this community. And also thank you for everything you've done to support me personally. I hope that you have a great day and a good weekend too. Sending you all of my love until we see each other again. And may our creator bless you and yours.

Congratulations you have been upvoted and resteemed as part of the @newbiegames selection of top contests for minnows of the day

To reach more people, try out the #newbieresteemday Discord Chat channel Contest Promotion Box.

We invite everyone to follow our @newbiegames account and use the #newbiegames tag for their next game or contest to connect with more of our members.

@newbiegames is a part of the #newbieresteemday initiative.



I am going to pick number 5, this one is hard. I say that one because I don't think its living environment is the same as the others. I really have no clue about that though, it is all a guess!

Well it's just as good a guess as anybody else's name. Your entry is accepted. It's good to see you stick around. I hope you're enjoying the games. I'm sure I'll see you around more then. So until then I send you and all of yours all of my love.

In interested to see the answer to this one and why one is different. Although, it is probably obvious! Your games are always so fun and creative.

I choose number 4. Sloth ... hehehe because they are slow. I don't really know what's the right answer Mr. John. Thanks for the initiative. Almost 1month i wasn't able to log in here. GOD BLESS to your whole family!

Yes my dear friend, I would say that sounds like a good guess. Is accepted. Thanks so much we're so much support from you. It really helps to keep me strong and inspired. Thank you again and I'm sure I'll see you around.

Thank you friend! Happy blessed weekend to your whole family! GOD BLESS!

koala, since it's the only pure vegan. All the other animals eat meat or insects sometimes.

That sounds like a reasonable possibility. So I will say that your entry is accepted. And also thank you so much for playing. All of you great people who play my games or the only reason am I able to keep going. So I want you to know I truly appreciate it. I hope that you have a great day. And then I'll see you around here even more. And until we meet again I send you and all of yours all of my love. And I asked that our creator bless yous.

2 Squirrel

Well hello. And thank you for your guess. Sounds like a pretty good one to me. Are you new around here? I don't believe I've seen you before. If so, welcome to my humble abode. I hope you like it here. And that you get time to play some of my other games I have here. They're all quick and easy. And if you participate you will win. What is your favorite thing about steemit so far? Do you have family? Such as a husband or kids or siblings? In any case I hope you have a wonderful day and that your weekend is going well. Sending you and all of yours all my love until we meet again. And may our Creator bless yous.

Hi, yes I am new here. I have been posting every single day since I joined. That is how it works, right? I am glad to be able to play a contest such as this one every now and again. My favorite thing about Steemit would have to be the fact that I am going to be rewarded and paid for all this hard work I do here all day eventually and with determination I will succeed at it. I'm married and my kids are grown with kids of their own. I sit here on Steemit because I CAN. I do have my grandkids and kids over some and have to stop myself though.
Thank you for such a warm welcome!


No clue! haha

  • I was thinking 3 of them are marsupials.
  • I had a nightmare about giant sloths when I was a kid. 😬
    • I'm going with the #1 the raccoon!
      Because Daniel Boone only wore a coonskin cap.
      ... never a squirrel cap
      or opossum cap
      or sloth cap
      or panda cap
      or koala cap.
      • BUT he did wear a coonskin cap,
        so I'm going with that!

Brother I'm so sorry that I overlooked your comment. But being since the middle of the night where I'm at and I'm working up the reveal for this game. I could really use a smile, so it kind of works out really well for me. I do sincerely apologize for missing your comment. And I hope you can forgive me. 😞I promise this is not normally me. Your entry is definitely accepted though. And I have to agree with you Daniel Boone only did everywhere a raccoon cap. Hopefully I'll be seeing you around play more of my games. And I promise I'll respond to you. I hope you have a good day. And I send you and all yours all my love. And I asked that our creator bless yous.

Not a problem at all. Actually, I had forgot about it...

  • Looks like you enjoy fun stuff, as do I, 😎 so our paths will keep crossing.

On my guess it was squirrel is not belong to the 5 others? It is only a guessing. thinking that this squirrel has the long ears to others ( LoL) :) :) :P

Im just only guessing to number 5..:-) :-)

Well that's a good deal then, because all I ask is that you guess. Your entry is accepted. And it's good to see you at this game also. I really appreciate you taking time out of your day for me and my games. It really does mean a lot to me. I hope you are finding them enjoyable and fun. And hopefully I will continue to see you around here forever. ☺

2 because the squirrel is the only one not in a tree. It's standing on a stick or log.

Thanks for stopping by this game, and that sounds like a good guess. You're entry is accepted.